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  1. 469 down...again...reported...getting really sick of this...
  2. I second this. Haveing a similar issue on another ext server. Jumps up and down depending on the time of day in game for some funky reason.
  3. played on 525 val. Server was crashing several times a day. Decided to leave for an ext server for a bit to see if things improved. Seemed fine until "crash". Went onto battlemetrics to look at server. Found a good looking genesis server. Went over and had fun a few days then "crash". Honestly this issue seems soprt of unavodeble even if you go diligently looking for the most stable servers. Point is im fed up so hence this post, may aswell start looking at something else to pass the time with soon ^^
  4. A look at half the servers constantly crashing right now wouldnt be so bad eather optimistically continuing to file reports for now
  5. The parasaur. For reals? i can think of so many other things in need of some love rather then that
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