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Base idea: power herbivore/support, distract & attack Here is a link to the Image, unfortunately I could not find out how to insert larger atchments. (If anyone knows, please tell me in the comments!) note: this concept is not completely ment for fjordur, and I’m submitting this now just to get a feel for if it would be a popular choice or not. Description: Lokiceratops is a creature who managed to tap into and control the power of the ark. However instead of using this power for destruction, it tends to use it more for mischievous purposes. It found ways to create mirages of energy to mimic itself. These mirages heavily distract the other creatures of the ark and it causes lots of general confusion around it. But, when it needs to, it can use its power offensively and when it does, it can be very destructive. It can fight off almost any threat that gets thrown at it, so if you can manage to tame one, you will have a strong foothold on conquering the challenges of the ark Wild: lokiceratops walks around and is neutral. If you get close it won’t attack but it will create a mirage and feel. If you attack however, it will make it its goal to end the fight with only one survivor. When attacking when wild, it will use primarily defensive abilities. But if its health drops below 25%, it will trigger its ultimate mode. If it doesn’t die or kill you, it will then flee. Note: it will also occasionally just create mirages just to add to its mischief size comparison image: Taming: note: the concept is directed more towards fjordur, so the taming is a bit different. It would be levels for Val instead of runes Prerequisite: 20 runes claimed by player Every 5 runes, max spawn level increases (base 180, increases by 2, max 260) Taming process version 1 1. Kill a lokiceratops and pickup the articact it drops 2. Take the artifact to an obelisk (optional: in another realm) 3. Realm will determine some stats and color, 4. Then, with the respawned lokiceratops, mount it (it will still be wild) and a hord of spirit wolves and a world boss with spawn 5. Kill world boss, it will drop an exclusive item you can use to tame it. Tame process version #2; same as ver one but different boss spawn Abilities (tamed) Right click- hit. Applies confusion effect- 5% (at 100% target will run in random directions and attack random things) the level of damage resistance also determines affect resistance Left click- Roar- applies fear and 50% confusion C- creates “mirage” of target and target will attack mirage. mirage deals no damage but applies 5% confusion X- switch ability Space- activate selected ability Ability one-stun pulse; it pulses a stun Ability two- mirage cloak; mirrors one of the attacking creatures and creatures attacking you will stop (but only the mirrored kind, so if 2 different creatures are attacking, it only stops one and it will cloak to the highest level creature. Ability three- sword stomp; will stomp ground and create a shockwave that will knockback enemies, cause bleed and slow down some icon images (mirage/hologram ability left, ult icon right) ult Mode image: Ultimate- right click + space; all attacks will deal 1.5x damage and all abilities (from switcher) are replace. Ult one- sends out a pulse that deals 15% of health (limit: 5,000) and stuns and applies injury (enemies take 15% extra damage) Ult two- mirrors enemy with highest damage and deals up to +50% of their damage (max; 2,000 increase) health stays same Ult three- energy bombard; sends out 3 light pulses directly up, and 3 seconds later they fall, dealing aoe damage
Found: Within The Unknown and areas around The Unknown Dossier: Common Name: Maip Species: Maip Oxythorax Time: Late Cretaceous Diet: Carnivore Temperament: Territorial Wild: While The Maip Oxythorax hasn't changed its appearance in general size and shape from its prehistoric counterpart. Its biological makeup and nature has completely changed, not only adapting to become immune to the harsh environment of The unknown. But also evolving a new series of organs that allow it to collect, store, process, and release nuclear energy! These organs run along the skull all the way down to the tail. A large portion of its radiation comes from its stomach and whatever it consumes. This predator nears the top of the food chain in its environment with very few contenders that can kill this beast. Those who have encountered this "Unholy Predator" have never lived to tell the tale. With bodies found being torn and dismembered by the predator's sharp blade-like claws. Legends among the tribes tell that this creature will regurgitate radioactive stomach acid onto its victims. Causing them to die from burns and radiation poisoning. Even its bite is believed to cause radiation poisoning from the organs in the skull, acting more like salivation glands, seeping radioactive liquid into the predator's mouth. Domestication: From what I have heard, no one has ever survived an encounter with Maip Oxythorax. But there have been many legends from nearly all the tribes, they say that over a century ago. A small tribe rode an army of Maip Oxythorax into battle against an authoritarian dictator. At one point in the battle, the creatures lit themselves on fire from the amount of radiation and heat that was being emitted yet none of the riders at the end of the battle had a mark or even a singed hair on their head! I have a hard time believing this is all true, but the tribes tell me this is what happened. I don't have any doubts that this creature would be a great battle mount for any warrior from my few sightings of them. But the utility of this creature has my interest peaked. This creature emits so much energy outwards that a whole tribe could run their industrial machinery off of one Maip's energy for decades. If anyone could somehow domesticate one of these, they would have a living generator of clean energy. Features: Radiation Charge Up Bar: A charge up bar that fills up by killing creatures or with charge light, charge energy or with saddle charge batteries, can be used to increase your charge bar of but the less concentrated charge light is slower than killing creatures, more concentrated charge energy or the charge batteries. Radiation Predator Vision (X-Ray filter style): Similar to Snow Owls and Desmodus, the Maip has predatory vision that allows it to clearly see prey at anytime. Passively powers industrial equipment: Lights, industrial equipment and electrical appliances are powered by the Maip at the cost of food. Alternatively with its saddle the Maip can power these structures by converting charge batteries charge into energy for electrical needs. (Alternate setting) Basic Attacks: Claw swipe: Hits twice with each set of claws causing high damage with a full 2.5% bleed effect that occurs over 5 seconds period included, bleed effect resets everytime another claw swipe hits. Has a three second cooldown. Bite: medium damage with 10 second radiation sickness, 1 second cooldown. Stomach Acid Regurgitation (has small AOE attack): Cost 1/4 of the Charge Bar and 400 food (not stamina) to use, the Maip will regurgitate and spew radioactive stomach acid that both causes an Acid Burn debuff for 30 seconds and Radiation Sickness debuff for 20 seconds. Has a 20 second cooldown but has to have at least 1/4 of the charge bar filled. Critical Mass (an AOE attack): (Charge Bar has to be entirely full and has to have been full for at least 15 seconds to use. Has three minute cooldown between uses). After containing maximum charge for long enough time, the Maip can go into Critical Mass which causes the Maip to begin emitting charge light and essentially blow up part of the Ark like a Nuclear Bomb… just kidding about the bomb part. But it will emit high amount of radiation around it for a least a radius distance of 5 fountains. This releases such a high amount of radiation that even the Maip is ignited and goes up in flames for whole duration of the time(this does cause damage to your Maip, however only doing 66% of the normal flame damage), however enemies in the radius distance also get engulfed by flames for ten seconds and causes radiation sickness for 60 seconds. These timer will reset as long as the enemies are in the area of effect. This AOE attack lasts 20 seconds and has a cooldown of three minutes. Aesthetic Roar: It’s an Aesthetic Roar. What did you think you would happen, purple and green fire breath coming out of it. Don’t be ridiculous. Weaknesses: Ice Wyverns and Managarmrs: Both of these cryokinetic creatures can drain the Maip’s Charge Up bar and deal 25% extra damage to Maips. Radiation Immune Creatures: All radiation immune creatures will not take any of the radiation effects of the Maip. However they will still take the fire and acid burn debuffs from those two attacks. Fire Immune Creatures: these will have the same ability to not take damage from the fire debuff of the Maip but still will take the Radiation and Acid Burn debuff. Water: Like the Pyromane, the Maip has a weakness to water in that while in the rain or in water, the Maip’s charge bar will drain though not nearly as much as it would with Managarmrs or Ice Wyverns. ROADMAP: Genesis Part One (Potentially) Genesis Part Two Fjordur Big thanks to: Wyvernian: for the main Art, dossier and work on this submission. Moonflight: for additional dossier and concept art. And for work on the submission. Ben: work and support on the submission. Sylveevee: work and support on the submission. Sunnyfox: work and support on the submission. SangToareGirl: work and support on the submission. and the Rest of Achatina Fanfictioneers!!
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- radiation zone
- late game
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