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Everything posted by Swordguy

  1. so glad I moved to unofficial last year. Vanilla ARK is bad enough, but the official servers are unplayable by comparison with box tribes everywhere. WC runs their servers on hopes and prayers. Do yourself a favor and find a good unofficial cluster. The best and nicest communities exist there.
  2. raptor claws presents this year are utter garbage. gachaclaus are broken. This is the wildcard we all know and love. Can't wait for the broken mess that will be Ark 2!
  3. Let's see how long it takes after launch for Gen2 to be stable. Gen1 is still buggy AF.
  4. or incoming angry players who cant transfer in and out of Rag because WC broke more things.
  5. whats the deal with ragnarok and not being able to transfer a character in? This is affecting official, legacy, and who knows what other servers as well. I realize ARK is complex, but if I had a dollar for every time something got broken that didn't need fixing...
  6. already submitted a bug report, but just for the record I have to say not being able to pod crystal wyverns is a huge facepalm. servers will be tame capped within weeks I'd imagine, massive bases are already being erected to store them all in, and because they're wyverns they have a tendency to get stuck in floors and other geometry. This is probably something that should be addressed asap @Cedric
  7. Think I saw a couple wildcard employees out looting. RL pvp?
  8. Can PVE Official Dupers Announce Which Servers They'll be DDOSing? Since Wildcard @Cedric seem to be ok with dupers on official PVE (as they only implemented anti-duping on PVP), maybe the cheaters who are DDOSing servers at random to dupe stuff could start a forum thread to announce which servers will be crashed. You could post it anonymously, thats fine. It would really help people plan for bosses and other events more confidently, instead of every transfer, trade and boss summon being a roll of the dice. Thanks in advance.
  9. any word when duping prevention systems are coming to official PVE?
  10. probably in relation to the patch they announced an hour ago, then forgot to go ahead with.
  11. If this is a problem with server load and player count, then why are servers continually crashing and going down with 10-20 players online? I've seen servers crashing with less than 10 players on a regular basis. The argument that this is increased player numbers causing the crashes is preposterous in many cases, and plausible in others.
  12. It pays to have small bases across multiple maps and servers unfortunately. On official you follow this pattern: 1. move to quiet server with small active playerbase. 2. build base, get setup. 3. wait a month and box tribes move in 4. server performance tanks, becomes unstable. 5. rinse and repeat. On the plus side I've never had so many bases across so many servers. On the downside half of those servers are down during events because everyone thinks they're special.
  13. While waiting for Official servers to restart, I took a screenshot of a funny typo. Given the recent mess-ups with patches, the typo is quite fitting.
  14. yeah typo, Genesis part 2. I'd expect Legacy to be completely gone when Genesis part 2 launches. Reminds me, hows SE on legacy PVE these days?
  15. Are the constant server crashes on Official part of the event?
  16. problem with legacy is Genesis part 2 is going to wipe the rest of legacy out of existence. I do miss the better running servers though, but can't stomach the thought of doing anything more there when you know all your work is going to go poof in the next year.
  17. Here you can choose server performance packages https://server.nitrado.net/eng/rent-gameserver/ark-survival-evolved I would make a large bet that ARK Official servers run on the Basic package that doesn't have dedicated RAM. I don't think this was always the case, but since Christmas time it has felt like the servers are running on a thin mixture, so to speak, and this is the simplest explanation for the widescale performance issues. If WC offered a monthly sub where you would get access to premium servers, then it would make sense to give free players the crappy basic package, but there is no choice right now but to move to another server, or put up with bad ping and crashes from now on. I don't see this being fixed anytime soon.
  18. Depends on the server provider. A lot of servers I have bases on are running off New York Nitrado cluster, and they must be running off of someone's old laptop because the performance is brutal most of the time, but I have a base on an official server that's located in California and the performance is consistent no matter the time of day or week, even with the server populated. I'm guessing its as much to do with the server cluster your server is on, as it is the number of players. If I were to place bets, I'd say the odds are good that WC have downgraded their performance packages with some server providers, as the servers used to be way more populated years ago, huge bases everywhere, no cryopods, tames everywhere, no offline protection to reduce cpu time, and ping would still stay below 100ms during busy hours. You tell me, are my suspicions wrong? I just can't figure out why WC are so hellbent on not offering a monthly subscription to gain access to exclusive servers that have the proper resources allocated to them, as official right now has terrible server-side performance.
  19. so chocolates won't be dropping when breeding dinos? I'm mildly disappointed if this is the case, given that people are going to be breeding dinos around the clock anyhow, so not having chocolates drop (think it was 30% chance in past years iirc) isn't going to help with server performance. If anything, we're going to be breeding dinos even more often during event given that we'll be online fishing all day, instead of being offline in between breeding sessions and giving servers a break. Some things are fine to change, but this probably is going to get some ire from people if breeding doesn't drop chocolates anymore during valentine event.
  20. good to hear dlc is being polished, and valentines wasn't cancelled afterall. As for people who are upset, they should have had the brains to know what they were spending their money on. They would also be the loudest complainers if the DLC launched in December full of bugs.
  21. It's important to remember that ARK in every way possible will eventually bring your expectations to zero. I can tell how long someone has been playing ARK by how often they are disappointed when something doesn't go the way they expected. The same goes for Wildcard Studios. The fish rots from the head, so don't expect much and assume all hype is just hot air. If you pre-ordered Genesis and are upset they keep delaying the launch, that's on you. buying a pre-order for a physical product that has some kind of supply limit or scarcity makes sense, but there is no supply limit with Genesis, and you aren't missing anything important by waiting until launch. If you do pre-order Genesis, Wildcard probably assumes that you are doing so because you want to support them, and that you are intelligent enough to comprehend what you are paying for. Personally I just don't pre-order. period. It's a business model that encourages moral hazard in the gaming industry. That being said, ARK is one of the few kickstarter/early access games that panned out, and Wildcard should be applauded for that, but don't get mad at them because you are bad with your money, or have expectations that don't match reality. Just ask anyone who's been playing ARK since early access, and they'll confirm as much.
  22. good to know valentines won't be cancelled because of genesis part one. Even more of an opportunity for pve legacy players to move to official now to take advantage of spring events and get established. When genesis part two drops, which servers do you think are going to get wiped? Also, my toon needs chocolates, lots of chocolates... YOU HEAR ME WILDCARD?!!
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