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  1. If the pictures look shrunken, click on them for better resolution. Greetings, survivors! Let me introduce you to… Megaraptor – the Murderous Nightmare! While ARK already provides a large variety of theropod carnivores, none of them are megaraptorids. In my opinion, this might be an opportunity to include a beast capable of giving players a good scare, like the ones we probably all had back in the day - and while we were all naked beach Bobs. Now, what if ARK featured a horror-themed dinosaur referencing both the night feeder from Genndy Tartakosvki’s Primal and Lobo/Death from Puss in Boots 2? And what if you could craft a sort of primitive Blades of Chaos from said dinosaur? This submission proposes just that. Its main goal is to enrich and deepen the hunting and fighting experience, with a theropod that can do much more than repeating the same bite or claw attack over and over again. Megaraptor doesn’t aim to solve any of ARK’s issues, nor is it supposed to fulfill any particular quality of life needs of players. It simply aims to offer something cool and fun to use, capable of exciting the playerbase and bringing a breath of fresh air in the survival experience. Megaraptor will come with never-before-seen mechanics and a unique experience for survivors that no other creature can give you. All this with a one-of-a-kind design. Before starting, here’s a brief summary of the submission, so as to give you all a general framework of Megaraptor and make sure your upvote is earned. What does this creature offer? The full, detailed submission begins here: I kindly invite you all to read the text thoroughly, before deciding whether to upvote this creature or not. A Q&A section awaits you at the end of the submission to solve any doubt. You’re going to like it! Wild Being a rather versatile and adaptable creature, Megaraptor can be found in every biome. Despite that, it’s a rare spawn. In the wild, while it might look like any other large theropod at a first glance, this terrifying predator has a unique hunting style. In the daytime, Megaraptor hunts by approaching its prey in Ambush Mode, blending in the shadows of the environment. Being incapable of actually turning invisible, it will get easier and easier for the prey to spot it as it gets closer. However, if you can see Megaraptor, then it’s already too late! Once Megaraptor is close enough, it will pounce on its prey, performing a Jumpscare Lunge. Even if the prey manages to survive the attack, it will suffer from a Yutyrannus-style Fear Status that will cause it an intense psychological episode. This works on any creature, no matter the size (except for Titanosaurus and bosses/titans). Even survivors aren’t safe from this effect: they’ll experience SHOCK, a unique Hallucination Effect haunting their screen with visions of ghostly claws, teeth, and devilish eyes for 10 minutes (though it might as well last 5 minutes or less). To make things even worse, Megaraptor seems to change its behavior during the night, preferring to stalk and haunt its prey before killing them, roaring from the shadows to terrify both creatures and players with the same Hallucination Effect. In case you survive the ambush despite all this, don’t think you’re safe, for Megaraptor is also an excellent tracker. It will follow your trail and stalk you in the dark, waiting for its next chance to attack. You’d better keep your ears open for any rustling bush! And that’s not all: attacking a Megaraptor is nearly futile, because it will dodge and parry its way through strikes and shots as it approaches you. Nevertheless, survivors have a trick up their sleeve against Megaraptors, as these creatures are remarkably scared of fire, and will stay away from any sources of it. Torches, campfires, and flamethrowers will make this dinosaur run back into the dark. Also, staying next to a source of fire will heal SHOCK’s effect faster: it will pass in 5 minutes, rather than 10 (or half the minutes it would end up lasting, anyway). NB: only wild Megaraptors can parry projectiles. Taming Process Taming a Megaraptor is surely a test of skill. Here’s a step-by-step guide: Find and kill a wild Megaraptor. Harvest the Megaraptor Claws from the corpse and use them to craft the Megaraptor Blades. Approach the Megaraptor you want to tame, holding the blades in your hands. Having them equipped will prevent the creature from lunging at you, making it get in a duel stance instead, and it will be ready to fight. Use the secondary attack of the blades to parry the beast’s strikes. This will rapidly drain its stamina. Once Megaraptor gets tired from the fight, feed it with Battle Tartare or Shadow Steak Saute and repeat the process until it’s tamed. Feeding Megaraptor with Raw Mutton or Prime Meat is almost ineffective, while Raw Meat will be refused. Congratulations! You’ve successfully tamed a Megaraptor! This stealthy killer has many tricks up its sleeve that will give survivors an edge in trying to survive the ARK. Actions Claw Swipes (, , ) : Click: A three-swipe combo that builds up speed and damage similarly to TEK claws. The speed and damage buildup is shown in a gauge. Hold: Consume the gauge as you perform the Wounding Gnash, a high-damage double swipe & bite attack. This attack deals a Wounded status effect to a target. For 5 minutes, the target will take increased damage from attacks and leave behind a blood trail that is highlighted when riding a Megaraptor. As long as Megaraptor follows this trail, it will receive a movement speed buff. A moderate cooldown prevents players from spamming this ability. Hunting Pounce (Hold, , ) :A reticle will appear, allowing Megaraptor to aim. Once aimed at a target, Megaraptor will pounce on it, clinging to large creatures (like Deinonychus does) and pinning down small creatures and fliers (like Thylacoleo does). This attack dismounts players. Crouch (C, , ) : Megaraptor starts crawling on all fours, entering Ambush Mode. Megaraptor looks semi-transparent to players as long as it’s distant enough, while being invisible to turrets and hostile creatures. Pouncing on a creature while in Ambush Mode will trigger the Jumpscare Lunge, dealing all the status effects described in Wild to the target. The Jumpscare Lunge will instantly deactivate Ambush Mode, preventing it for a few seconds, and it won’t be usable again for a time. Even though you can rapidly get back in Ambush Mode, you won’t be able to spam the Jumpscare Lunge. Jump (Space, , ) : Press: Jump. Hold: When facing a wall, Megaraptor will perform a parkour-like sprint to climb the obstacle. Directional Dodge (Double Click W A S D) : Megaraptor can dodge in any direction based on your inputs (forward, backward, sideways, or diagonally), granting it Invincibility Frames (like Fjordhawk). A short cooldown prevents players from spamming this ability. Passive Abilities Agility: Megaraptor can rapidly walk and crawl in all directions and 360° rotate where it stands. Megaraptor can also sprint sideways by helping itself with its forelimbs. Though less efficient than a sprint forward, this movement comes in pretty handy in combat. Darkness Buff: When it’s nighttime or while spelunking in deep caves, Ambush Mode is constantly active. Pressing C,,will make Megaraptor let out a Creepy Roar, dealing the same effects as the Jumpscare Lunge. While this roar can’t be spammed, it will have a shorter cooldown than a Jumpscare Lunge. Big Game: When fighting large creatures and bosses/titans, Megaraptor gains the ability to heal itself by hitting the target, gaining an amount of health points equal to 50% of the damage points dealt with each blow. Overkill: A gauge fills up the more creatures a Megaraptor kills. Once the gauge is filled, Megaraptor will enter a psychotic rage where the rider cannot control its movements, during which it runs savagely on all fours, in search of the closest target, be it an ally or an enemy. While it won’t be able to perform special attacks, its Damage, Movement Speed, Rate of Fire, and Damage Resistance are all increased tremendously while raging. This is a high-risk mechanic that may pay off greatly if timed correctly. ⚠ Fear of Fire ⚠: Megaraptor’s fear of fire is overwhelming even after the taming process. If it gets too close to a source of fire, this creature will be filled with Fear. Megaraptor Blades You can use harvested Megaraptor Claws to craft Megaraptor Blades. A Megaraptor Blade is a sickle attached to a chain that survivors can wield to strike either up close or from a distance. Here’s how to use it: Primary Attack (, , ) : Click: slashes building up speed and damage similarly to TEK claws. If used on any corpse, it harvests exclusively Prime Meat. Hold: a reticle will appear, allowing the survivor to aim. Once aimed at a target, the survivor will throw the blade at it, with the effect changing depending on the situation: If the target is an environmental element (cliffs, trees, structures, and so on), the survivor will pull the chain to launch themself towards the target. If the target is a large creature (carno-size and bigger), the survivor will pull the chain to launch themself towards the target. If the target is a small creature (para-size and smaller, including other survivors), the survivor will pull the chain to drag the target towards them. Secondary Attack (Hold, , ) :the survivor spins the chained blade so fast as to form a dynamic shield in front of them, capable of deflecting arrows, darts, bullets, and wild Megaraptor attacks, as well as dispersing flames and gas. Megaraptor’s Potential in ASA Now that we’ve all seen what ARK Survival Ascended looks like and the new mechanics it introduced, I can tell without a doubt that Megaraptor will fit right in. The night is now really scary and anxiogenic, making the presence of this formidable ambush predator all the more terrifying. Furthermore, with the new path-finding system, Megaraptor will be a much more persistent stalker, and it will take more than a mere torch to escape it. Also, with the movement speed level-up gone, survivors will have no hope to outrun it. Such an opportunity to achieve the full potential of Megaraptor’s concept just can’t be missed! If you liked Megaraptor, please upvote this submission and share it with your friends. I’ll be listening to any feedback or advice you’d like to give me. Thanks for reading. Megaraptor for the win! Credits: Created by Roberto Turati Designed by TheFictionalLawyer & DILONG Art by RiskyBiscuits, Lapis Lazuli (art references), TheFictionalLawyer & TheSilentReaper With the participation of DynastyOfDragons, Jimmy, & TheSilentReaper Dossier by Mihael & Roberto Turati Possible Questions and Clarification: Don’t we have enough theropods? - ARK has many carnivorous theropods, which has always made it difficult for creature submitters to come up with a new one and candidate it. But in my opinion, this creature is completely qualified to be a worthy addition to the game, since it delivers a richer hunter-v-prey experience for players, as well as a deep combat system that will surely make it a creature not only versatile, but also fun to use, which I think should matter more than anything else in a game. Why add another raptor? - Because this is no “raptor”, in spite of its name. Megaraptoridae was a family of predatory theropods more closely related to Tyrannosauroidea than it was to Dromaeosauridae (source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megaraptora). Not only that, but Megaraptoridae is one of the few families in the Carnosauria infraorder that haven’t been featured in the game yet, while being really peculiar and unique, with their appearance strongly indicating that they were deadly predators. Wouldn’t this heavily combat-oriented asset make Megaraptor overpowered? - Not really, since it still remains a medium-tier creature hardly stronger than Carnotaurus. Still, Megaraptor has great potential thanks to its several obtainable buffs and a more varied moveset than the now boring “bite spam”. Besides, if you want to get the most out of Megaraptor, you’ll need to get strategic with its Ambush Mode and Jumpscare Lunge, which is useful for approaching bases and scaring away the largest dinos, including Giganotosaurus. If exploited properly, this creature will be your best tame for fighting armies and bosses, but this comes at a price: Megaraptor’s fear of fire may turn the tide in combat all of a sudden, and its Overkill frenzy can be way more counterproductive than useful, if not played wisely. Wouldn’t Megaraptor overshadow Deinonychus? - Absolutely not. In fact, although Megaraptor shares many similarities with Deinonychus while feeling overall like a superior tame (except for climbing), it’s worth mentioning that Deinonychus will hold its place in the survival experience. First of all, it’s an early tame, unlike Megaraptor. Second of all, Deinonychus’ Bleeding is still vital in boss fights, making it a mandatory tame. Finally, while Megaraptor is an especially good option to fight large enemies, it’s less efficient than Deinonychus against medium-sized creatures and far riskier when slaying large numbers of lesser foes. Wouldn’t Megaraptor just become an annoyance like Pegomastax and Ichthyornis after a while? - It’s a very rare creature. Even though it gives its all in early-mid game and even if you’re flying across the map, you’ll have to fear it might show up the moment you need to land or venture the wilds. It’s a considerable threat to you and your mounts, but if you learn the best strategies to scare it away with fire, then you can live with it. In late game, while you’ll probably be too advanced to be Megaraptor’s prey, you’ll surely be able to enjoy it as a hunter and a fighter. How useful will Megaraptor actually be against bosses? - Megaraptor is a good choice to slay the Broodmother spawning naturally in Valguero, but beware of her spiderlings: kill too many and you’ll trigger Megaraptor’s Overkill frenzy. As for Valguero’s true bosses - Megapithecus, Dragon, and Manticore - Megaraptors are ideal thanks to their Big Game buff and the absence of enemy minions getting in your way. The only issue will be losing control over the Megaraptors because of the Dragon and the Manticore’s fire-based attacks. This dinosaur won’t be the ultimate boss killer, but still a balanced solution, with its pros and cons. It’s up to you to choose how to use Megaraptor outside Valguero, not to mention the fact that everything depends on how Wildcard would design the official Megaraptor should it win the submission. For now, Megaraptor has several features helpful against bosses and giant creatures: accelerating blows, the ability to cling to large beasts, the Wounded status effect it deals to enemies, making them take more damage, and the Big Game buff, which allows it to resist much longer in a fight. (Megaraptor fan art by Drawolf)
  2. https://ibb.co/PsM6S2CG - Image Meet the Giant Koala, a creature that blends both cuteness and terrifying power, reminiscent of the mighty Megatherium but with an undeniable mystical edge. Standing as a living bridge between the physical world and the spiritual Dreamtime, this colossal being offers not just companionship but a deeper connection to the very essence of the land. With its massive size, cuddly exterior, and an intricate fur pattern inspired by Aboriginal dot paintings, the Giant Koala is a creature of profound spiritual significance. Each dot in its fur tells a story from the Dreamtime, the ancient spiritual realm where ancestors reside and the world was shaped. These markings glow softly when the koala taps into its mystical powers, reflecting its deep bond with the land and the forces that govern it. But don’t be fooled by its peaceful, sleepy demeanor. The Giant Koala is a formidable ally with abilities that range from dream manipulation to raw, untapped strength. You’ll need to embark on a unique taming journey that will test your mind, spirit, and ability to connect with the koala on a metaphysical level. Will you emerge from the Dreamtime stronger, with a spiritual bond that unlocks its full potential, or will you be lost in the haze of hallucinations forever? Fur appearance: The Giant Koala’s fur could be transformed into a living canvas, adorned with vibrant aboriginal dot paintings that tell stories of the Dreamtime—the spiritual realm where the ancestors reside, and the world was shaped. These markings wouldn’t just be aesthetic; they would represent the koala’s deep connection to the land and the spiritual forces that shape its environment. Fur & Patterns: Dot Paintings as Natural Markings: The koala’s fur is covered in intricate dot patterns that pulse with soft, glowing light when it taps into its mystical powers. These patterns could flow across its back, legs, and even its face, resembling the Dreamtime. Abilities: 1. Dream Fog The Giant Koala can exhale a thick, dream-like fog that induces sleep or hallucinations. It could be used to put enemies into a deep, dreamlike trance, causing them to either become disoriented or unable to act. The koala's natural connection with the dream world makes it a terrifying force in battle, capable of manipulating the perception of reality. 2. Climbing Mastery It can scale any surface, no matter how vertical or treacherous, with ease, using its powerful claws. This would make it a nightmare in any environment, where it can appear out of nowhere, launching surprise attacks or evading foes. 3. Sleepy Strength The koala can feign weakness by appearing to nap, but when enemies get too close, it suddenly activates immense physical strength and moves with surprising agility, delivering powerful strikes or throws. Enemies are tricked by its slow, relaxed demeanor, underestimating its true strength until it's too late. 4. Regenerative Slumber When the Giant Koala falls asleep, it enters a deep regenerative state, healing wounds rapidly and restoring stamina over time. This ability allows it to withstand prolonged combat, giving it a resilience that makes it hard to defeat if its enemies don't act quickly. 5. Eucalyptus Aura The koala can release an aura of calming eucalyptus scent, which can heal minor injuries for allies and temporarily boost mental clarity, preventing confusion and fear. The aura has a soothing, almost therapeutic effect, turning the battlefield into a zone of recovery. 6. Sit ‘n’ Squash The Giant Koala can drop down onto enemies with its full weight, sitting on them like a wombat. This move traps the enemy beneath its massive bulk, crushing or immobilizing them temporarily. The koala’s “playful” nature hides a brutal attack, as it uses its enormous size and surprisingly fast movement to flatten opponents. The weight of its body combined with the koala’s strong legs makes this an effective crowd control tactic. Additional Effect: If the koala remains sitting on an enemy for a few moments, it could cause the enemy to be stunned, suffocate, or be unable to move until they’re able to break free, making it a dangerous way to trap key foes during a fight. 7. Koala Rage When invoked with a bad high, the Giant Koala goes into a berserk state, becoming faster, stronger, and more aggressive, with heightened senses and increased physical damage output. The normally peaceful creature is capable of terrifying displays of raw, untamed force when provoked. A bad high can be triggered by feeding it any type of mushroom or eucalyptus leaves (Note this can only be triggered once a day and it has a limited chance of triggering). 8. Mobile Mortar & Pestle The Giant Koala has the unique ability to transform part of its body into a massive, functional mortar and pestle, allowing survivors to process herbs, minerals, and other ingredients on the go. Taming Method: Spiritual Journey (The Eucalyptus Dream) To tame the Giant Koala, the survivor must enter a deep spiritual trance by consuming a special concoction made from the koala's sacred eucalyptus leaves and a rare, psychedelic flower that only grows in the most remote, mystical parts of the ARK (mostly found in the most difficult caves). This elixir induces a powerful hallucinogenic experience that allows the adventurer to connect with the koala on a metaphysical level. Effects: During the spiritual trip, the survivor embarks on a shared journey with the koala, entering its mind and experiencing its dreams. The survivor might need to prove their inner peace or ability to respect nature, meditating through obstacles like hallucinated enemies or confronting their own fears and desires in the dreamscape. The koala watches and assesses their actions during this spiritual trial. Outcome: If the adventurer successfully completes the journey, the koala recognizes them as a worthy companion, and they form a deep, spiritual bond. The creature’s power becomes available to the adventurer, but also, the koala may occasionally "guide" them with visions in moments of need, offering insight or warnings. However, this bond isn’t without its challenges: the adventurer must maintain balance and harmony with the koala’s spirit or risk losing its trust. Trippy Visuals: The hallucinations during the spiritual journey could include surreal visual effects like shifting colors, shifting trees, or strange creatures. The environment might shift as the survivor and the koala’s spirits "dance" together. Spiritual Dangers: There could be moments where the adventurer is confronted by a twisted version of the koala’s past, forcing them to come face-to-face with darker aspects of nature, like destructive forces or corrupted spirits. Overcoming these could be a crucial part of the bonding process. Aftereffects: Even after the trip is over, there could be lingering effects on the adventurer’s perception or abilities. For example, they might be able to see hidden details in nature, feel more attuned to the natural world, or have heightened senses for a time—akin to the koala’s abilities. Risks: Overindulgence: If the survivor consumes too much of the eucalyptus concoction, they risk losing themselves to the hallucinations, becoming trapped in the dream world or unable to distinguish between illusion and reality until they die. Vulnerability: During the spiritual journey, the adventurer is physically vulnerable in the real world. Any attacks or dangers from enemies during the trip could leave them open to harm, making this a risky, high-stakes method of taming.
  3. Velafrons titanathletes Velafrons is among the larger animals of the ark, on par with the likes of the spino and rex in a plant-eating package. A utility and combat focused hadrosaur, Velafrons likes to show off to others both in its species as well as those closely related. Mobility One of the main utilities of Velafrons is its use as a travel mount, despite the size, Velafrons is both capable of moving at decent speeds but also is a champion marathon sprinter, while on all fours its running stamina depletion is slow for such an animal. Like its smaller relative the Parasaur, Velafrons enjoys the water, perhaps even more so. Found in the wild wading or swimming in the rivers of Valguero, Velafrons is a proficient swimmer as well, when combined with its other movement options, Velafrons makes for a great travel companion. Its affinity for water leads to a rivalry with Spinos. Velafrons is also capable of doing something not seen in many herbivores on the ark, by slamming the sharpened “knuckles” on its forearms into the white cliffs, Velafrons once again proves itself as a champion athlete by climbing the cliffs with ease. Utility Though Velafrons isn’t the most utility focused herbivore, it can still gather plenty of resources, most uniquely its punches can shatter boulders allowing Velafrons to gather a variety of materials from rocks. Coupled with its powerful body allowing it to have a high carrying capacity, and Velafrons continues to shine in traversal of the ark. Combat Velafrons is designed primarily as a combat focused herbivore, capable of fighting opponents in boss arenas as well as in the wild. With a design inspired by boxers and two stances, Velafrons is intended to be fun and powerful. Quadruped Stance While on all fours, Velafrons gains the passive stamina buff called marathon sprinter in addition to being faster than when in tripod stance. Attack 1 in this stance is a headbutt, its powerful sail crest acting as a weapon Attack 2 is a shoulder check, slamming its body to the side While in quad stance, pressing the crouch key enters Cannon Mode Cannon Mode Cannon Mode makes the nasal sac flare up, a crosshair appearing on the player screen, allowing for better aim as Velafrons can launch sticky fluids at high velocity. Targets hit will be coated with the volatile fluids, dealing damage and slowing their speed slightly. If the fluids land on the ground, they create a puddle similar to that of the oil jar. Tripod Stance Standing on the powerful hind legs and planting its sturdy tail upon the ground, the Velafrons readies its fists and stands in a way similar to that of retro hadrosaur reconstructions. Attack 1 in tri stance is an alternating punch with its forearms, can be held down to hit repeatedly, starting slow but each punch slowly building up to max speed. The attack 2 key will make Velafrons wipe its nose with its fists, coating its fists with the volatile fluids while performing a motion that mimics the nose wipe taunt that many fighters do in media. Punch attacks while coated in this fluid cause the fluid to ignite, setting the fists alight, any puddles or enemies hit also burn. The crouch key in tri stance enters block mode, Velafrons can take reduced damage while blocking, but a timed block can allow Velafrons to escape a powerful attack with a dodge. Thrill and Showboating Thrill is the unique gimmick of Velafrons, while taking or giving damage, Velafrons builds up thrill. Thrill is gained faster when Velafrons is near another Velafrons, Parasaurs or other powerful herbivores due to its nature as a performer. When Thrill reaches high enough, Velafrons becomes more energetic, panting and when in tri stance even bouncing on its feet with more vigor, signalling the ability to discharge powerful attacks. Thrill boosted Cannon Mode attacks instantly explode on impact, greatly increasing damage, can be charged to launch faster and farther. Punching in Tri stance while boosted with Thrill allows the rider to hold down the key, instead of a flurry of punches, Velafrons charges a single powerful blow. While in Defense Mode in Tri stance, Thrill changes the block into a counter, the first hit to land on Velafrons is met with a single strike by Velafrons, slamming the opponent into the dirt with a downward slam, this is the single most powerful attack that Velafrons possesses.
  4. -SUMMARY: Common Name: Cave Frog Species Name: Electrorana limoae (Amber Frog of Mrs Mo Li) Suggested Name: Antrumrana valguerae (Cave Frog of Valguero) Group: Amphibians Time: Cretaceous Diet: Carnivorous Temperament: Languorous Design Inspiration: Blue Milk Frog with convergent evolutionary aspects of Poison Dart Frogs & Gliding Leaf Frogs. Main Uses: Great Mobility, Assists with Taming, Adaptable Abilities from Consumables. Map Relation: Native to Valguero’s Aberrant Cave-System “The Unknown” Main Diet: Glowbugs, Lampreys, Seekers, & Glow Pets Gameplay: Mobility, Taming, Cave Runs, Base Defense & Raiding Colors: Black, White, Grays, Blues, Purples, Pinks, Ambers, Oranges, Browns, Tans -WILD: Passive unless attacked. They rarely can be seen clinging to the walls and ceilings deep within the Unknown. They descend onto prey when they spot movement. Gliding across caverns to snatch a stray Glowbug or Seeker out of the air. A fully grown Cave Frog has few natural Predators within their Ecosystem. The toxins produced by their skin repels most would-be attackers. If attacked however, the Cave Frog will use their Shine Burst ability to stun them and try to retreat back to a safe elevation. Anything small enough to fit in its mouth that is foolish enough to attack one will quickly turn the Cave Frog aggressive. Making it lash out while most certainly trying to eat the smaller threat. Although they are passive, they are still attracted to the movement and glow of their prey, running with flashlights on, or with a lit miners cap is not advised. It could possibly lure them down to attempt to attack and consume you. -DOMESTICATED: The true champions of any 3D Environment. Cave Frogs can cling to any surface, jump great distances, as well as move at deceptively fast speeds on land and in water. Being able to also glide slightly with their large toe pads. This allows them to direct their decent when falling while also extending the lengths of their leaps. This mobility makes them unquestionably the best way to get around the Subterranean Caverns of this ARK and beyond. As well as being able to fire weapons from their saddles, and a constant supply of Bio-Toxin produced in their inventory, They are invaluable partners when Taming. Repelling many predators from attacking your tames during the process. Being able to turn aspects of their diets into defensive, or offensive capabilities doesn’t hurt their utility much either. From gaining effects from Rockwell recipes to being able to fire a cannonball from their mouths. Cave Frogs can be a Swiss Army Knife of a companion. Tamed by Good Ol’ Egg Snatching (with a Twist…) The Cave Frogs lay their bright amber eggs in moist sticky-clusters directly above water for the tadpoles to fall into. Being so sticky, if you can reach the cluster, (Climbing Picks, Grapple Hooks, Glider Suit, Parachutes, etc.) even just touching it, the eggs are so sticky that one will just stick directly to your back. Also able to stick to a tamed Cave Frog’s sides as well. This is the last instance that will turn a Cave Frog aggressive being that they are very protective parents. All Cave Frogs in the vicinity will turn aggressive, and being very fast when they want to be, they are not easy to escape. The Cave Frogs will not attack, but will attempt to snatch the egg off of your back with their long tongues. Quickly retreating back up to the cave ceilings when they retrieve it. However, if you win this intense game of keep-away by escaping and losing aggro on everything. You can then place the egg into your inventory. A tip is to toss torches and glow sticks to throw the Cave Frogs off of your trail by distracting them. Setting up Charge Lights beforehand along your route can help with this also. Although the mother and father are usually not so easily thrown off, their companions that accompany them are much more likely to fall for the rouse. An egg removed from its cluster can be placed in water to hatch afterwards. The tadpoles being fed Leech Blood until maturity. Then switching to a full carnivorous diet as an adult. Note: If escaping is just too difficult on foot in testing. The eggs could just stick to your back when on any mount other than just using the Cave Frog as the only mount they will stick to besides your own character. The idea was to make it very difficult unless skilled with Grapples, Gliders, & Parachutes to get your first Cave Frog. Pretty much by escaping from them with the egg to the entrance area of The Unknown. With your first helping to tame another stronger Cave Frog much easier afterwards. I just know how an idea can perform better on paper than in practice so just throwing it out there that any changes that need to be made to make that a fun experience you would want to do repeatedly are completely fine with me. As long as they eggs are fun to get. - Most basic original concept I had was to use Fishing Baskets to catch the tadpoles that fall into the water. Beginning the imprint and maturity process after releasing it from the basket. I just thought that didn’t sound fun enough to me. - Weaknesses: -Entering Deserts & Very Hot Volcanic Temperatures dries out the Cave Frog’s skin and begins to drain its health slowly. This is cancelled out while submerging in water or going into an underground area. Heatwaves intensify this effect. -Entering Freezing Temperatures makes Cave Frogs move progressively slower until Lethargic and unmoving. Needing to be left or put into a cryopod to continue. Although harsh penalties, these obstacles can be worked around with certain consumables. -Large Aberrant Predators (Reapers, Rock Drakes & Karkinos) are Immune to their defensive Toxins and not repelled by them. Large Predators like Rexes, Carchars, Giga, etc. are not familiar enough with the Cave Frog to avoid attacking it. Not being Immune, they will be knocked unconscious if the Cave Frog is attacked too many times with the right consumable. Note: Spinos, Sarcos, and most swamp dwelling creatures avoid Cave Frogs like the plague unless attacked multiple times. Even Non-Aberrant ones. Also All Predators smaller than the Cave Frog are repelled unless attacked. -BASIC ABILITIY IDEAS: (Super-Mobile Taming-Unit/Cave Explorer) -Tamable, Breedable, Mountable -Can Fire Weapons While Mounted on their Saddle -Matures from a Tadpole -Much Larger than Beelzebufo -Good Carry Weight -Hydration Boost -Specialized Bone Structure from knocking around cave systems provides No Fall Damage -Very Quick Sprinting Hop/Movement Speed -Can Jump Ridiculously Far, along with Aimed-Jump Option -Seamlessly Sticks to any Surface it Lands On -Can Stick and Climb on Any Surface -Descending-Glide using Toe-Pads -Can Float to Surface and stand on their Saddle like a Sarco, etc. -Same Turning Mobility as the Beelzebufo, even when Climbing -Creates Cementing Paste from Insects like the Beelzebufo -Acquires Charge-Light Reserves from Eating Glowbugs, Lampreys & Shine Pets -Can Emit Charge Light like a Shine Pet while Reserves Last -Can Emit a Shine Burst that Temporarily Stuns Attackers but depletes All Reserves -Colorful Pulsing that indicates when Hidden Predators/Enemies are near by (when Charged) -Produces Bio-Toxin (like Jellyfish’s) but Passively in their Inventory -Gives Slight Torpor Damage to Physical Attackers when hit by them -Can Repel some Predators from attacking during the KO taming process -Can Inflict Torpor Damage from Tongue Attack & Spitwads -Can be set to emit a quick Warning Alarm Shine when it, or an ally in its radius, is attacked. -Breaths Underwater -Radiation Immunity -Can be set to Warn of an Earthquake or Storms with a long Croaking Noise beforehand -Slick skin makes Rhyniognatha Sticky-Sap not effective on the Cave Frog. -4 (maybe 5) ATTACKS: Main Attack: (BASE) Tongue Jab Secondary Attack: (HOLD) “Kirby” Swallow that snatches targets with its tongue, swallowing and holding Survivors & Smaller Creatures (RELEASE) Shoots Survivors & uneaten Creatures Main Attack: (WHILE CREATURE SWALLOWED) Consumes creature to gain effect if possible. Shoots creature if no effect can be gained from it. Secondary Attack: (CONSUMABLE ABILITY USED WHILE ACTIVE) After the Consumable Creature/Item is consumed, Fires Consumable Effect Projectiles like Spitwads/Cannonballs or Activates/Deactivates Non-Passive Consumable Effects like Camouflage until timer runs out. Returning to the “Kirby” Swallow when Consumable Effects timer ends or Reserves completely run out. Third Attack: (IF NEEDED) Can be used to toggle between Sticky-Mode and regular Walk/Hopping-Mode. Kind of like the Megalania switching between being able to climb walls and not. Allowing the option to not stick to every surface you touch if its too hard to control for some reason. My hopes are that it could move between surfaces so seamlessly that it wouldn’t matter and it would just stick and walk up any vertical surface it came in contact with whether hopping along the ground or jumping/falling through the air. Roar: Stunning Shineburst/Booming-Croak (Just Croaks if No Charge Reserves) -JUMP Jump Button: (TAP) Jumps and Sticks to first surface it contacts. Jump Button: (HOLD) Aim reticle appears allowing for controlled Jump. (RELEASE) Jump. Jump Button: (HOLD) While airborne to allow for slight Gliding with toe pads/webbing. (Always sticks to first Surface it lands on) - -SPECIAL CONSUMABLE ABILITY: “Kirby”-like Powers: (+swallow animation needed) (similar to Gasbag’s inhale or a tongue grab) Swallowing and then Consuming certain Creatures provide effects like: Glowbugs/Lamprey/Light Pets: can use Charge Light until reserves run dry Meganeura/Titanomyrma/Achatina/Bee/Jug Bug/Glowbug/Swarms: Creates Cementing Paste - *Nameless: Temporarily intensifies Toxins on skin causing more Torpor Damage when hit Rock Drake Egg = Temporarily can use the Rock-Drake Cloaking Ability Wyvern Egg = Temporarily has Elemental Breath-Invulnerability matching the Egg eaten - Ferox = Temporary Frenzy with Attack & Speed buff (Will eat ANY wandering near by.) - Spiders & Scorpions = Temporary Torpor Damage inflicting Tongue Jabs & spitwads Lystrosaurus = Temporary EXP Buff for surrounding tames Oviraptor = Temporary Egg Laying Buff for surrounding tames & wild creatures Jellyfish = non-stackable Temporary x3 increase in passive Bio-Toxin Generation - Items Consumed from Inventory: *Nameless Venom: Temporarily intensifies Toxins causing more Torpor Damage when hit Bio-Toxin = Can stack for multiple Torpor Dealing spitwads (5-10) (Shocking-Tranq Equivalent) Stimulant = Very temporary minor Speed Boost. Rare Flower = non-stackable Croak that Attracts Herbivores Rare Mushroom = non-stackable Croak that Attracts Carnivores Bug Repellent = non-stackable Croak that confusingly Attracts Insects (For Cementing Paste) Sap = Consuming adds up to stack of 5 Sticky-immobilizing spitwad Oil = Consuming adds up to stack of 5 Sticky-flammable spitwad Propellant = Consuming adds up to stack of 5 Flaming-spitball Attack Wyvern milk = Temporary x2 Imprint buff to all surrounding babies Element = non-stackable Croak that emits a TEK disabling EMP-Blast Cannonball = Consuming adds non-stackable Cannon Shot (+Anti-Aircraft-drops flyers) Chainbola = Consuming adds non-stackable Chain-Bola-Capture-Shot (Moving Catapult) Medical Brew = Temporarily and slowly Heals Cave Frog over time Mindwipe = Can Respec Cave Frog’s Stats Shadowsteak = Cloaking Ability with Hot/Cold Temperature Protection and Weight Buff Tartar = Defense & Speed Buff Broth = EXP Buff for surrounding tames, survivors, and the Cave Frog Calien Soup = Temporarily Protects Cave Frog from health drain in Deserts & Volcanos Enduro Stew = Stamina & Weight Buff Focal Chili = Temporary Homing spitwads (Can also consume Rocks or Grenades. Can stack 5) Fria Curry = Temporarily Prevents from Slowing down and freezing in the Cold Lazarus Chowder = Temporarily provide Oxygen Bubbles for the Rider +Frog-Swim Speed Buff Cactus Broth = Temporarily Cancels out health drain in Deserts Mushroom Brew = Temporary provides Radiation Immunity for close surrounding allies. Soap = Croak that makes Bubbles that float around. Just for fun Dye = Marking/Tracking Paintball spitwad that covers target in bright paint the color of the dye- -also leaving foot prints of that color trailing behind. Hemoglobin Cocktail: Temporarily intensifies Toxins on skin causing more Torpor Damage when hit (Nameless Venom substitute, but slightly less effective) while simultaneously working for the Ceratosaur Taming Mechanic as well. Same pink cloud and timer to indicate effects just the addition of causing torpor damage to all other attackers besides Ceratosaurus. *Some passive consumable abilities should be stackable like buffs. Only having just 1 offensive ability at a time triggered by the secondary attack button. *Any other ideas for unique abilities or attributes gained from possible foods/resources, feel free to leave in the comments. - I just feel like a Giant Tree Frog would be an amazing addition to ARK. I originally submitted this for Aberration but I think this creature will fit very well into “The Unknown” Aberrant Biome of Valguero and would make traveling down to there very rewarding. The Unknown could use a little bit of a layout change to make it fit in perfectly but I think it would be worth it. This creature could benefit you on any map, and its maneuverability alone would make it very valuable. Adding the ability to gain effects from what it consumes like some Frogs and Toads do today, really just combines to create a mount I would be so happy with personally. Really hope other people share my enthusiasm for the idea of a mount option like this in ASA. Thank you for your time.
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