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Everything posted by Aylana314159

  1. This is exactly why they are being closed down. If you want a private server rent/run one.
  2. There is a pinned discussion thread on this topic. Actually there are several pinned discussion topics getting feedback from the playerbase.
  3. All legacy players were given the opportunity to join official servers at launch and not be behind.
  4. Its not WC fault you misunderstood that legacy was borrowed time and would be culled until there was nothing left. The save files will be released if you want to pay for a cluster as a community.
  5. They didn't actually say ONLY PvP. They said ALL PvP. PvE servers were in the list.
  6. The files will be released. Might be a good time to start an unofficial (post legacy) community.
  7. If your region has such a big population of players, which has there been no massive unofficial community formed?
  8. Honestly, nothing lasts forever. Current official servers will eventually be culled also.
  9. There is already a wipe official PvP suggestion. This is an unnecessary duplicate. There are wiping official servers, if that's what you want. Arkpocalypse and the seasonal modes.
  10. That's an interesting idea. There could even be weapons with elemental type damages and maybe force fields.
  11. It's really sad that the most up voted suggestion has been completely ignored. This is either due to laziness or ineptitude. Instead of nerfs (mana and velo is just the latest examples), WC could trying to actually balance content. Meaning strengths and weaknesses. Ok, mana is powerful...how about giving the creature a nemesis. Either another creature or maybe some tek device.
  12. Its unlikely that 100% of the exploits can ever be fixed. So a wipe really is pointless. Now doing what they do for legacy and removing and repurposing low population servers would be a viable idea.
  13. Sounds like you should play on a different server that's focused on immersion, but would probably suffer lag with is also immersion breaking.
  14. Seems people like it. I don't really care for the multiple tiers of reskins creatures and massive increases in stats.
  15. I am really glad you are happy to be playing on legacy. This isn't sarcasm or anything. I am glad you have fun. It seems a lot of people aren't having fun, and I don't get it. Cause ark is fun.
  16. Legacy servers are given clear warnings when the migration happens. It's not happening right now, but soon.
  17. He was under the impression that his legacy server was being able shutdown to undergo enforcement initiative. Which wasn't the case. He later admitted he didn't realize legacy didn't receive support.
  18. I don't think posting the exact same stuff repeatedly will help. Naming and shaming has to be a uniformly applied rule. If not, what's to keep trolls from naming innocent people.
  19. Yeah. Changing the message of the day for legacy to include a better description would be helpful. You choices are to... 1. Ditch legacy and give up everything for regular official servers 2. Same, but find an unofficial community 3. Single player 4. Or roll with the migrations. A kill list will be released. If you server is on that list, you will have a short period of time to move to a server that's not being culled. But FYI migrations can happen at any time, but guaranteed when a DLC is coming out.
  20. While I know you are aware of the legacy no support status, not everyone on legacy is aware of that fact. As evident, by the post I was responding to and his subsequent responses to me.
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