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We are a Cross-Play Ark - Survival Ascended PVE Cluster. We strive to create a fair family friendly server for everyone. The cluster for Ark Survival Evolved was started on the 25th of July, 2019 with a single map, Valguero. Then came Ragnarok and the rest is well, history! With the help of an amazing team of owners / admins over the years this server was run right up until the end of Ark Survival Evolved official servers. Towards the end of 2023, Ark Survival Ascended was released and thus began a new journey with a new and improved game which had been completely overhauled. Starting from scratch has been quite the journey indeed, but we are all very happy to have the game we love so much back for us all to play! Stick around because we have a lot more in store for the future and our story is by no means done! (edited)
MAP & CLUSTER INFO Looking for a welcoming start to ASA? Look no further! New Beginnings is a friendly, modded PVE cluster looking for fresh faces like you. Whether that’s grinding progression on your own, starting a tribe with friends, or having goofy fun with others, we would be happy to have you! Our cluster features all current maps and highly rated mods such as Additions Ascended, Quality of Life, and more!(open to suggestions for other mods as well!) Feel free to join our Discord and get to know our community at BASE GAME INFO PLAYER STATS 3x health 3x stamina 2.5x oxygen 1.5x food 1.5x water 5x weight 10x fortitude TAMES 1x melee 2x weight WILD DINOS 5x melee HARVEST 6x amount multiplier 1x harvest health MODS dinos Additions Ascended helicoprion Additions Ascended archelon Additions Ascended brachiosaurus Additions Ascended deinotherium Additions Ascended arcocanthosaurus ARK Wilds: Sivatherium Cyrus' Critters: [Abb Update] Jumping Spider More Rideables S-Dino Variants [Crossplay] No Untameables Draconis Glaucus structures Wall'n'Floor Decor Visual Storage (Cross Platform) Klinger Additional Rustic Building JVH Landscaping ARKomatic Dwarven Builders Mod Klinger Additional Boats AutoDoors Svartalfheim Armory Egg - Incubator Misc. Net Pro TG Stacking Mod 1000-50 Awesome Teleporters Super Spyglass Plus Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay) Custom Dino Levels Dino Mindwipe
Greetings survivor! A few friends and I have started a new roleplaying community. We've got two separate branches in operation; One featuring the Medieval: Guilds and Goblins premium mod and another "Classic" server that doesn't use any premium mods. We've got a really cool class system, settlement tiers, a great admin team as well as weekly quests and events. We've got systems in place to promote PvP late game so there's always stuff to do. Very few tame restrictions and access to a "Void Trader" for access to off world tames! We're a young but strong community and we hope you'll come be a part of it!!
Hello all, relatively new here and I was wondering if there are any good guides or tutorials on trading across servers and maps or just working in between maps in general. Just learned about popcorning to minimize the amount of transfer cooldowns needed to get large quantities transferred but I couldn't find a way to transfer more than one artifact at a time so I was limited to 4 artifacts per hour at best. If anyone has any reference sites/guides. I'd love to peruse them
Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of ARK Survival Evolved? Our Bukanier Cluster offers you fantastic ARKs to explore all your favorite areas – from 'The Island' to 'Genesis' and beyond. Every day, we provide a new selection of DLC maps like Fjordur and Crystal Isles, so the adventure never ends. To give you a smooth start, we have developed the SafeBase Shield, which provides you with a protected space to build and live without interruptions. 2-3x harvest, 1.5x XP, 4x weight (for players 4.2; animals 2x [Wild+LevelPoints]), 24x breeding/maturation, 4x taming Long-term server (no wipe) Easy and friendly for young, old, beginners, and survival experts Protected base (SafeBase shield) on "The Island" or "Ragnarok" - but open PVP is still possible (even though it's mostly PVE) Gentleman PVP on the other maps with ORP The 5 official maps (Island, Scorched Earth, Aberration, Extinction, and Genesis 1) and Ragnarok are always available. Additionally, all DLC maps (Center, Valguero, Crystal Isles, Lost Island, and Fjördur), as well as Genesis 2, Svartalfheim, Caballus, Olympus, and The Volcano, rotate daily EU-Based; mostly swiss/german, but we take anything Website: Discord: Happy Hunting!
Discord : Mods: M+, SuperSpyGlass Plus, TG stacking mod 1000 - 50, Admin Panel, Kingler Addional Rusitck Building, Dino Depot, Amissa structure, Autoengrams, Awsome Teleporters, Amissa Addioanal Mapy: Island, Scoreched Earth, Abberation, Center brzy, VIP mapa Amissa. Sazby: XP2x, H5x, T5x, B20x, max. dinosauři 300, potřebujete jeden otisk na všechny dinosauříky, narození mláďat zrychleno, líhnutí vajec zrychleno, kořist zvýšena, Náš server je přátelský pro všechny hráče. Globální chat je povolen v EN a CZ. Server byl založen na začátku roku 2023 a stále běží.
Welcome to The Requiem Arkipelagos A thrilling PvP Ark Cluster offering The Island, The Center, Scorched Earth, and Aberration with optimized settings, mods, and unique gameplay for dedicated survivors. Server Launch Date: Planned for November 22nd! Be among the first to join and shape this exciting new cluster from day one! Key Features Cluster Name: The Requiem Arkipelagos Mods: Additions Ascended (Deinosuchus, Xiphactinus, Brachiosaurus, Deiotherium, Archelon, Acrocanthosaurus, Helicoprion) Visual Storage Gryphons Shiny! Dinos Ascended Utilities Plus Super SpyglassPlus PvP Scoreboard Server Settings Difficulty & Loot Quality: Island: Dino 150 | Loot 500% Center: Dino 165 | Loot 550% Scorched: Dino 180 | Loot 600% Aberration: Dino 195 | Loot 650% Tribe Max Players: 6-Man (2-hour slot cooldown) Cave Damage: 6x Tame Limit: 400 XP Rate: 3x (Rex Kill: 5,724 XP) Taming: 10x Decay Rates: Structures auto-decay based on tier; dinos after 30 days. PvP Rules: Alliances disabled, strategic settings for balanced gameplay. Player and Dino Stats Player Multiplier Highlights: Weight: 8x (80+), Stamina: 3x (30+), Oxygen: 4x (80+), others balanced for immersive play. Breeding Highlights (Rex Example): Hatch Multiplier: 6.5x (49 min hatch) Consume Multiplier: 6x (3,358 raw meat) Interval Multiplier: 0.80x (14 hr 24 min - 38 hr 24 min) Mature Multiplier: 7.5x (11 hr 27 min) Imprint Period: 12 hr Be Ready! Mark your calendars for November 22nd and prepare to build, battle, and thrive in The Requiem Arkipelagos. Whether you're a seasoned survivor or a daring newcomer, this cluster offers an unforgettable PvP experience! Survive and dominate where legends are forged!
ark ascended Ark Ascended ideas - Trade, land claiming & More
McMorgan posted a suggestion in Game Suggestions
Not sure if any of these has already been suggested, but after many hours of gameplay I hope many of you will agree that the below suggestions would be very beneficial to the game quality: Rework the Tribe/Alliance wheel and settings - Tribe parameters are often not intuitive and clunky, accepting an alliance and merging your tribe with someone should be more differentiated to avoid selecting the wrong option by accident (some other game languages have been translated so poorly it doesn't help either). Certain commands should have more safety countermeasures as they can permanently damage a whole tribe by a simple misclick, especially during lags. Unique player ID displaying in chat/tribe name - The game is full of griefers and even with screenshots it's not always easy to track them properly, so having a unique ID showing would allow Moderators to properly find the culprit regardless of the map, character or tribe name. Having a unique ID associated with the Ark Game account that could be investigated by Admins would help avoiding prolonged investigations, punish the right culprit and also act as a deterrant to most players, making griefers feel less entitled to get away with their misconduct (the enjoyment of one sadistic player can cost you dozens of people dropping the game). TRADE command window - This kind of interaction existed for many years in a lot of games, especially online, and it would only be helpful on ASA, at least on the PVE mode. Allowing players to open a trade window to exchange items without dropping stuff on the ground or in a Vault would drastically improve the gameplay, massively reducing the amount of pointless reports and complaints to be managed by the staff members as many toxic situations would be avoided (less need to build trade rooms or similar structures, which means less pressure on servers to load stuff). This is of course very easy to balance as the function could simply act as any normal inventory where certain premium items cannot be transferred. Tribe territory banner - Pillars everywhere? It's a plague that's been affecting the quality of the game for many years, but let's try to solve it. By implementing a Tribe Banner that could be placed by the tribe leader on a free spot, you could claim a certain area as Main Base to prevent others from building too close, while maintaining dino and resource spawn until you place structures the usual way. This banner could preserve the standard Decay timer for all structures in the area, while all other structures outside the range can drastically be reduced both in duration time AND enemy build-prevention range (like half the range). This would properly nerf the massive abuse of unnecessary structures, as with the return of the traditional Cryopods people no longer need multiple outposts across the map nor to build miles of pillars, which will save a lot of ping from many servers. Active tribes won't be affected as they can normally keep rendering their additional bases with a normal frequency, this is just a deterrant against the abusers who claim multiple servers. Feel free to share any opinion about all these ideas, all of these are just quick drafts and of course may not sound perfect, but I believe there are a lot more Pros than Cons. -
When I saw Club Ark come out I said in a post that I hoped they would consider using it as a middle man storage of sorts along with the existing features. What I had in mind was either a storage that included items and dinosaurs from their bases (owned by themself/created by themself) or simply just dinos since building your base, gear, saddles etc after that should be fine and you don't have the same type of bond with them except maybe the chibis/skins if that's not already a thing. The reason I suggest this is that it would let people take breaks, avoid burnout, and possibly also help prevent bloat in the world in terms of decaying/not even active bases. If someone could store their dinos at least when they went on a break rather than giving them up or just relying on a tribe/friend I think it's more possible they would return compared to starting from complete scratch. While there are servers with very nice communities that are more than willing to help you build up again I think this would be a net positive overall for PVE servers. PvP servers could probably not use this feature since it'd just get abused in some shape or form. There are plenty of people that burn out or get caught up in work and so forth and if they could keep a bit more of their progress I think it'd feel less pointless and keep them invested in a way and it means the bonds, adventures they share with their tamed creatures don't just go up in smoke too. To prevent theft I do think the items/dinos would have to be officially tamed by a player to be stored. Gifted dinos/items are both very kind of course but, it opens up too many negative possibilities if you can store dinos tamed by others and besides, those are still helpful even if you keep your own progress and giving them back/to others is a simple answer. I do understand some fears such a feature could bring. "Won't more people quit?" for example and I do think that some people that are barely active and burnt out might embrace the break, but I think this is a good way to help people stay in the game and invested instead of quitting permanently. "I need a break, see you guys in a week/month/after x" is a different story than when people try to quit. It could also help prevent burnout in the long-term by letting them take breaks when they need it without the same amount of pressure and possible finality. My suggestion might seem silly but I think it could be useful. There are a few similar things out in the gaming world and maybe those could serve as inspiration. Hosting these dinos/items might be a burden in some way though so, maybe it'd have to be included in some type of Club Ark subscription or maybe it'd be fully free, I do not know but I hope this suggestion could be interesting. Even if this suggested feature is not feasible or interesting in the way I presented it I figured I'd post this since maybe it would lead to some sparks of inspiration here and there at least. With that this far too large post comes to an end, thank you for reading my suggestion and have a great weekend.
Ark Undead Ascended is a great server with mods, amazing and helpful staff, cross-platform and an easy to navigate discord for all the information you need. This server even has been running since survivor evolved! The discord is: This server is PVE and has all of the current Wildcard released maps. Though joining the discord is not required we do highly reccomend joining for rules, shop access, bugs reporting, Giveaways and more. The easiest way for admins to help you retrieve items, if your stuck, or people breaking very common rules would be through the discord as well. **__Server Stats:__** - Max Dino Level: *300* - 💹 Maturation: *50x* - 🥚 Incubation Speed: *35x* - 🏆 Engrams: *Engrams Auto-Unlock at required level. Tek Engrams require boss completion. Modded Engrams must be learned still)* - Exp: *1.5x* - Tribe Limit: *12* - ⛽ Fuel Consumption: *0.25x* - 🎣 Fishing Quality: *1.5x* - 🎁 Supply Crates: *1.5x* *(Custom Drops Coming Soon)* - 🥓 Hunger & Thirst Drain: *0.5x* - Taming Speed: *8x* - ⛏️ Harvesting: *4x* - 📤 Stack Sizes: *10x* - 🪴 Crop Growth Speed - *2x* We hope to see you there! 😁
Welcome to Paradox Sanctuaries: The Ultimate PVE Ark Survival Ascended Experience! Dive into the extraordinary world of Paradox Sanctuaries, where epic adventures and dynamic survival await. Our server offers a meticulously crafted environment with enhanced features, balanced gameplay, and a welcoming community eager to grow. Key Features: Custom Dinos & Events: Discover unique creatures and participate in thrilling server-exclusive events. Discover unique, custom-coded drops on our PVE Ark cluster! We've carefully crafted loot tables to enhance your gameplay experience with balanced rewards, rare finds, and valuable items. Whether you're hunting for advanced gear or special resources, our custom drops will keep you coming back for more! Balanced Progression: Enjoy a carefully tuned progression system that rewards skill and strategy. Enjoy lightning-fast breeding on our PVE Ark cluster! Experience 10-minute breeding intervals, 1-hour Giga egg hatches, and have your Gigas fully grown in just 3 hours. Perfect for players who love to tame and breed without the wait! Active Community: Be part of a friendly, growing group of survivors. Quality-of-Life Enhancements: Benefit from a range of improvements designed to streamline your experience and maximize fun. Whether you're a seasoned survivor or new to the Ark, Paradox Sanctuaries promises a challenging, immersive, and unforgettable journey. Gear up, team up, and conquer the wild like never before!
I got 2,000+ hours on ASE and a dozen hours on ASA im looking for a chill tribe, patient, 18+, ive just have a very slow go on my own and not a great one
Bonjours à tous!! Arkentia est un serveur Ark Survival ASA Québecois Nous sommes un serveur PVE actif qui organise des évènement pour divertir ses joueurs. si tu cherche à avoir beaucoup de plaisir et pouvoir interagir avec d'autre joueurs viens donc rejoindre notre belle gagne une modération très active et nous veillons au bien être de tous nos joueurs. Nous essayons d'être le plus possible à l'écoute de notre communauté et tentons d'innové sur ce magnifique jeu. Un cluster avec The Island, Scorched Earth, The Center, Aberration, club Ark et futurement extinction Pour joué avec nous rejoint notre discord. XP 2.5x Récolte 3.5x Taming x10 Incubation 10x Maturation 40x Wild Dino MAX lvl 150
🄽🄴🅆 🄲🄻🅄🅂🅃🄴🅁 𝙋𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙡𝙚𝙤𝙙𝙚𝙤𝙣 PvE and full crossplay. Starters available on each map and consist of Eerie Argy, cryos, reaper chibi and armour to suit the map. Admin don't need to be on for you to get a starter. Fresh low boost server with active owner, support team and community. Vanilla dino levels. Currently with 5 maps. We have Appalachia premium map which is absolutely stunning with lots to do and only $5usd. MODS Tg stack 1000-50 Cliffan Wardrobe Eerie dinos Modern furniture Inventory keeper Marnii hair JVH garden & landscape Alfa ocean plats Colonial cottage Arkitect structures Custom dino levels Randis cooking B+ structures klinger rustic Custom cosmetics enabled
🌴 Abandia KAKTUS Servers 🌵 Whether you're a seasoned ARK veteran or just starting out, our brand-new community offers an adventure for everyone. Dive into the rich, wild world of ARK Survival Ascended on our well-optimized, self-hosted cluster with exciting features and upcoming expansions! 🌐 Servers Cluster#01: (Crossplay) Server Name: Abandia KAKTUS [EU] public_cluster#01 Region: EU (Self-Hosted Cluster) Map: The Island Mode: PVE Mods: None – Vanilla experience for all players! 🚀 Special Launch Event: To celebrate our launch, we’re hosting a Beta Testing Event with boosted rates: 🏆 2x Experience (XP) 🌾 2x Harvesting 🦖 2x Taming Join now to get a head start and be a founding member of our thriving community! 💡 Why Choose Us? Friendly Community: We value respect, collaboration, and helping each other out. Regular Events: Boosted rates, unique challenges, and community-driven fun. Dedicated Support: Active admin ready to help and ensure a smooth experience. Active Development: PVP servers and new worlds are in the works to keep things exciting! 📣 Join Our Adventure! Become part of something awesome from the beginning! Connect with us on Discord for updates, community events, and more: DISCORD
Looking for a PvE community of friendly & helpful survivors? Rates that are only slightly boosted? A community that has been together for years, going back to ARK: Survival Evolved? Need full crossplay for you and your tribe? Join us at ARKATRAZ III!!! Our active discord community is quick to answer questions, offer helpful tips, and even help in-game should you need backup on a boss run or need to borrow that saddle blueprint you can’t find. We’re here to survive together. Plus if you get ARK’d we have a team of admins to help restore what you’ve lost. Rates and settings have been adjusted slightly to help ease the grind, but not remove it entirely. No instant tames or leveling to 120 in a weekend, no burning out and getting bored quickly. We include mods that add to our experience without changing it entirely, we vote monthly on new mods. We still have to put effort into surviving, but this isn’t your 2nd job (unless you want it to be). We do not wipe and have no plans to, enjoy a long term survival! We plan on offering as many free maps as possible, we are community funded. During our time on ASE we were offering all maps. We even occasionally include Club ARK as a seasonal server. We have plenty of space across The Island, Scorched Earth, and The Center. Please visit our website or discord for more details, details below!
Join Discord server: Server name: ARK Chill Fantasy (Full name: ARK Chill Fantasy | PvE | x5 Tame x3 Breeding x2 other) ARK Survival Ascended Server cluster has both PVE and PVP PvE Server - Amissa Map - Slot 100 ARK: Survival Ascended Theme: Fantasy - Adventure - Exchange - Trade - Farm Life. Get lost in the Fantasy world with Dinosaurs - Wyverns - Monsters. Build human tribes, communities and cities together to fight them. Focus on the experience of playing, building, farming, fighting, exchanging items between players. Regular events: Boss invasion, item exchange festival, treasure hunt, ... Mod: + Fantasy equipment and armor, magic shields, magic weapons and potions. + Casino :)) , (use coins in the game, online to get free). + Shop (server or your own, everyone can build a shop and place items to trade with each other) + Spyglass + Zombie + more... (in progress) x5 Taming 🦖 x5 Player Exp 👥 x5 Hatching 🐣 x3 Breeding 🐤 🦅 x2 other📝 Closed Beta opens on 2/11.Open beta 17/11. Early joiners will keep their progress. Later joiners will receive a starter pack for new players. Join Discord server for the latest information:
Rebel Circus Gaming US PVEvP cluster Xbox/Windows 10 cross play only ASA expansion plans 12 PVE Maps divided by 6 maps at 5X, 6 Boosted maps divided into 3 groups focused on Taming, Breeding, and Resource Harvesting Home maps are Island, Valguero, Scorched Earth, Ragnarok, Crystal Isles, and The Center (5xH/5xT/25xM/50xInc/5xXP) Breeding maps are Fjordur and Lost Island (4.5xH/5xT/40xM/50xInc/5xXP) Harvesting maps are Genesis and Genesis 2 (5.5xH/5xT/20xM/50xInc/5xXP) Taming maps are Aberration and Extinction (4.5xH/7xT/20xM/50xInc/10xXP) 2 PVP maps Fjordur and The Center (5xH/5xT/25xM/50xInc/5xXP/10xDifficulty) ASA Members and boosters of the cluster will have progress transferred to new Maps Each map has a particular grind that captures the essence of the game with each other map acting as focused boosts to support a quality of life balance to anyone wanting to push their gaming experience at their own pace. Our PVP map is connected for only a few days 4 each season allowing transfers from but not to the PVE maps items and creatures. You can choose to play either mode or use both to strengthen your survivor. ### Discord 🤡 Active admin support 🤡 Events, Giveaways, Games, Music, dedicated voice channels 🤡 Boosting bundles, Admin shop, Roll advancement, Leveling rewards 🤡 Free to Play Bounties and Quests offering a unique experience outside of ARK progress 🤡 Self-Moderated, Friendly, Adult forums and channels 🤡 Starters are available on your first quest ### Maps 🤡 Cluster Max wild dino is 330 available on Taming maps and Exclusive Dinos. 🤡 Max Character is offered in Quests 🤡 Dino Level up increased to 100 levels 🤡 Auto Engram on leveling except Tek through event 🤡 Instant Pickup 🤡 .003 Breeding cooldown on Breeding maps 🤡 Hex Store and rewards boosted All Map rates and boosts are detailed in our Discord
Whether you're seeking a casual chat or looking to unwind after a long day, our Hangout server is the perfect place to kick back and relax on multiple games with like-minded individuals. 🎮 Games and Sessions we Host The Isle / Ark Survival Ascended / Icarus / Phasmophobia / Demonologist / The Forest / SoF / Green Hell / Smite 2 / Discord Bot games such as Poker, Cards Against Humanity & more... 🌴 A peaceful Oasis for our players ⚙️ Server Settings ・Fully Crossplay ・No Wipe ・Mods ・Maximum wild dino levels: 300 ・Players stats: 5x ・Harvest: 5x ・Taming: 5x ・Egg Hatch Speed: 10x / Baby Mature Speed: 10x / Baby Imprint Amount: 12x / Mating Interval: 7x ・Dino weight stats: 5x ・Server Alliance for group Events 🔍 How to Join In-Game The Hangout - PvE - The Island The Hangout - PvE - The Center The Hangout - PvE - Scorched Earth The Hangout - PvE - Abberation 🤝 Join us and be a part of our growing community:
We are BalkanPlex, European ARK community established in 2015., we run ARK SE servers. If you are looking for a friendly and family safe community, playing without lags, trash and pillars all over the map, without blocked caves and obelisks, look no more, you found one, because we are here from the very beggining. Servers are on Partnered G-PORTAL Dedicated Machine, with gigabit fiber optic link. SERVER NAMES [ASE]: [EU-PvE] BALKANPLEX: THE ISLAND [MACOLA] IP: [EU-PvE] BALKANPLEX: SCORCHED [MACOLA] IP: [EU-PvE] BALKANPLEX: ABERRATION [MACOLA] IP: [EU-PvE] BALKANPLEX: EXTINCTION [MACOLA] IP: [EU-PvE] BALKANPLEX: GENESIS [MACOLA] IP: [EU-PvE] BALKANPLEX: GENESIS 2 [MACOLA] IP: [EU-PvE] BALKANPLEX: CRYSTAL ISLES [MACOLA] IP: [EU-PvE] BALKANPLEX: FJORDUR [MACOLA] IP: SERVER RATES: EXP X2 HARVESTING X2 TAMING X2 MATURATION / HATCHING X2 RULES: ⦁ One base per player is allowed. ⦁ You are not allowed to leave traps, pillars, dinos, or any other structures on the map. ⦁ If you are using obelisks to go into Boss Arenas, you need to move dinos from obelisk as soon as you are finished with Boss Fight ⦁ It is strictly forbidden to build in resources rich areas. ⦁ One teleporter per biome, must be set to public to avoid spamming to much of the map. ⦁ It is strictly forbidden to block Castroides dam spawn by building near lakes. ⦁ It is strictly forbidden to build structures on rafts if player allready has developed main base. ⦁ It is strictly forbidden to leave raft over the map, except in front of / near your base. ⦁ You are not allowed to spoil game for other players by blocking rivers, obelisks, caves, or any part of the map that can't be accessed via secondary route. ⦁ You are not allowed to have anything outside your base except one oil pump, one gas collector, one tree, cliff or ocean platform. ⦁ If you have more than one ocean platform connected or close to each other, it will be considered as personal or tribe base. ⦁ We do not tollerate any type or innapropriate behavior, so be polite to other players IF YOU ARE NOT SHURE ABOUT SOMETHING, JUST ASK SOME OF THE ADMINS. Notice: Base is considered to be largest structure in your personal or tribe ownership. Every base should be visibly surrounded by walls, spikes or gates, in order to be clearly visible to other players. Please be aware that claiming abnormal parts of the map in order to have more space than you really need will also be considered as land griefing. Due to our rules policy, you do not need to claim as much space as possible, instead gradually expand your base space as much as you need.
[GeekQc] - XP X1.5 - TAMING X5 - HARVEST X5 Mods: - All free additions ascended creatures - Cosmetics for character and buildings (cosmetics only so nothing OP) - Imbue and upgrade station - TG stacking mod 10000-90 - QOE+ and more... Friendly community of 25 years old+ gamers The Island server is about a year old and still running Travel between maps with all items in your inventory We speak french and english Join us and have fun! Join us/Joignez-vous à nous!
# Alcatraz [PvE] # Rates / Settings: - Wild Dino Max Level: 500 - Tamed Dino: Wild Dino Level + tamed level + 88 (Max 838) - Player Level: 205 (105 + 100 ascension level) - Dino Wipe: 18:00 / 06:00 CET - Tame: x10 - XP: x2 - Harvest: x10 - Mating Interval: 0.2 - Mating Speed: 5.0 - Egg Hatch Speed: x5 - Breeding: x5 - Supply Crate: x5 - Corpse Locator: True - All engrams learnable # Decay Timer: - 20 days for all structures. - If you need a vacation, you can contact support, and we will put you on the vacation list, which means the decay timer will be set to 60 days. # Mods / Plugins: - Cryopods - Utilities Plus - Automated Ark - Gaia: Elixirs - Admin Panel - TG Stacking Mod 10000-90 - Awesome Spyglass - Awesome Teleporters - WBUI2 - QoL+ - Cybers Structures QoL+ - MX-E Ark Shop UI - Automated Dino Wipes - Arkitect Structures Remastered - Autorunner - Better Creatures - Dino Colourizer! - Simple Element Crafting - ASA Api Utils - Dino Depot - LethalDecayAscended - Permissions - KalsComms - NGC Core - ItemsPlus - SupplyNotifierPlus - ArkShop - ArkShopUI - RconSchedulerAscended # Maps: - The Island - The Center - Aberration - Scorched Earth - Bob's Missions # The Island: Server Name: Alcatraz [PvE] [TheIsland] [10XH 10XT 3XP MODS] steam://connect/ # The Center: Server Name: Alcatraz [PvE] [TheCenter] [10XH 10XT 3XP MODS] steam://connect/ # Aberration: Server Name: Alcatraz [PvE] [Aberration] [10XH 10XT 3XP MODS] steam://connect/ # Scorched Earth: Server Name: Alcatraz [PvE] [ScorchedEarth] [10XH 10XT 3XP MODS] steam://connect/ # Bob's Missions: Server Name: Alcatraz [PvE] [ClubAlcatraz] [10XH 10XT 3XP MODS] steam://connect/ # Discord Invite:
🌿 ¡ÚNETE A LIFE IS ARK! 🌿 ¿Te apasiona el rol en Ark Survival Evolved? ¡Esta es tu oportunidad de unirte a una de las comunidades más dedicadas y con más experiencia! 🎮 🔹 Más de 6 años de experiencia creando servidores de rol personalizados. 🔹 Eventos únicos, economía propia y misiones personalizadas que te mantendrán inmerso en un mundo lleno de aventuras. 🔹 Mapas y mods exclusivos creados por nuestro equipo. 🔹 Un equipo de admins dedicados que cuidan hasta el más mínimo detalle. 🔹 Estamos trabajando en un nuevo servidor, y puedes seguir de cerca su desarrollo en nuestro canal de Avances en Discord. 🚀 ¡Únete a nuestra comunidad y sé parte de esta aventura épica! 🚀 🔗 Discord: 📺 YouTube: