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About DuncanMacleod08

  • Birthday 08/08/1988

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  1. I just want them to tlc pass their water dinos already and add more to water to diversify oceans... like huge over looked portion in this game... Do more with your water Wc.
  2. Appearntly there a no qol improvements ? jking but man really wish they would post a compiled list of qol they are looking at working on and getting added to game.... Also whatever happened to making stuff look like stuff you drop instead of the brown package...
  3. Honestly carnos uaed to be my favorite dinos at one point in legacy days before giant dino stat nerf patch.. Now only pt in having them was for eggs but since kibble change patch now no pt in them... Def needs a tlc and almost every aspect of water needs a tlc badly like last thought on devs mind is to add more to water side of things on game...
  4. I agree been pve xbox player since game was on the game preview list every patch they do for pvp balances has fed up pve its not a hard ask to seperate pve ruleset and balances from the pvpside of game quetz plat and plants flyers move speed ect all were huge f yous to your pve community as all we do on pve is tame breed stuff and build suppose to be relaxed and chill but we always got to worry way it is right now whats next thing pvp will screw for the rest of us non pvp players which is unfair to a good portion of your player base
  5. I agree this should be in game but instead of same green light how about a diff color light for tribe mates like cyan beams to differentiate between your corpse and tribe members
  6. @TedyBearOfDeath wc is making a change that will affect the offical servers and most likely will kill them its not like everyone has the money to go buy a second xbox to host a dedicated server.... because most dedicated servers i've tried those player admins go on a power trip eventually ... what wc really needs to do to keep offical servers from becoming lag factories is come up with a better solution then removing lone pillars or foundations and quit giving into the whining those of us who've played daily on an offical server and have land shouldn't be punished cause someone joined on a server late and didn't get in on the land claiming... wait long enough and someones base will go up- they could of lowered timers to let crap go up faster but this is just a bs fix for them to quit hearing about the whining from people without land.. come patch drop when the lone pillars and foundations go on offical everyone without land will be building more then likely on a resource spawn or dino or near someones base ... with enough bases next to each other the damn officals lag thats my point they might of only meant it to be a building support thing but without a land claiming plot thing to go with it that makes it so a tribe cant build in x radius this isn't a fix but creating a bigger problem for a majority of their player-base.
  7. honestly this pillar change will kill the xbox servers we use pillars to keep people from building within a certain radius next to us cause lets face it when we get 3-4 giant base builds next to each other within a certain radius on xbox servers they lag like hell and game becomes nearly unplayable... this change will let ppl build almost on tops of each other cause gates radius is almost non existant using foundations in a line around your base while would work would wind up killing nearby spawns .... this is the least favorite option choice a game dev should do based on my many years as a mmo player changes like this kill games... you could of made a instance cave no one can build near that leads to a valley where tribes can build and have a premission system to allow public players in or allied only and give em build rights ect based on a check box system.... you also could of made a land claim system where x amount is claimed simmilar to eq landmarks flag system..... or implemented a decay system where when in x amount of time x amount of hp is minus off structures placed based on what material is used. which would limit how big one tribe could build because they would of had to keep it all repaired... theres lots of things you could of done but nope lets just wipe ever lone pillar and foundation - which sometimes foundations lone ones are placed to kill nearby alpha spawns to peoples main base or killing of a giga spawn in... instead of coming up with a option that works for everyone you choose to give in to the whining of those with no land even though those with the land stayed up for new server launch bid there time lvled up high enough to get to pillars to claim some land... way to slap your playerbase in the face....
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