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This group of birds is much larger than their real world counterparts mostly due to the fact that the majority of bugs in the ARK which they primarily feed on are very large. These birds sport a V- shaped tail and pointed wings which not only allows long distance travel it also grants them amazing agility. This bird also rarely lands as they have learned to eat and even drink on the fly! This will be an awesome tame throughout your time on the ARK whether it’s your scouting buddy, or your aerial ace, or just a fun friend to fly with. Passive nature they will bolt when attacked by anything so get ready to defend it when taming To tame you need to passively feed it chitin Wild ones rarely land They deal very low damage to most things but are really strong against bugs and other invertebrates Normal saddle unlocked at lvl 15 Razor-wing saddle unlocked at lvl 55 Equips blades onto the front edge of the wings Flying in to creatures with the razor-wing saddle inflicts damage and has a low chance of inflicting bleed status Battle saddle unlocked at lvl 85 Battle saddle has a fixed/stationary mini gun which uses advanced rifle bullets and burns through them quickly, combined with the Kites low weight you’ll run out of ammo fast Jet saddle unlocked at lvl 100 this is to further implement its traversing capabilities allowing it to cover long distances very quickly They are faster than the pteranodon but have the same weight, and health They have stamina almost equivalent to the argentavis They can glide really fast They have a dive bomb ability which doesn’t do damage but puts them into a completely vertical dive fast mid-air strafe/dodge to help avoid other aerial opponents please leave any suggestions as I would love to improve/balance the design (might not keep jet saddle)
Hello, I've suggested this creature before and will continue to do so since it is a viable option for a replacement for the Sinomacrops. I think adding this creature to Valguero might be useful since we would be waiting a long time for Lost Island. This Creature will be a passive tame where your going to need Chitin, Raw Fish, Raw Prime Fish or Regular Kibble to tame the Jeholopterus. Once tamed the and on the back of a Survivor the Jeholopterus will act not only an early jetpack, wingsuit, or parachute, but also a deterrent for not only bugs, but up to medium sized creatures to watch out for when traversing the ARKs. Wild Jeholopterus will attack the player if they've got either an Ichtyornis on their shoulder or any Chitin Armor. I think this would be a viable tame for anyone to tame up when traveling across Valguero or to transfer over to any of the other ARKs. The Jeholopterus was a real creature that lived 164.7 - 161.2 Million Years Ago in a vast areas from North Korea, Mongolia, and China.
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Introducing the eomanis! A small herbivore, the eomanis can be found roaming and rolling all around the white cliffs. Being a shoulder tame, it uses its little hands to grab onto your shoulders while hanging off your back. Tossing the eomanis off your shoulder will have it leap forward, curling into a ball and rolling forward as its stamina drains. Upon hitting a tree or rock, its tough natural armor will break it, and it will collect the resources. If you have it whistled to follow, it will run back to show you what it collected, before adding it to its inventory. When hitting a creature, it will deal very low damage, but will do slight knockback and deal a good amount of torpidity. It wont be weighed down easily, getting a 50% weight reduction on stone and sand, as well as a 25% weight reduction on wood. This creature’s ability can be enhanced further with a heavy mining helmet! Equipping the helmet to the eomanis will allow it to deal extra torpidity to creatures depending on the armor value of the helmet! In addition, when harvesting, the mining helmet gives a small chance to obtain bonus resources from all sources! From trees, a chance for sap. From rocks, a chance for extra metal. From rich metal nodes, a chance for black pearls, and from crystals, a chance at aberration crystals. Taming the eomanis is simple but fun. These mostly docile creatures will still become aggressive if hit. Simply hit one to get its aggression and it will attack by rolling at you. Your goal is to jump over it, and have it run into a rock or tree to cause some torpidity. rocks give double the torpidity and once its knocked out, just tame it like you would anything else and you got a new harvesting buddy!
Corythosaurus, the canadian singer and buff giver! ENG/PTBR
Slimer87 posted a suggestion in Creature Submissions
Real life: Corythosaurus was a genus of herbivorous hadrosaurid dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous period, around 77–75 million years ago. It was known for its distinctive helmet-like crest, which may have been used for communication or display. Corythosaurus lived in what is now North America, particularly in regions that are part of modern-day Canada, such as Alberta. It inhabited lush floodplains and coastal environments, feeding on plants using its specialized, grinding teeth. Corythosaurus foi um gênero de dinossauro hadrossaurídeo herbívoro que viveu durante o período Cretáceo Superior, cerca de 77-75 milhões de anos atrás. Era conhecido por sua distinta crista em forma de capacete, que pode ter sido usado para comunicação ou exibição. O coritossauro viveu onde hoje é a América do Norte, especialmente em regiões que fazem parte do atual Canadá, como Alberta. Habitava exuberantes planícies aluviais e ambientes costeiros, alimentando-se de plantas com seus dentes especializados e afiados. Wild: Encountered in beaches, plains, forests and swamps from Valguero, Corythosaurus is a neutral/coward herbivore like the bronto, which is docile unless attacked or had eggs stolen, but runs away when low in health, it can be attacked by the same dinos that attack the Parasaur in game. It is bigger than Iguanodon or Parasaur (but not thaat bigger), being a quadruped and attacking with it's head, tail and feet. It isn't very fast or strong, but is fast and strong enough for certain treats like raptors, sabers, argies and others. It receives pack buffs up to four members. Encontrado nas praias, planícies, florestas e pântanos do Valguero, o Corythosaurus é um herbívoro neutro/covarde como o bronto, que é dócil a menos que seja atacado ou tenha seus ovos roubados, mas foge quando está com pouca saúde, pode ser atacado pelos mesmos dinossauros que atacam o Parassauro no jogo. É maior que o Iguanodonte ou o Parassauro (mas não tão maior), sendo um quadrúpede e atacando com cabeça, cauda e patas. Não é muito rápido ou forte, mas é rápido e forte o suficiente para certas ameaças como raptors, sabres, argies e outros. Recebe buffs de bando de até quatro membros. Taming: The taming method is like the Gigantoraptor's or the tribe alliance methods in Spore, you have to impress it by mimicking it's notes with a new item, the METAL HORN, feeding it kibble or berries with every right note, five wrong notes makes the whole herd mad at you. O método de domesticação é como o Gigantoraptor ou os métodos de aliança de tribo em Spore, você tem que impressioná-lo imitando suas notas com um novo item, a TROMBETA DE METAL, alimentando-o com ração ou frutas com cada nota certa, cinco notas erradas tornam o rebanho inteiro bravo com você. Tamed: Once tamed Corythosaurus can harvest bushes and mushrooms for berries, seeds and fungi like other herbivores, but it's special ability is it's three calls: - Stun Call: Long recharge, but makes any enemy nearby stunned for 5 seconds (doesn't work for bigger dinos). - Rally Call: Small recharge, boosts the stamina and speed of nearby allied creatures temporarily. - Calm Call: Doesn't have a recharge but has to be played for the entire time it's on and costs stamina, it reduces very significantly the aggression range of wild predators that aren't yet agroed, making the Corythosaurus useful in dangerous regions, but not useful in running from dinos that are already treats. The call's range is changed based on level, with bigger leveled Corythosaurs having bigger range. The saddle and metal horn engrams are unlocked at level 30. Uma vez domesticado, o Coritossauro pode colher arbustos e cogumelos para obter frutas, sementes e fungos como outros herbívoros, mas sua habilidade especial são três chamadas distintas: - Grito alto: recarga longa, mas deixa qualquer inimigo próximo atordoado por 5 segundos (não funciona para dinossauros maiores). - CORRE NEGADA!!!: Pequena recarga, aumenta temporariamente a resistência e a velocidade das criaturas aliadas próximas. - Música de fundo: Não possui recarga mas tem que ser jogado durante todo o tempo em que estiver ligado e custa stamina, reduz muito significativamente o alcance de agressão de predadores selvagens que ainda não estão agroed, tornando o Corythosaurus útil em regiões perigosas, mas não é útil para fugir de dinossauros que já são uma delícia. O alcance da chamada é alterado com base no nível, com Coritossauros de nível maior tendo maior alcance. Os engramas de sela e chifre de metal são desbloqueados no nível 30. Other cool colors for Corythosaurus: Every drawing made by me, except the size comparison! Todos os desenhos são meus, exceto a comparação de tamanho!! Made in Brasil - Slimer87_