Hey Wildcard, I absolutely love your game, but it's got some problems(especially with this new dlc) that need to be fixed. I would recommend you watch Kishkos video about the exploits that are currently happening with Extinction(and ark in general). The new map is fantastic, but only if you're playing singleplayer or PVE. For pvp players, it's hell. The Mek exploit is well known, but the snow owl's ability to freeze anyone(or any tame) permanently is extremely frustrating. In small tribes I was running and a guy did the dive bomb and froze me. I couldn't move away fast enough as i saw him dive, and once you're frozen you are done, they can just bola you. Can you please make it so it can only slow down opponents(like the ice wyvern) or something else to nerf this ability? The owl is extremely overpowered right now, and needs to be nerfed. Also, Velonosaurs shouldn't be able to go into turret mode, they dont take up any stamina if you aren't riding them, so you can just put them on turret mode, grab it with a Quetzal(or even a pteranodon for some reason) and fly it around, letting it kill EVERYTHING. The majority of your player base is PVP, so if you don't fix these issues soon, a lot of people are going to quit. PLEASE do something!