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Plateosaurus (New Boss Dino, with a fiery personality)
Titanosaur07 posted a suggestion in Creature Submissions
Plateosaurus: Introducing Plateosaurus The Ying To Deinonychus’ Yang, Adept Chemist, And The New Boss Fighting Dino With A Fiery Personality I know that not everyone will read this whole submission, so I have listed the summary below, but if you read the summary and are interested feel free to read the rest Disclaimer- I created this dossier before Garuga’s Edmontonia was released, I did not steal ideas or concepts from him, it just happened that we both had similar ideas, if you still don't like it, just ignore the fire burn and explosions. I highly regard and respect Garuga’s work. Also, I apologize for the artwork, art definitely isn't my strong suit. Also I'm sorry for the lack of concepts, I wasn't really prepared for this Submission, so I will definingly be more prepared next vote! Summary The Plateosaurus is a large dinosaur with pretty simple but unique abilities. With a relatively simple taming method the plateosaurus will pave the way from mid game all the way until end game. Working in tandem with the yuty’s roar and deinon’s bleed with its rallying below, sound breaking tail whip, and explosive burning hits. Shedding bosses, turning enemies into allies, and leading raids, the Plateosaurus would be an amazing creature to see on the Ark Dossier- Common Name: Plateosaurus Species: Plateosaurus Trossingensis Time: Late Triassic Diet: Omnivore Temperament: Irritable Wild In my day it was commonly accepted that plateosaurus was an early precursor to later larger sauropods such as the Brachi and Dread. In the wild you will always find a mated pair of plateos either nesting or looking for food. The female rests most of the time as the male will protect her and bring her food. If however a creature gets too close to the pair the male will become irritated and bat it away. But if the animal persists the male will become enraged and begin attacking the intruder. Because of its diet of berries and fish the saliva of the plato is highly flammable which it will take full advantage of by throwing sparks with its flint coated claws that it has developed due to its habit of digging through rocks, igniting the aggressor ablaze. Domesticated To tame one of these behemoths you must first tire out the male and slowly pepper it with darts once it is unconscious causing the female to flee, allowing you to tame the male. Taming the plateo you are gifted with a beast of great size and power. To tame the female you must find a pair and challenge the male to combat with yours, if you can best the wild male you will have tamed the female. With its long whip-like tail, sharp claws, and explosive power the plateo is a force to be reckoned with. Using the air sack under its neck the males can charge up a bellow that works very similarly to the yutys roar, buffing allies and scaring smaller aggressors. A plateo paired with a yutyrannus will have a battle cry rallying all tames and even medium sized enemies to swap teams for a short time to take down the larger threat. How to Tame To tame a plateo you must first find the pair, after enraging the male, he will begin to attack you. But because of his large size he will tire out after a while, when he is in his exhausted state you can shoot him with darts or arrows until he either continues attacking you or falls unconscious. Once the male is unconscious the female will flee and despawn. Feeding it a mixture of prime fish meat and berries will allow you to tame the plateo. Taming the female is straightforward, you first have to find a pair and then approach the female on your male plateo. This will enrage the wild male and you will enter a minigame with the male. Interlocking in combat is a dangerous thing for both parties with error either resulting in a loss or death. If you can best the male he will either limp off to later despawn or be killed in combat. Approaching the female you will do your charged bellow and the female will be claimed. Attacks and Abilities LMB, R1, RT- A bite that inflicts the saliva debuff while looking forward, dealing medium damage, holding down this button will be a spit that inflicts a large amount of the saliva debuff. (Debuff is charged like the rhyneo sap debuff, the more on the bar the more the damage from the fire, great for harvesting narcoberries) Looking either left or right will be a directional claw swipe. RMB, L1, LT- will be a push with its front arms doing 0 damage but large knockback. (claw push on rocks would get equal parts stone and flint, great for making sparkpowder) Holding this button will charge up a braci like forward stomp doing large damage. Looking back and holding the button will charge up a sound breaking tail whip that if landed would do massive damage. (The tail whip will be a little challenging to land but if it does, will stun and ignore armor and resistance, this is supposed to be used on larger heavily armored opponents ex. Golems, reapers, great for enraging gigas) C, R3, RSB- The plato will strike its claws together showering sparks over the target. If the target has the saliva debuff it will catch fire. (depending on how much the saliva debuff is stacked the fire will burn longer for a max of 10 seconds, a full bar will result in a explosion doing large damage, and fire burn. Fire burn will only do 5% damage over 10 seconds, will work on bosses, but not fire based creatures ex. fire wyvern, phoenix or pyromane) Left control, L2, LB- A cosmetic roar. (because it should be a crime that none of the voted in creatures have a cosmetic roar) Holding down this button will charge up a rallying bellow that will buff allies, scare smaller targets and turn medium sized aggressors on your side similar to how yuty’s roar works on wild carnos. (roar should work in tandem with the yuty, with yutys adding damage and resistance the plateos will add 25% movement and attack speed, any enemy less that 200 drag weight will be scared off, while enemies 200 to 500 will be turned on your side for a short time. could be used in either raids or boss fights, turning the minions on there master) Space bar, X, A- Holding down this button will allow the plateo to turn in place so it can easier turn to aim its spits, and tail whips. Will be allowed to lay down with the option wheel Saddle Level- 65 The saddle would have a unique design and would work as a mortar and pestle. (Harvests equal parts flint and stone, gets extra narcoberries from bushes, and right click harvests charcoal from trees. The saddle meant to be a middle man between the mortar and pestle and the chem bench, getting double yielded resources from crafts) Concepts Why I believe that the last few votes have given us creatures with a VERY high taming requirement and quite late game with one you even need to beat the bosses to unlock the saddle. The plato is supposed to be a relatively simple creature with no lack of powerful abilities, it is something you should feel proud to ride on charging into battle with your tribemates. I also wanted this dinosaur to be good in both PvE and PvP, being great for boss fights and raiding other players, and it's about time to add a new dinosaur into boss fights instead of just rexes and a yuty. But with the taming process being rather simple these creatures should be decently rare, especially with their usefulness for the late game. And I know that a few people were disappointed with the dread so this suto- sauropod will hopefully put a lot of people at ease and give us a fun new tame to run around on. Does It Fit Does the Plateosaurus fit into Valguaro? Some of the votes gave us creatures that didn't quite seem to be perfect for their respected maps. (such as the Gigantoraptor for rag at the beginning, or the Yi Ling for Aberration) I believe that the plato fits well into Val, with its high mountainous terrain and the vast plains in the white cliffs there are several places the plato would thrive. Everyone knows that Val gave us all a fan favorite, the Deinonychus. A fantastic mid- game mount that could even carry you into the late game with its speed and ferocity, its bleed even working on bosses. I was thinking that the plateo would be something like the Yin and Yang with the deinonychus, where the deinon is fast and agile, the plato is lumbering but powerful, the deinon works well in a pack while the plato is great with just one. The Deinon’s bleed works on bosses, the plateos burn and explosions also do. When working in tandem the bleed and fire will shred through the bosses health, which is needed since there are three on Val. And we haven't quite had a dinosaur that uses fire to this extent, and it adds a fantastical element to this more grounded creature. This behemoth fits quite well with Valguaro with its terrain, wildlife, and the end game goals. Design I went really in depth with the early sauropod with the plateos design. And added some elements from arks sauropods. Such as the armor from the brachi, diplo’s long tail, and Amara like quills on the neck and back. (I added some unique color patterns so folks can go while with the mutations) I was wanting the plato to be bigger than it was in real life to help it fit into its boss killing niche more, which is fine seeing how Ark almost always scales up there creatures. Slightly taller than a rex and about as long as the diplo will make the plateo a pretty threatening force and a looming threat in the early game. Because of its huge size the plateo definitely wouldn’t be very fast or have the best turning range. And of course I added a few artistic liberties such as the air sack under the throat and the quills along its back, The female will have duller colors and patterns while the male is more vibrant and larger. (that would later evolve to be amarga’s spikes) I am very happy with the design and think it fits perfectly into the Ark. Thank you.- 3 replies
- mid- end game
- boss fighter
(and 4 more)
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Dossier/Concept Art: (Dossier art coming soon!!) Dossier: Wild: Out of all the ceratopsians I’ve seen on the Arks, none stand out as much as Centrosaurus Laminairae. Not only is this the largest ceratopsian I’ve so far on these Arks rivaling Rexes and Acros in size, but it is one of the deadliest animals I’ve seen across the Arks. I’ve observed these muscular herbivores fight against large predators and come out in triumph with the blood of their opponent on them. I’ve even observed Centrosaurus fight against a Giganotosaurus trying to attack it and . Yet they seem to be peaceful unless provoked, grazing within the herds of other ceratopsians that they dwarf in size. Domestication: While I have never tamed Centrosaurus Laminairae myself, I’ve heard from many of the tribes that it is a simple yet painful process. Whereby you injure the creature until it is enraged with anger. Then sacrificing your strongest and most mighty creatures to it. But once tamed, Centrosaurus is a war and battle mount useable for any tribe. Its deadly nasal horn can pierce the strongest of hides of beasts. Many tribes have Centrosaurus in herds of ceratopsians or even herbivores as it seems to pump their morale and encourage them to fight fiercely and fearlessly. Making them good for arena battles or war defense and offense. Some more wealthy and plentiful tribes have even made specialized armors and bladed horn pieces for their Centrosaurus to defend against deadlier foes and deal with more powerful attacks on saddle armors. Still, Centrosaurus Laminairae is something any warring or advancing tribe would not want to miss out on having in their armies. Basics on saddle, encounters and uses: Has a regular saddle (early 60s to unlock and craftable in smithy) an armored saddle with 2x defense and 2x bleed increase with its bladed horns (crafted at mid 70s for leveling in fabricator,) samurai style armor. This is a legitimate battle ceratopsian and the largest of the three in Ark rivaling the sizes of the Rex and Acro. This can fight bosses and go inside the arenas and even the Overseer cave and arena. Centrosaurus is strictly herbivorous. But when it’s in bloodlust though it would be like a carnivore, having an aggro range and attacking anything in that range. When encountering this beast, be sure to either be riding a herbivore or a ceratopsian to blend in. This ceratopsian will most likely be in herds of smaller ceratopsians, acting as a guardian for the smaller cousins of this gigantic beast. If you aggravate one of its cousins. This beast will aggravate onto you like it was one of them. Running is suggested if you do aggravate it. While this animal is mainly a PvP’s best friend. This herbivore also can be used for a harvester of berries, thatch, and stone. While it also collects wood and flint, it is not the greatest at collecting them. But able to collect heaps of berries, thatch and stone. Being one of the best for these in utility. Abilities: A basic attack: does medium damage (can be used with the regular and Samurai saddles), An Impale attack: causing heavy bleed damage with a ten second cooldown, It’s bloodlust call: A call that gains 100% damage increase to enemy creatures and players (not structures) and a 30% damage reduction for 2 minutes with a 5 minute cooldown to the call. A Buck Kick or directional Stomp: a powerful kick or Stomp that does devastating damage with a longer than average cooldown. Cannot be affected by the Bloodlust effect. Passive Abilities: The rival ability (same as Triceratops but it only works for Gigas and Carchas), It’s herbivore strengthen buff: where they get 30% damage reduction and 10% damage increase. (does not work on other Centrosaurus, does not stack with Courage Roars), It’s ceratopsian buff: Where other species of ceratopsians gains 15% damage increase and 35% damage reduction near it. (doesn’t work on other Centrosaurus, does not stack with Courage Roars) Appearance: Centrosaurus would be indeed the largest Ceratopsian in Ark, being one of largest non sauropod herbivores on this Ark. With a long, deadly horn on the snout, it can impale the thickest of hides or armors. Females have a more delicate and dull appearance, camouflaging into the forests of Valguero, where they raise their young. Taming Method: Get it into bloodlust while it’s wild and have it kill your adult tames, the higher quality the tame and level(Apexes, Gigas and Carchas, even Brontos. Carnivores will give a better taming effectiveness.), the larger the carnivore with bigger hp pools, better the taming progress is and the better the taming effectiveness is. You’d have to damage it to 10% HP to start the process. Be sure to kill off all ceratopsians near it as they will aggro onto you. Big Thanks To: Wyvernian: Work, Design and aid in art Moonflight: Art, Work and Dossier. Ben: Work on the design Sylveevee: Work on the design Sunnyfox: Work on the design SangToareGirl: Work in the Design And the rest of Achatina Fanfictioneer Community!! Roadmap: Unsure when, but it is Guaranteed!!