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A very intelligent creature Australopithecus is found in small groups similar to today’s chimps and gorillas they are highly social creatures. They are the only creatures on the island that are able to craft tools and even spears for hunting larger game. Just slightly shorter than your average sized survivor the Australopithecus can either be your best friend or your worst enemy as these small troops have a very good memory and will follow you from on side of the Val to other. Out of curiosity or vengeance. Not even a wall can stop them from getting to you if they are your enemies they will need to be destroyed if they are just curious they can become your best friends. While most troops of Australopithecus are typically friendly some can be very aggressive I assume these groups have had bad interactions with humans before and are therefore not willing to attempt peace. Australopithecus are so strong and so intelligent I have seen them take creatures as large and as dangerous as deinonychus with ease. Which comes as surprise with their short stature. Typically using the cliffs to hide and ambush oncoming prey they will know you are there far before you know they are there. It gives me a weird feeling like I am being watched. Even though they are omnivorous they seem to prefer meat of animals. Although a drawback to this preference they cannot digest meat like most carnivores. The flesh they eat must be cooked to prevent them from getting sick and weak. It’s here where their need to create fire, to cook their favorite food is no doubt in my mind why they are our evolutionary ancestors and if you listen to them closely they even seem to have their own language. Taming: While one could simply befriend the troop and bring an Australopithecus offerings of cooked meat. More often than I’d like too I have seen many human tribes tame these creatures by killing the troop leader and capturing the remaining Australopithecus by tranquillizing them and throwing them in cages until they decide to comply for food. Whichever method is used these guys can help tribes do anything they decide to teach them to do as their intelligence gives them the ability to learn how to do the same task any human can from assisting in gathering resources, farming fields to get the most crops and I have even seen them able to repair broken structures. Some tribes even ally with these creatures to fight a common enemy although be warned supplying these creatures with weaponry you better hope they are on your good side as I have seen some Australopithecus rebel against their captures. Although intelligent enough to learn to use tools and weapons I have never seen one riding and in full control over any beast of burden only riding as passenger. Also not big enough to ride on to any survivor, they can assist you in the hunt or to protect your base even by hang off the walls or a cliff ready to pounce on any unsuspecting prey or intruder rendering the target unable to move until Australopithecus is defeated. I know they’re might not be huge hype on this guy because it wouldn’t be a rideable creature , I was kinda going for something similar to the sir-5rm8 but a biological, tameable creature. Was thinking wild ones could be in groups of 5 to 10I was kinda thinking they could also give single players a very small taste of pvp as being a creature with a type of trust buff where if trust is all the way up they can be tamed easier and passively giving it a huge buff for taming. If trust is at mid it will be a passive tame but without any sort of extra buff. If they trust is below mid they will be aggressive creating bolas and spears as their only weapons in the wild maybe primitive hatchet or pick as well. Trust is based off how you react when they see you as they don’t typically see humans as prey until trust I below mid which can only be brought below mid by doing damage to a member or members of their own troops or mini tribes. Like hyaendons, allos, and other pack animals they have pack buffs as well and killing the pack leader makes the remaining ones fearful of you but trust goes below mid. If you don’t kill the pack leader and have below mid trust they will follow will always aggro on you and if they are really close to your base can climb walls to get to you as well as open doors if they are unlocked. I was thinking for going trust you’d have to make campfires and drop primitive tools (only primitive picks, hatchets, spears, bolas and probably the most dangerous weapon a wild one could have is a primitive torch. Once tamed they can only use these weapons with the addition of metal pick, pike, hatchet, sickle and the most dangerous electric prod. No ranged weapons, explosives or firearms can be used by them) nearby the group so they aren’t so scared of the night and can cook their own meat. And as for taming food they prefer cooked mutton the most but then cooked prime meat, cooked meat, honey, crops and least preferred is berries. I was thinking there should be a limit to which walls they can climb but then while writing this I rembered how in planet of the apes ceaser and other apes could climb metal pillars with ease. I figure just for that metal is the highest tier of wall they can climb but they can scale up cliffs like thycaleo or deinonychus can. When tamed they can be set to turret mode if given a bola. Once you set this you must first look around to find an acceptable spot for your Australopithecus to be set as a trap the can be on a wall or a cliff side it must be set like a wall torch. The Australopithecus will then run to the location and wait for a target to approach its area. This pounce ability works just like the thycaleo but they can only jump onto and stop survivors and creatures that an argentavis can pick up. If riding a creature and you get attacked by on it dismounts you instead of putting a bola on you. This bola attack last longer than a regular bola throw about 10 seconds but if melee is upgraded will last longer for tamed ones. If something larger comes like say a Rex it will just jump and start attacking depending on its behavior you have it set too. If set to passive it will do nothing but sit there and look pretty. For violent method of taming it must carry it into a wooden or metal cage( similar to carrying unconscious survivors into a cage) only then can you access its inventory to feed it. Trust is typically at a low if done this way you’ll want to earn trust back by keeping next to a campfire or feeding it sweet veggie cakes. Keeping them tamed whilst trust is at low will make them go into a similar type of rage that the giga can. They cannot be riden as I think they should be a little taller than a kairuku because irl they were short but don’t be fooled by this they do high damage for a small creature especially when weapons come into play. I know the whistle motion my be kind of a stretch to implement in game so they might need to be picked up similar to kairuku and dodos can be although I imagine them being just shy to big for that. They cannot ride creatures themselves but they can ride in passenger saddles don’t really know if ark could implement all that in game but it would be amazing if they I could just imagine having a diplo carry ten of them to a base and then raiding the base with them cause they could climb over behemoth gateways and walls. They can’t wear armor besides the helmet or hat because I feel like they’d be really OP if they could. I think they should also have a similar leveling up system to the moschops and therizino only you can upgrade gathering, repairing, or battle. I wish I could come up with some artwork like dossier for everyone but with working two jobs and most of my free time spent my fiancé or actually playing the game I hardly find time to even check creature suggestions let alone write one out for this long. I just love this game it’s one of the best I’ve played for a very long time.
- wall climber
- intelligent
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Hello, today I am going to introduce you to a creature used in construction and support, even though it is a small creature. Meet the volaticotherium, the survivor's best friend. \(^^)/ 1 : Dino File Volaticotherium Volaticotherium intelligentillus Jurassic Passive Wild I have rarely seen volaticotheriums because Volaticotherium intelligentillus are victims of small or large carnivores like saber-toothed tigers. The volaticotheriums are small mammals that move quickly on the ground but can also climb walls and take flight like a flying squirrel. Feeding on corpses and pesky insects, the Volaticotherium can spit a cold, nauseating smoke powerful enough to affect electrical devices. Volaticotheriums are also intelligent. One could say their intelligence is equal to that of a crow or a dolphin. Domesticated Taming one of these tiny creatures can be advantageous. You can teach it complex tasks, like sorting items, just as you would teach a hyaenodon to sit. Unfortunately for all survivors who thought they could turn the Volaticotherium into a parachute, it is impossible as these creatures are not strong enough. 2 : Abilities, Statistics, and Usage Here are the abilities of the Volaticotherium The Volaticotherium would be useful on the ground and on the shoulder. Shoulder Abilities The intelligence and breath of the Volaticotherium can assist you. It can repair your armor or weapon, reload your firearms, make you invisible, and heal you automatically. 1) To repair your armor or weapon automatically on you and not on a workbench, simply bring repair materials and put them in your Volaticotherium or inside you, and it will automatically repair them before they become brittle. 2) The Volaticotherium can reload your weapons. When the Volaticotherium reloads a weapon, the reload time will be faster and the first bullet will always be slightly more powerful than the others. 3) The Volaticotherium can give you an effect called camouflage. This means that some creatures will ignore you, even if they are ordered to attack you. To do this, give your Volaticotherium some Mejoberry and crouch. 4) If you heal your Volaticotherium, it will naturally heal you with its breath. Ground Abilities The Volaticotherium has abilities related to its breath and terrestrial intelligence that are completely different from its abilities when it is on your shoulder. 1) The Volaticotherium can sort your chest. Imagine there are 25 logs in one trunk and 50 in another. The Volaticotherium will automatically sort them, giving you 75 in one trunk and 0 in the other. 2) The explosion of the Volaticotherium can cause enemy electronic structures to malfunction and increase the power of allied electronic structures. For enemy turrets, the Volaticotherium will have camouflage shielding against turrets only in PVP game mode. The electrical disruption effect lasts for 2 minutes. 3) The Volaticotherium can also make a sleeping creature invisible. All creatures in the game will ignore the sleeping dinosaur and the Volaticotherium. To do this, the Volaticotherium creates a zone. For this to work, the Volaticotherium must be on the ground near a sleeping creature and have plenty of Mejoberry. Level 1 Statistics - Health: 50 - Stamina: 100 - Oxygen: 150 - Food: 200 - Weight: 35 - Damage: 120 - Speed: same as a thylacoleo To tame a Volaticotherium, you must be accompanied by a small dinosaur, such as a dodo or an otter. If the Volaticotherium sees you with a small creature, it will not run away and will become friends with yours. As long as the Volaticotherium befriends your dinosaur, many dilophosaurs will try to kill it, and you will have to protect it. If a Dilo touches it, the taming effectiveness decreases. Depending on the level of the Volaticotherium, you will need a certain number of creatures, the maximum being 4. 3 : Behavior and Location The Volaticotherium will flee as soon as it sees you. It will not have baby volaticotheriums in the wild. If there is a corpse, they will come to eat it. They are found in mountain or snow forests. They can fly very fast like maewings. Their size is that of a compy, and their width is that of a trilobite.
- 1
- shoulder creature
- intelligent
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From the album: Dossiers
Common Name: Troodon Species: Troodon Magnanimus Time: Late Cretaceous Diet: Carnivore Temperament: Nocturnally Aggressive Wild: Quite possibly the most intelligent non-human creature on the island, Troodon Magnanimus is an incredibly fast learner. It understands meaningful experiences much more quickly than other creatures (including humans), and its social nature means it also teaches its pack mates, making them more clever too. If Troodon’s cleverness didn’t make it formidable, than its tactics and biology do. It specifically pack-hunts at night when we are most vulnerable, and sees humans as its primary prey. This audacity is made especially dangerous due to its serrated fangs’ poison, which drains stamina from any creature, but outright paralyses humans. Thankfully, Troodon is fairly small. Were it larger, it might well have become the dominant creature of its ecosystem. Domesticated: I thought Troodon simply could not be tamed, until I finally saw a lone survivor with one. She told me that she let “Troody” hunt a few of her tribe’s smaller creatures for sport, and it eventually started following her everywhere. It seems that while Troodon is too intelligent to fall for the rote conditioning of ‘tranq-and-feed’, it can instead gradually gain loyalty from a social approach that provides it the opportunity to hunt. Ever since, I have wondered at the benefits that a pack of ultra-smart, bred-for-battle Troodon may bring to a tribe brave enough to earn the favor of these clever carnivores.- 1 comment
- nocturnally aggressive
- late cretaceous
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From the album: Dossiers
Common Name: Lystrosaurus Species: Lystrosaurus amicifidelis Time: Late Permian - Early Triassic Diet: Herbivore Temperament: Loyal Wild: Lystrosaurus aicifidelis is a small herbivore, common to much of the island. Only about two feet long, it is not high on the food chain, and eats small plant life. The poisonous insects of the island seem to have little effect on Lystrosaurus. Despite being among the Island's tinier herbivores, Lystrosaurus is an incredibly resilient survivor. It recovers its torpor and health much faster than most creatures, which makes rendering a Lystrosaurus unconscious a rather difficult affair. Domesticated: Not surprisingly, Lystrosaurus is an extremely loyal pet once tamed. It's a very fast learner, so it gains experience much more quickly than most other creatures. Additionally, its presence nearby appears to inspire allies, making them learn and gain experience more rapidly as well. Thusly, Lystrosaurus is an excellent addition to any tribe's hunting party.- 1 comment
- lystrosaurus
- synapsid
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