1st Place - Season 1 Teamers
2nd Place - Insert Name Here
3rd Place - Underdogs
4th Place - B4MBI
1st Place - KappaPride
2nd Place - BELIEBERS
Survivor League FAQ
What is Survivor League?
- The Survivor League is a tournament which takes place each month that intends to honor and preserve the top Survival of the Fittest players of said period. At the end of every qualification stage, we will be celebrating the highest-scoring players, which will be visible in real time, by both inviting them to a tournament, which will be broadcasted on twitch.tv/survivetheark, and the winners will be both declared Survivor League for that month, as well as winning cash prizes, they will be archived and forever celebrated.
How long does each Survivor League last?
- Each Survivor League Qualifier will last approximately one calendar month. At the top of this page, there will be a visible clock which will highlight how long is left until the highest rated players are invited to the tournament and the next season begins. This page will also contain a current leaderboard which will display, in real time, the survivors who are currently top of the rankings. Keep in mind, those survivors may not be the ones who make it into the Survivor League Tournament at the end of the session, as they will need to keep their place for when the timer hits zero.
How will the ranking system work?
- Ranks are determined by the amount of score you have in each specific game-mode. When the clock hits zero, the Top Ranking players in each of the 3 game modes, will be declared and invited to the Survivor League. Following this, the new clock will begin ticking for the next Survivor League. Ranks will not be reset after each month, unless mentioned in advance, so it is entirely possible for players to stay on the league for multiple months and participate in tournaments on a consistent basis, however a player’s score may start to decay if a player has not played for over 1 week. Ranks will not be reset after each month has been awarded so it is entirely possible for players to stay on the league for multiple months, however a players score may start to decay if a player has not played for over 1 week.
What are the benefits to becoming a part of the Survivor League?
- There are many benefits to becoming a member of the Survivor League. First of all, players will be invited to a tournament, where the winner in each mode will receive a cash-prize dependant on their placement. The prizes will be distributed as following:
FFA Mode
1st Place: $4000 - 2nd Place: $3000 - 3rd Place: $2000 - 4th Place: $1800 - 5th Place: $1600
6th Place: $1400 - 7th Place: $1200 - 8th Place: $1000 - 9th Place: $900 - 10th Place: $800
2 Player Tribes
Tribe #1 $3500 per member - Tribe #2 $2500 per member - Tribe #3 $1800 per member - Tribe #4 $1650 per member - Tribe #5 $1500 per member
4 Player Tribes
Tribe #1 $3500 per member - Tribe #2 $1800 per member - Tribe #3 $1200 per member
If a tribe does not have the maximum number of players, they will not receive the extra prize-pool. It is recommended that for these Tournaments, you are in a full-sized tribe to ensure that you have the opportunity to win the largest amount of prize available. A three-player tribe will not receive an extra $3500 for placing first.
These prizes will be allocated accordingly to all members of the Survivor League for that month. Survivor League members will also be archived and celebrated throughout the game in the Survivor League Archives and members of this exclusive and honorary league will be invited to upcoming broadcasted Tournaments, so getting into the league is not just a way to win a large amount of money and glory, but also a way to earn even more prizes and glory in the future. We are serious about the Survival of the Fittest becoming a serious competitive e-sports game and with that, want to celebrate players who are dedicated and perform to the highest standard! Disqualification from Survivor League
- Players found guilty of illegal teaming with the intent to manipulate the competitive system will be absolutely permanently banned from Survival of the Fittest. This includes but is not limited to: Survival of the Fittest the game, Survivor League’s Qualification Process, Survivor League Tournament and all future Wildcard Sponsored Tournaments.
We do not tolerate teaming, however we understand that there are certain elements of the game where teaming may occur naturally, or in some cases have no effect due to the skill-level of the game. We will evaluate teaming reports on a case-by-case basis and collect video evidence to prosecute offenders. We will have an in-game report system, as well as in-game monitoring conducted by the Wildcard GM Team. The slate was wiped clean at the end of the first Survivor League, we will not be so lenient going forward. Don’t team, it’s not worth the disqualification!
And in regards to Disqualification, any player found to be exploiting the game by gaining an unfair advantage through the use of unintended mechanics or third party programmes will risk being disqualified from the league. Studio Wildcard holds the authority and discretion to determine what gaining an unfair advantage would be and will step in if necessary. Disqualification from Survivor League may result in, but is not limited to: being permanently banned from ARK Survival of the Fittest, stripped of all Survivor League titles, forfeiture of any unpaid monetary prizes and prohibited from entering or participating any tournament. Sportsmanship
- We understand that in the heat of the competition, emotions can get the best of us. We would like to remind all players to ensure that they have respect for each other during the games, you do not have to enjoy the company of the people you’re playing against, however there is no need to hurl verbal insults or harass members of the community, one which you’re a part of. We would like to make it clear that in future circumstances, players found showing a poor sense of sportsmanship may risk being banned from Survival of the Fittest. This includes but is not limited to: Survival of the Fittest the game, Survivor League’s Qualification Process, Survivor League Tournament and all future Wildcard Sponsored Tournaments.
Changes made to Survivor League
- Studio Wildcard holds the right to make any changes to the terms of participation, the methods of qualification, and the prizes for for Survivor League as they deem necessary. However any such changes will be notified to players in advance and will not have an effect for 30 days with exception to highly critical changes which will be made immediately in the interest of the game.
This does not impact balance or other such changes to the game mode, Survival of The Fittest, only to the terms of the Survivor League and its associated prizes/titles/rewards, etc.