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  1. Derogatory and Personalized Harassment  i have sent in many screenshots showing this exactly and nothing has been done even a police officer looked at the screenshots and agreed so how bad does one have to get to get banned,.

  2. Over 2000 people have voted on steam for a fix voted how the new patch is ruining the game and not one post from the devs so clearly shows they dont listen and they dont care.
  3. the devs don't listen to what the people want they take sides and pick and choose if u notice half the dinos on pve are meant for pvp. We get attacked and lose hundreds of hours of play to titans and when we finally figure how to stop them the devs ruin it again. They may find this funny but its not its ruining a game clearly people making the choices are ones who dont play. Ptredones are suppose to be fast very fast watch every dino movie we spend hours and hours trying to get the right breed and of course now the one thing that has attracted alot of people is gone. You dont fix the glicthes or problems you fix what not is broken customers voices are not heard its what you want people to hear. This is a incredible and in the nicest words you as usual raptored it all up again.....25 years gaming never thought i would live to see such a major screw up ruin a great game.
  4. This patch ruined the game you claim that flyers were op but yet you allowed titans to attack bases and the only defence were wyverns you ruined that. We spent 3-4 days up breeding quetzals working on bloodlines you ruined that, everything you make the game exciting you take three steps back. You dont listen to your customers if you did you would think before you allow such changes you dont even warn people of these changes. You want to compete to wow, conan and other games coming out but you do this. I am sure if you spent hundreds of hours raising a dino from a egg you would rethink plus you also took lvls from dinos and didnt replace with points. Everyone was excited for new dinos raising aquatic dinos and once again you broke the game. Try for just once listening to customers instead of lining your pockets and making silly mistakes when the game fails look in the mirror and realize you cause this. If you spent more time fixing lag issues dc issues people cheating and the glitches we wouldnt be where we are today. Thank you for raptoring up again one really good game.Cant catch quetzls, cant feed or catch wyverns, no use in breeding list can go on just from one patch. Thanks for losing the lvls i busted my ass to get.
  5. No longer able to tame wyverns, quetzals, crafting at mountain and mining, taming dinos using quetzals, no more trying to down titans who attack your bases on pve. Shall I go on clearly someone did not put thinking cap on. Say goodbye to so many good players
  6. wow you guys just keep ruining the game making it worse and worse now you have no chance of taming certain dinos and more. You put out these addons thinking we will get excited and then you kick us when we are down no wonder it is 67% off your losing so many people to modded servers is that the just of it reverse the nerf and make the game worth something more then taking up disk space do you even try these fixes before you implement and is the person a gamer ?
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