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Looking for a tribe on The Island: Primitive plus on Xbox One

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Hi! I want to explore to new world of Primitive plus! I have been playing ark since last year and was tired of people with assault rifles and rockets wiping me for no reason. I tried an official server and it was slightly boosted because of the Evolution Event with 2.5 everything.  Even there are people who will wipe a solo player with their tribe. If you have a tribe of at least 3 or so players and are looking to expand, or you are a solo player wishing to be in contact me and we can rule the ark :). Also, I have started building on an official server for primitive plus, i was raided but i have my house and some belongings still with me so I am going to try to get tat up and running again.

If you want to message me on Xbox One, my gamer tag is TRIPx Life1

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