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Everything posted by kemosavy

  1. DILO the only time gamers care what is happening outside is if there is a risk of a power or internet cut! I'm very disappointed in this decision!
  2. I am looking forward to this map and have been encouraging my friends to retry ark again. Many of them, (9 in total )left fed up with the glitches on extinction. Vowed never to play again. However last week I purchased genesis and I have been impressed by how well it works. Of course I'm on xbox 1 so it doesnt run as well as on PC. It lags some times but that's it. But iv been telling my friends that ark works again. Because iv encountered next to no problems. They have shown interest in this new map. Iv learned that this crystal iso map is a work in progress. Which is a bummer but, I hope it has no glitches because that's just going to upset my friends again and I'll be left playing ark by myself.
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