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  1. Past hour
  2. I hope they get this figured out.... I am also having this issue.
  3. Same issue! I hope we get a fix before the weekend starts. LowLevelFatalError [File:C:\j\workspace\XSX\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12Util.cpp] [Line: 873] CurrentQueue.Fence.D3DFence->GetCompletedValue() failed at C:\j\workspace\XSX\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12Submission.cpp:939 with error DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED with Reason: DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG Unhandled Exception: 0x00008000 CL: 507236 0x00007ffc7c0253ac KERNELBASE.dll!UnknownFunction [] 0x00007ff62b56f0fe ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x00007ff62b518770 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x00007ff62bb29d56 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x00007ff62bb166ee ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x00007ff62bb07869 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x00007ff62bb165f0 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x00007ff62bb137af ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x00007ff62b5864d6 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x00007ff62b58632c ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x00007ffc7dd0257d KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction [] 0x00007ffc7ec0aa48 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []
  4. Today
  5. im seeing a pattern that people who get these fatal errors are often using kraken's better dinos and paleo expansion
  6. this has been happening to me very often too, and i have a very small list for mods. i have lost at this 4 saves to this fatal error, and my friend has been getting them too when they try to run it. a theory that comes to me is that when u try to mess with the mod list or game settings post creation, it screws with something in the game, but i have not yet proven this
  7. Yesterday
  8. if i could just transfer my self there i would play
  9. Oh okay thanks. I'm on an official sever so i guess everything's default
  10. I've encountered the same issue. The only way to get around it is to play on scorched earth.
  11. the wall maps are really nice and i think at later tiers you could get a 3d table map of all the maps and then maybe a tek 3d hologram map table as well. And If possible they could show peoples/dinos locations on them or something.
  12. I've been having similar issue as you. Crashing as soon as I loaded in. Win 11 game pass. Hope they can get this fixed.
  13. yeah it crashes every time ... worst thing is i paid for game before came on game pass.. whats up wc .. we all want to know.. thank god i have tribe mates to take care of my dinos.... we want to know if this is being fixed and when
  14. Hi all, I am just wondering if anyone knows about a mod that fixes the big hole on flat ground in the brontos tail swing? Harvesting berries and such can be rough on flat ground! Thanks for any info! I have tried looking but the search words I used yielded nothing.
  15. since yesterday i cannot travel. i was on my homeserver the island, traveld to my se base, farmed and grinded 7 hours. then there was a patch with a huge rollback. but i was still on se. i kept farming and grinding and traveld later back to the island. today i logged in on the island and wanted again travel to our se base. i tried to travel to some random server, but no chance. i tried to spawn on scorched earth, but it shows me my uploaded character and i cant download. sure my character is on the island. but im pretty mad. i mean i cant help my mates on scorched. thats one point, but the most reptaring poop is. i cant write a ticket or get some information. i waist so much time just trying and asking other people ! i still have no idea what to do. sorry for saying but this support is rly bad !! does someone have any idea what i can do now ?
  16. He is really too fast, with patching/fixing things, i really like his motivation! Its rare today.
  17. Wondering what people would think if I started a server based on straight rp! Of course there will be boundaries and more. Thoughts?
  18. StudioWildcard

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  20. Hello, Is it possible to open the official server "CrossArk" ? It was a type of server where we were able to transfer on one map of each extention pack... Many thanks if you do this
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