This patch ruined the game you claim that flyers were op but yet you allowed titans to attack bases and the only defence were wyverns you ruined that. We spent 3-4 days up breeding quetzals working on bloodlines you ruined that, everything you make the game exciting you take three steps back. You dont listen to your customers if you did you would think before you allow such changes you dont even warn people of these changes. You want to compete to wow, conan and other games coming out but you do this. I am sure if you spent hundreds of hours raising a dino from a egg you would rethink plus you also took lvls from dinos and didnt replace with points. Everyone was excited for new dinos raising aquatic dinos and once again you broke the game. Try for just once listening to customers instead of lining your pockets and making silly mistakes when the game fails look in the mirror and realize you cause this. If you spent more time fixing lag issues dc issues people cheating and the glitches we wouldnt be where we are today. Thank you for raptoring up again one really good game.Cant catch quetzls, cant feed or catch wyverns, no use in breeding list can go on just from one patch. Thanks for losing the lvls i busted my ass to get.