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Everything posted by Aylana314159

  1. PvE should have much lower cryo cooldown to further encourage breeders and others (like boss teams parked at obelisk) to cryo their creatures.
  2. There is way more to PvE and PvP separate balances than 1 creature that's been nerfed.
  3. You saying official PvE servers should have the setting disable structure collision changed?
  4. The problem is that meshing will likely be an ongoing problem. It will probably never reach 100% fixed.
  5. The devs have already stated their stance in wipes. No wipes.
  6. Then maybe a no mutations set of servers.
  7. WC could release some servers with breeding turned off. Not sure how popular they would be, breeding is one of Ark unique gameplay mechanics.
  8. Sounds like you needs some friends and breeding projects.
  9. How long have you played Ark? Flyer Speed nerf was needed by both PvP and PvE, not taking about that. Though WC should have added a setting for single player mode and unofficials to have a choice. Here is a non-exclusive list Giga nerf Griffin nerf Meat feeding nerf Moschop nerf Dolphin nerf Etc. The newest DLC is fresh in everyones mind, and was particularly unbalanced which screams of pay to win (dlc pay wall). But WC has a long history of nerfs that were needed for PvP but not for PvE.
  10. Its not. The mana is just the newest example. The whole history of Ark is PvP nerf needed, PvE unfortunately gets affected.
  11. You don't know this for a fact. WC revamped the suggestion forums to see what was most important to players. Clearly separate balancing for PvE and PvP is very important to players. Each needs to be properly balanced.
  12. The Devs stated no wipes of main official servers. See newest community crunch. I guess your suggestions are PvP only.
  13. It seems to me that by trying to balance the game, they just mess up both PvP and PvE. Look at the moschops. Accidentally add riding ability. Everyone loved it. So they nerfed the moschops to uselessness and added riding permanently. They seem to think that nerfs and extreme nerfs at that are the proper want to balance the content. Content need strengths and weaknesses. Every creature needs one or more nemesis (either other creature or weapon/ammo). No creature should be a Mary Sue. This could add tons of content to the game. Think poison tipped bullets/ammo. New engrams for creature/type of poison. New ammo or even special guns. Or even dino gear. Costume slot stuff. Like trike with metal encased horns. Or platform dinos with added armor.
  14. Completely agree. So many dinos need to be useful again. More special abilities or utility usefulness. One idea would be for some dinos make special saddles or saddle augmentations items (no engrams only BP). But strengths and weaknesses need to be employed. Faster but less health or (more easily hit/and negates armor). Tank. More health/damage mitigation but less damage. Etc. They could even introduce more quest like elements to get items like these.
  15. Then perhaps the tribe war system needs a revamp.
  16. These would all be possible differences. PvE might have a more generous player weight setting. As for tribe war, it would have to be based on the PvE mode. It wouldn't make sense for tribes at war to suddenly be under PvP settings like wild flyer carry.
  17. Anyone has a list of things that desperately need separate balancing? Besides the things that were nerfed for PvP. PvE (official) has dino cap as a main issue, so maybe make cryopods function differently on PvE. Or introduce a breeding pod with no delay.
  18. Probably. But a lot more realistic than a completely new creature. I would say seasonal is more realistic, every 3 months.
  19. Allow console players to fry their consoles. Great idea.
  20. Think of how many people will upvote a suggestion like this, just cause they want to watch the world burn. There already exists official servers that wipe on a schedule.
  21. The person you replied to was talking about the flyer nerf. You were talking about manas. Completely different things. The flyer nerf increased the challenges of PvE making land dinos useful for transport and travel. Instead of get flyer = easy mode = win. The mana nerf is a completely different topic. I don't think any major nerf should be enacted without settings (not requiring mods) to revert them. Also, PvE shouldn't be effected by PvP only nerfs. But this would mean creating one or more setting(s) to make PvP and PvE different.
  22. The mana is a post flyer nerf (removed speed leveling) creature. This whole post is about separating PvE and PvP nerfs/balancing. Make them each robust independent game modes.
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