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Early Birds
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Naked (1/5)



  1. Gathered about 5k cp from beaver dams, 300 metal ingots and made a few hundred bullets. (Not alpha, pretty mid small size) I flew to the south side of ragnarok fo check out the obsidian and metal fields but the alpha tribe basically built all around it with turrets so I'm worried if I get too close, I'll lose my argy. Planning on moving to the snow biome near blue, building an all metal base but I really need a wyvern to carry all my large dinos. Getting eggs isn't a problem but getting milk is tougher. Killed a few high level rexes for prime meat and to level my bird.
  2. This looks awesome. Anyone read about the cryochamher and pocket cubes? You will be able to carry multiple dinos, pop them out to trade or love or I assume if you need to fight. Basically turning ark into a pokemon game.
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