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Early Birds
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  1. ya know I understand we have been dealing with delays since the game started but with this ark survival ascended the delay is a load of crap pc gets the wonderful advantage of mods and now to start early and we have to play cross play to even be able to play with friends but now pc has the upper hand again to have the time to build up so they can control the servers making it hard on console players to even get somewhat established if did y’all not learn anything from the previous servers do better wildcard and partners listen to your players and release the game for consoles this is completely ridiculous I may get a lot of hate from the trolls section of the game only cus that’s what they do troll and I don’t care troll all you want but deep down everyone knows I’m right
  2. Seriously seriously y’all I was ready to buy the dlc why do you have to take so long to bring out a map if your killing off legacy then why not bring it out now let it test it out at least on single player that way we get a feel for the map
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