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  1. ABILITIES:Chasmosaurus can use it's frill like shields of medieval times as A way to protect it's rider from any form of incoming frontal assaults Chasmosaurus have evolved A toxic Slippery slime like secretion that prevents Deinonychus from being able to latch to them, this slime can also be carefully collected from any tamed Chasmosaurs and used as Biotoxin replacementATTACKS:LMB : A Simple HeadbuttRMB : A much stronger Headbutt, Chasmosaurus throws all it's weight behind it and slams into it's target causing them to have a % chance of getting a broken bone, this attack has a decent cooldown and strong damage. SPACE : Back Kick, Chasmosaurus uses it's back legs to kick backwards to help knockback any medium sized threats away from riding it's behindLFT CTRL : Chasmosaurus can charge for a short period of time causing knockback and a stun debuff to anything it connects with. C : Ceratopsian Call, Chasmosaurus lets out A war cry which empowers allied Herbivores increasing their outgoing damage, Speed and incoming damage resistanceX : Rivals Call, Chasmosaurus shakes it head violently and makes it's frill glow vibrant full of colour causing Carnivores to be intimidated and do less damage to it and it's allies UTILITY:Chasmosaurs can use their massive frills like a shovel able to dig up Berries, Cactus Sap and Sand in large quantities and reduce the weight of Sand, Cactus Sap and Berries by up to 80%Using their beak like mouth they are able to harvest clay from any type of stone in good quantity, Chasmosaurs can also digest clay to allow them to heal from any negative effects caused by Bleeding, Venomous and Poisonous creatures.
  2. I hope we get the Ark Additions mod from Garuga. Their Brachiosaurus and Domination Rex are amazing.
  3. The Basilisk egg is part of that group. So it basically means you need to have Basilisks or find eggs to get A perfect tamed Karkinos now.
  4. Please tell me y’all are going to fix the Wyvern and Drake nests on PS4, Also the Rock Drake TEK saddle and Griffin grounded attack animations. Also if A TLC 3 is in the works I really hope you are looking into the Stego(remodel&new abilities) , Bronto(Remodel&new abilities), Carno(remodel&new abilities), Giga(remodel&Shrunk), Megalodon(remodel&enlarged) and Ankylo(remodel&new abilities). Bronto definitely needs A new running animations
  5. Little bit off topic but I am curious as to when Aberrant Direbears will be able too be transferred/Spawned in on other maps on PS4? I believe this is also still an issue for Xbox one players as well?
  6. I think they will save some of those for the end I reckon the Tek Trike or Tek Raptor is probably next.
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