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  1. Their servers wouldn't be inactive if they actually played pvp. ASA would have done alot better if you weren't allowed to build in caves, one tribe becomes alpha and prevents anyone from building up. New pvp meta is boring. Bring back 2016 ark, pt battles and tame sniping
  2. we need more official servers. solo / orp / no-tame
  3. Add solo/3 man official servers no cave building
  4. Bring back no tame servers or other servers. I don't understand the point in adding clubark or modded official servers no one asked for. This is why your game is dying you dont listen to the community and just add whatever you want. Majority of dedi servers are 3 man. Even a actual battle royale where you jump out of quetzal and parachute would bring more players to the game unlike your weird survival of the fittest that no one plays. Another thing is I don't understand the point in suggestion forums, it's not like anything from these forums is ever actually added into the game. The top most upvoted suggestions are different server varietys and we're still stuck with 6 man or mega tribes
  5. I just made a post about this also. brain dead devs
  6. “Late October “ doesn’t say much when some people want to take some days off from work. Other games are announced a year before release
  7. Here’s an idea. Drop ASA and focus on ark 2 so it can be released this year. No one wants to pay for ASA to only play a year of it while we wait for ark 2
  8. ?? Graph shows more people played in 2017 then now, don’t forget to mention there’s probably 100x more servers now with the same amount of players 5 years ago spread out between them. 75% of servers have less than 3 people playing out of 70. yea the games not dead.
  9. I have close to 500 days and can assure you the game is not as popular as it was years ago. And you don’t think the games dead? Look on any server; they all have about 1-10 people playing out of 60
  10. It’s not just railgun. But sniper and ESP. He’s right, the game is dead
  11. How about do classic pvp for consoles? or 6 man classic. Your servers are dead
  12. seems like all they do is watch YouTube videos instead of fixing the game. STOP adding stuff that keeps breaking the game. I’ve played this game for 5 years and it went all downhill ever since extinction
  13. would be nice if we saw a 6 man classic and for consoles..
  14. Make a 2 or 3 man already. I’m ready for a fresh start and tired of finding people who are secretly using aimbot just to get the tribe dev wiped
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