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Everything posted by Engraverwilliam

  1. What happened to the new Teaser? all traces of it are scrubbed from the net
  2. I WOULD LIKE TO NOMINATE IMMERSIVE TAMING http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1251632107 As a sponsored mod. This mod is so simple yet so engaging! This should be part of the core game. You do not simply knock out a dino and make it yours, this requires that you get the animal to trust you. You have to form a bond before it is considered tame.
  3. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/799796132130049971/BD47217F2D6B41269E4E1ABF2A962476609359C5/
  4. That spawn map NEEDS to be available to admins on private servers. With the option of sharing on private websites and steam groups.
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