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Everything posted by UDGxKnight

  1. First: I didn't put words in your mouth, you chose to take it that way. All I said was that "IF you want to say something cant be added cuz its "too modern"," the you should ask for the devs to take it out. Now that statement if you will go back and re-read it without it being directed at you it will make more sense. That whole last statement was basically for anyone with that argument and if that is what you really thought, not directed at anyone specifically. Second: Yeah the science behind cats/dogs and wolves/sabers puts them in separate categories. Still doesn't change the fact that they share MANY similarities including appearance, (these will just be assumptions because there is literally 0 ways to know for sure how an extinct creature that we have no record of acted) the way they probably hunted, their behavioral patterns , etc etc. Hyaenodons may not really be dogs, but I can see it now all the people saying how closely they look like some mongrel dog they could go find in their neighborhood or how dumb it is that we are getting a Hyaena when they are running around in the modern world same thing they do with other things in this game and now including the sheep and horse. I guess nice job on doing all that research just to prove someone wrong even though I specifically said under technicality (its not simplified logic) they are cats and dogs not that they were literally cats and dogs, so it was kind of a waste of time. Third: I never said any extinct animal is prehistoric. Did you literally ignore the Dodo thing? I would even go as far as to say even Mammoths aren't prehistoric because primitive humans made records of them by painting them on cave walls, which in my books counts as a written history just not a very educated one or one that stands up to todays standards. Prehistoric means before human records btw so that means that as long as we don't have visual proof of it written down in some way shape or form and it happened before the first time something was written down then it is Prehistoric, which means if an animal went extinct before human records were created then THAT makes it Prehistoric. Fourth: If you don't care then why continue this charade? I personally am done here and can't wait till the devs get crazy and start adding more mythological creatures(so that way people will get over this ridiculous realism thing). Thanks to the Explorer Notes confirming the ARKS are space stations, that means whatever put us there has the ability to create whatever creatures they choose.
  2. I didnt attack you. You claimed there was a problem with my post and I defendy my post. The fact of the matter is that it isnt an excuse that it is getting added just because it evolved along side us. If you want to be that technical about about it without thinking then dogs and cats are already in the game (Direwolves and Sabers and the soon to be added Hyenadon that is more doglike) so I dont understand your logic of why it was necceary to bring that up. The point is that if you want to say something cant be added cuz its "too modern" then tell the devs to take out mammoths, wolves, sabers, and basically anything from the Ice Age era because they are too similar to modern day animals.
  3. Now that we have this here horse we really need another type of Giant Spider that runs around on the Surface of the Island just like the Pulminoscorpius and is big enough to take on large creatures. Get to work Devs! Lol
  4. Hmm except for the fact that I stated that it takes Millions of years for creatures to evolve enough to drastically change. If you check the history of the modern sheep they were domesticated around 10,000 years ago, which means they were around for quite a long time before that walking around with Mammoths and Sabers and that Ovis Aries is in fact an old enough species to be added. Also the fact that it means humans have probably bred the species to look different than the Original Ovis Aries, which means that the sheep being added could be the original form of the sheep and in fact NOT be the modern day sheep. Unless you have a window into 10,000 years ago that can see what the sheep originally looked like then this sheep has a drastic enough appearance that it passes as a prehistoric sheep and is different enough from modern sheep to be added. Same with Equus. The dossier not saying it has prehistoric traits or not is kind of pointless. I would like to remind you that Coelacanth are still swimming our oceans and were thought to have gone extinct millions of years ago and Dodo went extinct a mere 355 years ago according to the last confirmed sighting, which means it was a part of the modern world of humanity. The point is that this isn't your game, it isn't my game, its the devs game and although they do take our suggestions into account it is still their game and what gets added and what they think fits is up to them. If they want to have fun with their game and add a creature as a sort of "Thank You" to the community that is relative to an award that they got nominated for then I don't see a problem. I think the problem with most games and gamers is they take themselves too seriously and games end up no longer fun (Pretty much all FPS's and such) . I personally love when a developer can have fun with their game and add something that is just purely for the fun of it instead of taking everything way too seriously and sucking the fun out of everything like most people want them to do.
  5. The problem is that most people who play this game still think it is a dinosaur survival game when in reality it is a prehistoric survival game. Meaning that as long as a creature was a part of pre-recorded history and is now extinct it qualifies to be in the game. I think everyone who is mad about it being a regular horse just aren't realizing how long ago this guy walked the earth and the fact that it takes millions of years for drastic change in how they look. Its not the horses fault that their ancestors probably look extremely similar to them. What dinosaur would even qualify to be a horse? The Parasaur? A different Hadrosaur? A horse fits the job perfectly and the unique saddle also fits it perfectly. If Aliens did create the Ark, which I would say is pretty obvious, and they are testing our survival skills or something along those lines. Wouldn't they want to give us access to the things we need to survive? After studying our history and seeing how pivotal horses are to it they would most definitely find a way to supply us with them or at least something similar, but if it wasn't obvious to us what it is supposed to be, how would we know what the intended purpose of it to be for. Easy answer is to use the extinct ancestor of modern day horses.
  6. Yeah I am beginning to think we are but I guess since I avoid the official servers I actually play a better game than the rest of y'all. You would be surprised how much can get done if they get all the content out. PLUS who says they have to have all the content out to release? Hmmmm sounds to me they could just finish creatures and get basic Tek Tier in and then mass bug fix and optimize and it would be done really fast. Then continue on content afterwards. Not ridiculous at all just requires effort and no distractions imo I have seen some crazy things done in a short amount of time. What do I know though I am just some random gamer >.>
  7. Horses have been a part of Human survival for a long time I don't see the problem. Yes a "regular" horse smh. It is still a horse ancestor wether or not it has changed in appearance drastically or not. You do realize Ice Age creatures were around only what 15,000 years ago and were estimated to have lasted as long as just 10,000 or less years ago and that isn't a lot of time for things to change, I mean look at Mammoths compared to Elephants, Sabers to Tigers/Lions/every other big cat species etc etc. This is a game about surviving with prehistoric creatures with a Sci-fi twist so anything is possible, even a horse, a deer/elk(already have), a rhino(have), an elephant(have), sheep(soon to have), armadillo( have) surely you see the point. I know you would prefer a dinosaur but it gets to a point were all the dinosaurs look really similar and do similar things and it gets bland. Dont get me wrong though personally I would love to see every prehistoric animal/dinosaur/fish/lizard/bird/insect/etc brought back to life in this game to interact with I love them all equally but in the eyes of a game developer I can see how having so many creatures that are really similar would lose interest.
  8. More like April maybe. What kind of math are you doing? If they add 7 again after the 20th patch then there will only be 6 left and if they can do a patch with 7 then they can do one with six. Then they can fix major bugs in a month maybe and I mean maybe two and then they can goto Beta or whatever and then just continue doing the same thing. They can technically goto straight release after the game has all the creatures they plan for release. Believe it or not the game actually works pretty well other than people nitpicking little bugs and a little lag, which are things that are easily fixable over time with updates after release. You are most definitely being pessimistic, it may be realistic but its still pessimism.
  9. Parasaur and all the early dinos are getting reworks. So more than likely they will get abilities to compete with the newer creatures in their uses. Para is just your early horse and then you work up to the better and actual Horse. Its just tiering in the game and such. They want you to want one of every creature but they give you a tame limit so you have to be picky what you mass breed and such, or they want you to have preferences etc etc. I think Paras would do well with some kind of affinity for water like the Baryonx or perhaps some type of special vocalization ability hmmmmm
  10. Yeah not every creature is for everyone. Horse was almost guaranteed to happen though even if the devs tried to deny it
  11. There are different teams for content and for bugs and people who work on both. There isn't a time when they are only focusing one or the other no matter how it seems. Also the game wouldnt work at all if they didn't bug fix
  12. Because the fans who really wanted it were constantly being yelled at and crapped on by players who didn't want it and being rude about it. I tried to help defend one guy but people can get pretty awful if they want.
  13. They are adding SO many more creatures at once these days that I think you are being a little pessimistic. I mean the next PC patch contains 7 creatures and I am sure the next will be just as jam packed since all the other creatures have finished models
  14. I knew Horses were gonna make it in! All those "Neigh" sayers are probably upset X D lololol
  15. I meant to say you figuratively said that you would tame it my bad. You said the whole get rid of a Giga for it thing. Im all for bumping the cap, but not just a crap ton.
  16. All these people complaining about "modern day" creatures and not realizing some creatures havent changed much or at all in millions of years bcuz they had no reason to. Then they take this game too seriously and dont let the devs have a little creative fun when they want to. They are just showing their appreciation for getting nominated for an award they had no idea they were eligible for and everyone attacks them. Its crazy
  17. Then dont tame the sheep? You basically had a strong argument and then counter argued yourself by saying you were going to tame somehing you already said you cared nothing for.
  18. I realize the tribe thing but still this is a matter of just not letting people have massive amounts of tames and such and making the tribes be picky about their taming
  19. It will when we get either the next patch or the patch the PC gets it
  20. If you read the dossier at the bottom right they refer to a group of survivors called "sheep lovers"
  21. Not necessarily, so what you can have one of each? Well you can still easily do that. So you can breed a massive army of OP creatures? Just get rid of the creatures you don't need anymore like the original parents and such and just keep the ones with the perfected stats.
  22. Why live in the cold if you have a choice? It just makes it more annoying to keep your food up cuz of the cold and dealing with the more hostile creatures doesn't make it sound great either. You would never have to go off and worry about farming Mammoths for pelt and such when you could just sheer a sheep for it. It is absolutely not useless, just because you don't care about its purpose doesn't make it useless. I mean imo pretty much raptors,sarcos,carnos, etc are pointless when other things overpower them easily but that doesn't mean they don't serve a purpose.
  23. If its wool is considered pelt. Then its an infinite source of pelt for Fur armor, bug repellents, and all the things requiring pelt. It also sounds like its meat is better than regular raw meat.
  24. What is wrong with you people saying "pointless" I think you are just close minded to the uses.
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