1: When will OG events comeback, like the Dodorex.
2: We don't need a new DLC every year. Why not more TLC's, even if you focus on one dinosaur each time, and maybe you could actually show us how we get to abberation by finishing Scorched Earth.
3: Please listen to the community! I'm seeing so many questions being asked, like, when will you fix undermeshing, when will you fix this or that.
4: CONSOLES! The reason pc players call us peasants is because of the fact we don't have access to the awesome things the community can create. Just by making this structures plus update, we are one step closer to making a workshop for mods like in Steam.
That's all I have, except one thing for the community devs. I'm not saying to post new things daily, but twice a week, let us know what you're doing for the game. And don't make me bring up Atlas. I have seen like six videos for it on Youtube, but if you look up ARK survival evolved, there are probably thousands. I'm just saying, when you made Atlas, you left something that changed gaming for the good. Have a nice day. If you are wondering how Atlas looks, find this video.