Why You bring skins they Looks like poopty,funny but nobody needs and want it
We want awesome skins for thylas, wolves,sabres,argys or the Griffin good saddle skins,Who wants skins for the parasaur?! The ravager saddle skin is good, it worked and its nice.
We need more and good cosmetics like the bionics or new armor skins like the manticore..Why have all animals and dinosaurs the skin slot?!! For stupid nerd glasses or for badass armor skins that everybody wants and like?!Skins with Themes like medievil or Tek.. I wear the tek saddles only for the optic..
A Editor for skins and armors that was really awesome!!!
WC you have a lot to do, or the fans going to other games like ark..
Im a big fan, but the Most You do.. Why??
And what is with the announcement from the new " transportation System" ?!