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Gorgonopsid (Inostrancivia rapax): The Ultimate Warhound
Sp4rtn343 replied to Cgdino's Suggestion in Creature Submissions
Gorgonopsid, the blood hound Species: Inostrancevia Gorgonopsid Time: Permian Diet: Carnivore Temperament: Aggressive Wild: Native to the arks deserts, redwoods, and grasslands, Gorgonopsid is a powerful predator similar in size to the Thylacoleo. However unlike the marsupial lion, this gorgon isn't adapted to climbing, being instead more adapted to tracking injured prey with their amazing sense of smell. This sense of smell allows Gorgonopsids to not only track potential prey but give them information on how injured the prey is while letting them keep track of its location no mater how far they may have gone. With this powerful tool, Gorgonopsids are unique in the fact they will target larger carnivores then they usually would if they are injured enough. When attacking with it's long powerful jaws and saber-teeth, the Gorgonopsid inflicts a gnash effect, causing it's prey to bleed out. This makes Gorgonopsids a living nightmare for any survivors on injured mounts on the warmer habitats they inhabit as your best option is to run and hope the Gorgonopsid finds a more tasty meal or to swim as these predators do not seem to be well adapted to swimming. Domesticated: With such a powerful sense of smell and powerful gnashing bites, many tribes use Gorgonopsids as a powerful battle mount and tracker. Many of which will be used to hunt even the mightiest of apex predators! However their main appeal is their powerful sense of smell, allowing those who tame Gorgonopsid to not only track and identify the strength of wild creatures but also tamed animals, making it an amazing animal for tamers and for scouts. It can even track certain items such as eggs, explorer notes, loot drops, artifacts and even apex drops on apex predators. To tame one of these saber-toothed therapsids however may be counter intuitive for those who are not familiar with them. With their powerful sense of smell the best way to tame one is too use a rare flower scent, which normally aggravates nearby creatures, to mellow down a nearby Gorgonopsid as they seem to enjoy the smell. This makes taming these very dangerous due to the neighboring wildlife as you will have to feed them while the scent of the flower covers you to avoid being attacked by the Gorgonopsid. Gorgonopsids, named after the Gorgon of Greek myth, were a group of predatory stem-mammals that lived before the dinosaurs during the Permian period. Related to Purlovia, they were the top predators of their time. They are characterized by a long and narrow skull, as well as an elongated upper and lower canine teeth, making it much similar to mammals despite having a more reptilian body. Also, if you did not know. This is the ONLY creature ARK has confirmed to appear that never did. Back in ARK’s early days there was a list of all the creatures they planned to add on Steam. All of the creatures on that list were added eventually, with the exception of the Gorgonopsid. The gorgonopsid used to share this title of “Forgotten Creature” with the Giant Crab, but Karkinos has been added in Aberration. Gorgonopsid will spawn in warmer locations such as deserts, redwoods, grasslands. It is a mid-tier to end-tier tame, being a decently powerful mount similar in scale to Thylacoleo. However, the gorgonopsid also has a very specific but incredibly useful ability. This gorgonopsid would have the strongest sense of smell on the ARK, able to use its nose for a variety of different uses. Abilities: -Tracking: By pressing the sniffing ability, a crosshair will appear on the rider’s screen. When released onto a creature in sight, regardless of what it is, where it is, or who it belongs to, the Gorgonopsid will be able to tell its general direction, allowing the rider to track this creature across the map, regardless of its location. This can act as a more organic form of the transponder, as you could give the gorgonopsid the scent of your flyer before you travel. In the event you die but your flyer lives and buzzed off somewhere unknown, you can take out your gorgonopsid to find it. This also has utility in PvP, since this ability can identify and track enemies from a far distance without their knowledge, for the most part. Players will be completely unaware of their tames being tracked, but players will be notified if a gorgonopsid is specifically tracking their character. Another counter is that gorgonopsids lose the scent if the creature they’re tracking is put into a cryopod. Gorgonopsids will remember their last scent if they themselves are put in cryopods, however. -High-Level Tame Finding: While there are creatures like the glow pets that have the ability to detect high level creatures in the area, gorgonopsids have a similar ability that is more direct. When using this ability, the gorgonopsid will show the direction of the highest level creature within a certain radius of itself, and is highlighted to the rider upon being viewed directly. This ability can be refreshed by using the ability again, and the target will change if a higher level creature has moved within range. -Gnash Bite: With a particularly powerful bite of its saber teeth, the Gorgonopsid leaves a gnashing wound upon the creature it attacked. This gives the gorgonopsid a much stronger scent to follow, allowing the rider to track the creature with much better accuracy than merely gaining the scent from afar. On top of this, since the Gorgonopsid has a much stronger scent from the wound, it allows the rider to see the stats of the wounded creature, akin to an organic and more widespread form of the HLN-A. This would be invaluable when looking to tame certain creatures or scouting for weaknesses in the mist of a battle. -Sensory Support: Acting as a companion to other tames, the gorgonopsid could greatly extend the range of nearby creatures with similar sensory abilities, like those of the Fjordhawk, Parasaur, Dire Wolves, Troodon, and others. -Other ways of tracking: -Able to sniff out traps, explosives and other hazards. -Able to sniff out explorer notes. -Able to sniff out apex drops on apex predators. -Senses and warns of creatures in ambush (Thylacoleo/Purlovia). -Using the scent of eggs/tames/dermis to be able to track specific species of creatures in the wild -Using the scent of stolen items/creatures to track down their original owners -Bite: deals average armor piercing damage, causing major bleed damage due to its saber teeth. -Swipe: swipes with claws, does average damage, quick cooldown -Charge: gorgonops will charge at a target with its jaws wide open and if it hits the target deals huge damage and bleed -Sniff: smells the air and, depending on what it's set to, will highlight all targets in a certain radius. Scent ability can target creatures and players, explorer notes or loot drops, artifacts, element. They are highlighted in a spherical radius from the gorgonops. The sniff can detect enemies similar to the Parasaur. -Roar- Fear roar similar to the Yutyrannus. -A stealth ability to sneak up on or sneak past creatures and tames. -High stamina to maintain long distances -High speed to run towards any targets or escape more quickly -High Jump to aid in exploration and tracking across rough terrain. -Damage resistance and less affected by toxins -Weight reduction on meat, prime meat, mutton, pelt, hide, keratin, chitin FOR TOO LONG THE GORGONOPSID HAS NOT BEEN ADDED IN THE GAME SO LET'S VOTE FOR THE GORGONOPSID!!!- 4 replies
- gorgonopsid
- valguero
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Tenontosaurus Tilletti: The Jack of all Trades Mount
Thyla0 posted a suggestion in Creature Submissions
Tenontosaurus Tilletti is a mid-sized iguanodontian ornithopod that lived at the same time and area as Deinonychus (one of my reasons for submitting Tenontosaurus). I wanted to submit a creature that could be a jack of all trades, master of none type creature, good for travel, harvesting and battle. Feel free to leave suggestions, all are accepted Dossier: Temperament: Skittish Wild: Tenontosaurus Tilletti is a welcome sight to this ARK after seeing the number of carnivores that inhabit the White Cliffs and Boreal Forests this creature walks. Exclusively found in herds ranging from 3 to 5 members and always roaming from food source to food source. The specimens I've encountered are much larger than those in the fossil record and have a large amount of muscle in their hindquarters and tail, which I have observed being used to devastating effect against predators such as Deinonychus, a rivalry pulled across time and space. Tenontosaurus are generally skittish around creatures and humans, and will flee unless that human happens to look like a bush and smell of food. Tamed: Survivors that have tamed Tenontosaurus have told me that they can be attracted by the promise of food and will often come over to investigate. Tamed Tenontosaurus are excellent mounts, being able to carry huge quantities of resources across long distances, travel swiftly and across difficult terrain and are fiercely protective of their riders. Taming Method: wearing ghille and berries/veggies/superior kibble in last item slot. Walk slowly up to a Tenontosaurus and stand still once it performs a sniffing animation. It will Walk over and begin to sniff the 'bush', at this point feed it. It will eat and wander off to rejoin it's herd. Follow the herd around until they stop to feed again and repeat. Note: This can attract multiple to you, if they are not fed within a certain amount of time (long while) they will wander off and not be alerted. If taming an entire herd, tamed Tenontosaurus will not alert the wild ones. Abilities: Primary ability (LC/RT/R2): In quadrupedal stance; a directional attack, facing forward does a bite, facing back will cause a kick with knock back and facing the sides perform a hip-check. In bipedal stance; forelimb flail if facing forward or stomp of facing sideways/backwards. Secondary ability(RC/LT/L2): quadrupedal and bipedal stances; semi-directional tail attack, facing forwards or backwards will deal a tail slam and sideways will have the tail attack in that direction. All deal knock back. Tertiary ability (C/RS/RS): Stance change, quadrupedal moves faster and reduces knock back recieved, bipedal has access to a jump and better turn radius. (Spacebar/A/X): Bipedal stance; jump. Quadrupedal stance; flail. If something, eg Deinonychus, is pounced onto the Tenonto or is next to the Tenonto, it will take damage to them and some recoil to the Tenonto and pounced enemies have their stamina drain increased. Passive Abilities: Will not send wild Tenontosaurus fleeing, even if ridden. Reduces weight of fibre, wood, thatch and berries by 10%. Takes half bleed damage Tenontosaurus is designed to be able to fill multiple roles in ARK, battle mount, material transporter and travel mount, through two saddles, a war saddle and basket saddle, and its stance changes and abilities. The war saddle is a plate metal saddle that covers the face, sides and legs of the Tenonto, with a series of metal spikes along the tail. It would have a higher armour stat (standard is 25 so 50 maybe) and deal extra damage and bleed with its tail attacks. Unlocked between level 50 and 60 The basket saddle is a simpler saddle that sports many baskets along the length of the back and tail. The basket saddle would reduce the weight of all materials inside the inventory by 50%, allowing you to carry more materials across Valguero. Unlocked at level 35 Post will not allow me to add more images as the total file size is capped at 400kB. If anyone knows how to increase this cap or knows a way around it, please tell me.- 1 reply
- material transport
- battle mount
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Chasmosaurus... The Battle Ramming Anti-Deinonychus Ceratopsian!!
Mercylover93 posted a suggestion in Creature Submissions
ABILITIES:Chasmosaurus can use it's frill like shields of medieval times as A way to protect it's rider from any form of incoming frontal assaults Chasmosaurus have evolved A toxic Slippery slime like secretion that prevents Deinonychus from being able to latch to them, this slime can also be carefully collected from any tamed Chasmosaurs and used as Biotoxin replacementATTACKS:LMB : A Simple HeadbuttRMB : A much stronger Headbutt, Chasmosaurus throws all it's weight behind it and slams into it's target causing them to have a % chance of getting a broken bone, this attack has a decent cooldown and strong damage. SPACE : Back Kick, Chasmosaurus uses it's back legs to kick backwards to help knockback any medium sized threats away from riding it's behindLFT CTRL : Chasmosaurus can charge for a short period of time causing knockback and a stun debuff to anything it connects with. C : Ceratopsian Call, Chasmosaurus lets out A war cry which empowers allied Herbivores increasing their outgoing damage, Speed and incoming damage resistanceX : Rivals Call, Chasmosaurus shakes it head violently and makes it's frill glow vibrant full of colour causing Carnivores to be intimidated and do less damage to it and it's allies UTILITY:Chasmosaurs can use their massive frills like a shovel able to dig up Berries, Cactus Sap and Sand in large quantities and reduce the weight of Sand, Cactus Sap and Berries by up to 80%Using their beak like mouth they are able to harvest clay from any type of stone in good quantity, Chasmosaurs can also digest clay to allow them to heal from any negative effects caused by Bleeding, Venomous and Poisonous creatures.-
- ceratopsian
- herbivore
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