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  1. This dossier is old and only for a quick visual, Culiseta has seen many changes since I made this. Also try to excuse the art and design of said dossier, I am NOT an artist at all. I hope my descriptions can be vivid enough to convey what the creature does, though I will try to provide some images as visual aids. The Short- Basic information on the Culiseta species and their role in the game. Larval Form Size: Similar length to Plesiosaur with a similar thickness to a Megalodon. Diet: Carnivore The stage you tame first. Effective and ferocious aquatic mounts with a special way to collect a potent new resource. Can develop into a Pupa once it has had enough experience taking down large oceanic predators. Pupal Form Size: As large as the Larval but rolled up and partially encased in a shell. Diet: Carnivore(Cannot collect food itself, must be fed) Pupa can’t be found in the wild and only come from developing Larvae. Generally act as a baby form of the Imago that can be fed and imprinted, but at the end of its development you can choose to keep it permanently as a Pupa. Pupa make for effective diving bells for surface to seafloor travel and are able to bury into the seafloor as incredibly bulky hidden vaults. Imago Form Size: Dimensionally similar to a Mammoth, but lightly built Diet: Sanguivore Wild Imago are untameable, but won’t target creatures smaller than a Stego. Tamed Imago can fly omnidirectionally, have respectable land movement, and can walk on water. Capable of sucking up a variety of resources ranging from Blood to Sap and being able to pump even more into friends and foes alike, Imago Culiseta are some of the most potent tames a survivor could ask for, enhanced by a special Tek Saddle unlocked later in the game. Base Stats: Larval Form: Pupal Form: Imago Form: HP: 2500 HP: 3000 HP: 1150 Stam: 500 Stam: 500 Stam: 550 Oxygen: NA Oxygen: NA Oxygen: 600 Food: 1000 Food: 3000 Food: 2000 Weight: 1000 Weight: 2000 Weight: 750 Base Damage: 85 Base Damage: 0 Base Damage: 52 Movement Speed: Movement Speed: Movement Speed: Similar to Alpha Megalodon Slower than Archelon Similar to Wyverns The Long- More detailed information on each form and their abilities. This part is quite the read. Wild: How wild Culiseta behave Wild Culiseta can only be found in their Larval and Imago forms. Larva are aggressive oceanic predators that will eat anything they can get their jaws around and Imago are flying bloodsuckers who will attack anything larger than a Stego. Both are decent sources of Chitin and Meat, and Imago Culiseta can drop some Blood Packs. Taming: How to tame a Larval Culiseta You’ll need to be level 70 to tame a Culiseta, and must first deal with their Larval form. Larvae are ravenous, and if you can trap and deprive them of food they will begin to starve, slowing down drastically to conserve energy. You can then feed the Larva either Extraordinary Kibble or various Meats to tame it, though it will again become aggressive till it returns to starvation. Note that starvation won’t drop taming effectiveness but extended starvation will impact progress. Larval Form: Information on the Larval Culiseta and Growth Hormone When the Larva is tamed it needs no saddle for riding, instead having 50 natural armor. Larva make for effective ocean mounts thanks to their stats and speed, but their draw is more in how they develop. To grow into a Pupa, the Larva will need Growth Hormones, with one being obtained everytime they kill a large oceanic predator like a Mosa, Tuso, or Alpha creature. Growth Hormone can be used not only to grow Larva but can also be used to speed up the growth of baby creatures by 15% with adjusted Imprint timers to match. This makes the Larva an indispensable tool for those who feel strapped for time when raising creatures. Pupal Form: Information on the Pupal Culiseta Once you’ve collected enough Growth Hormone for pupation, bring the Larva somewhere safe so that it can transform. The Pupa can be imprinted like other creatures during various stages of its growth. Ordinarily once it has reached full maturity you can use the Release option on your radial wheel to free the Imago Culiseta, but on the opposite end of the wheel you can also find a Seal option. If you have Sap you can use the Seal option to permanently keep the Culiseta in its Pupal form. Permanent Pupal Culiseta again require no saddle for riding but only have 25 natural armor and no form of attack. While usually rather slow swimmers, Pupa can be used as a diving bell of sorts, quickly sinking to the bottom of the water and burying into the sand, only given away by the slight protrusion of their abdomen. Burying greatly reduces food use, which combined with their high weight and respectable HP make Pupa effective living vaults, further enhanced by a fridge-like effect they have on spoilable resources. Imago Form: Information on the Imago Culiseta If you instead choose to Release the Culiseta, you’ll receive the coveted Imago form. Imago need a saddle(Unlocked at level 70) to be ridden, but they can walk on water using surface tension, walk on land, and fly omnidirectionally. While not as physically tough as their younger selves, Imago are much faster and far more maneuverable. Imago’s primary attack will jab with their proboscis when facing forward, or thrash their abdomen around when facing backwards, dealing more damage based on how full their Abdomen Meter is. The backwards attack is locked when flying. Sucking and Pumping: Information on the Alternate attack and its effects/uses. The Imago alternate attack does no damage, but will jab its proboscis into Creatures, Redwood trees, or bodies of water when standing on them(Or if you’re near a Watering Hole/Well) Once you’ve jabbed something, you can Primary Fire to Suck and Alternate Fire to Pump. To change your current fluid for pumping, press your Crouch button. To release the jab, press your Jump/Fly button. Your Abdomen Meter can be filled with various fluids through sucking. Below is a list of fluid types you can obtain. The Imago’s abdomen will be a certain color based on what fluid is the majority. Blood (Sucked from creatures) (Red) Water (Sucked from water sources) (Light Blue) Sap (Sucked from Redwood Trees) (Orange) Narcotic Fluid (Obtained by feeding your Culiseta 10 Narcotics, which will convert all fluid to Narcotic Fluid) (Dark Purple) Stimulant Fluid (Obtained by feeding your Culiseta 10 Stimulants, which will convert all fluid to Stimulant Fluid) (White) Pheromone Fluid (Obtained by feeding your Culiseta 10 Ammonite Bile, which will convert all fluid to Pheromone Fluid) (Bright Yellow) Sucking Blood from a creature will deal a small percentage of damage and heal the Culiseta, but it can be disconnected if you’re attacked enough times. All fluid types can be directly pumped into both wild/enemy creatures and friendly creatures, with some having different effects based on alignment. The effect of each fluid is strengthened/prolonged by how much is pumped into the target. Blood- Will heal creatures for a flat amount plus a small percentage of their total health. Water- Will cleanse effects and prevent the application of more effects for a short time. Sap- Will slow wild/enemy dinos and drain their stamina, will reduce stamina loss of allies and slightly boost defense for a time. Narcotic Fluid- Will raise the torpidity of wild/enemy dinos, can heal friendlies for a greater amount than blood but also raises their torpidity. Stimulant Fluid- Will lower the torpidity of wild/enemy and tamed dinos, but also increases ally movement speed by 25% for a time. Pheromone Fluid- Causes nearby creatures to attack wild/enemy dinos, makes nearby creatures ignore allies for a time. Abdomen Meter: Special mechanics of the Abdomen Meter Your Culiseta can hold more fluid based on how high its food stat is, meaning you can focus on food for support centered Culiseta and other stats for more combat oriented individuals. Note however that the meter can be forcefully drained with Bleed-inducing attacks. Such attacks will drain your meter but won’t do percentage damage till it’s empty, meaning the Culiseta isn’t entirely debilitated by them. You can also manually drain your Culiseta of Sap or Blood to collect Sap and Bloodpacks, and water containers can be filled in the Culiseta’s inventory if it has water. Tek Saddle: Information on the Culiseta’s Tek Saddle Usually Imago Culiseta can't pick up other creatures, but this changes with a specialized Tek Saddle, the Cryovault Saddle. This level 105 saddle firstly acts like a Fridge, preserving perishables for extended periods, but also secondarily acts as a mobile Cryofridge. This can charge Cryopods, but also allows players to release Cryo'd creatures when near to their Culiseta, though it requires Element for both its crafting and will require Element to be powered. It also takes 1 Element to unpod a creature near to the Culiseta even if that creature comes out with Cryo Sickness, meaning it can be expensive to transport large groups.
  2. This art was found on Dinopedia posted by Jumpingcard. Message on Discord @qwertymine for removal. I will be attempting to create my own art for this submission but I can’t promise anything. Dossier: Common Name: Wuerhosaurus Species: Wuerhosaurus soliaegis Time: Diet: Herbivore Temperament: Neutral Wild Wuerhosaurus soliaegis, much like Megalosaurus noctedominus, is a temporally active animal who opposingly favors day rather than night. They are highly active while the sun is out, and respond to threats with greater fervor. Unlike their nocturnal counterparts however, Wuerhosaurus don’t seem entirely debilitated at night either, perhaps explained by excess solar energy still contained in their panel-like plates. This energy glows bright, lighting up the night and warning predators that Wuerhosaurus are still a force to be reckoned with. Domesticated I’ve seen quite a few survivors riding Wuerhosaurus, and all seem to agree the best way to break these beasts is to exhaust their solar energy at night. I have yet to try this tactic myself, but the way it's described sounds like quite the lightshow. Wuerhosaurus prove agreeable mounts to these survivors, as most tend to conduct their business during the day just as Wuerhosaurus does, and given they don’t exhaust it’s reserves they can pierce the darkest nights with its illuminant plates. The Short- Basic information on Wuerhosaurus as a species and its role in the game. Wuerhosaurus soliaegis- The Solar-powered Stego Size- Equal to Stego in height and width, though slightly shorter in length Diet- Herbivore Variants- Regular, Aberrant Wuerhosaurus are diurnally inclined stegosaurs that experience a power boost during the day, and can extend that powerboost into the night so long as survivor’s manage the conserve of their limited energy supply. These herbivores are incredibly strong when charged, but not entirely neutered when they lose their energy either, unlike Megalosaurus who gasses out the moment day breaks. Outside of their basic physical prowess and swift speed for an herbivore of their build, Wuerhosaurus can use their charge for quite a few abilities. They passively produce a light to ward off predators at night and can weaponize their energy in a variety of ways ranging from quick bursts to stun opponents or a costly beam to laser enemies out of your range. This coupled with a Charge inclined Aberrant variant make for an incredibly versatile personal mount. Base Stats: HP: 1150 Stam: 300 Oxygen: 150 Food: 4000 Weight: 650 Base Damage: 65(55) Speed: Similar to Megatherium(Similar to Mammoth when uncharged) The Long- More detailed information on Wuerhosaurus and its abilities. This part is quite the read. Wild: How wild Wuerhosaurus behave Wild Wuerhosaurus can be located almost anywhere that isn’t too cold for them, and are often found in groups. These imposing beasts are generally passive, and all but the largest of carnivores know to leave them alone when they’re charged up, as they can potentially boast enough power to put a Tyrannosaurus to shame even alone. The power of the sun is truly impressive. Things don’t get much better at night either. Wuerhosaurus plates can still contain latent energy, making them just as strong. Without the sun this energy can’t be replenished, so it can be exhausted by baiting them into using their abilities, though getting them to do so isn’t the safest endeavor. Taming: How to tame a Wuerhosaurus And that’s the crux of taming a Wuerhosaurus, draining their energy. Wuerhosaurus lose energy slower in groups, so it’ll be easier if you can find a way to separate an individual. Once you’ve dodged, ducked and dived everything they can throw your way, they’ll lose all their energy and become more vulnerable. During this time they can be tranqed and eventually KO’d, but note that smaller carnivores will target an energyless Wuerho, so you’ll need to protect it from threats you may have missed. Exceptional Kibble and herbivore foods are your options for taming food, though you’ll have to contend with moderate torpor loss. Wuerhosaurus won’t awaken when day comes, so don’t worry about random progress loss. Tamed: Information on domesticated Wuerhosaurus The Wuerhosaurus saddle unlocks at level 76 and is crafted in the Smithy. Due to the way Wuerhosaurus plates bounce energy, riders have to sit to the sides of the Wuerho using a seat on either side and can set a preference for whichever side they prefer in the radial wheel. This saddle therefore also allows for a passenger who can wield weapons. For physical attacks the Wuerhosaurus only has its basic tail swing for attacking and collecting resources, being a decent mount for the collection of Berries, Fiber, Thatch, and Wood. It’s other abilities are tied more to its Energy Meter Energy Meter: The specifics on the Energy Meter and the abilities tied to it Wuerhosaurus will rapidly refill their Energy Meter during the day. The amount they can hold is tied directly to how much Stamina they have, meaning higher stamina allows for more energy to be stored. During the day and when charged at night, Wuerhosaurus do more damage, move faster, resist torpor, and repel smaller threats. They will become uncharged upon losing all of their energy, lowering their damage, speed, becoming vulnerable to torpor, and agroing creatures the same way Stegos do. When charged at night Wuerhosaurus will also passively produce a large amount of light, the range of which is tied to Melee Damage. Higher damage increases the range of this light, making the Wuerhosaurus easy to spot but clearly displaying that they are charged. This light comes at no cost to the Wuerhosaurus’s reserves. Wuerhosaurus can spend their energy in quite a few ways. Through the radial wheel you can select to put a Wuerho into Emission mode, which will very slowly drain their energy. Emission mode can power electrical structures the Wuerho is standing very close to(2-3 foundations) and greatly improve the growth speed and crop production of nearby Crop Plots(10-12 foundations). Emission mode also generates heat, meaning survivors may use it to more easily delve into cold environments. The other uses of energy are far more offense oriented in nature. These are Flashes, Energizers, and Solar Flares. Flashes are a blinding instant of light that can ground fliers and briefly dismount(But not stun) riders, making for a split second where they may be vulnerable. Flashes will also scare smaller dinos and make them flee, making for both an excellent defensive and offensive option in combat. Energizers are a little more straightforward. The thagomizers at the end of Wuerho’s tail will flush with energy and impart some of that energy into any creature hit by an attack. This energy will then become unstable and explode after ten seconds, dealing damage to the creature and others who may be standing too close. This makes it an excellent option against large targets who will accumulate many Energizers in a fight and groups of targets that will cause a cascade of explosions in their midst. Note however that energy is expended with every target hit rather than every attack, meaning hitting four opponents at once will drain energy faster than hitting one, something to watch out for. Lastly is the Solar Flare, a costly but highly effective attack. The Wuerho will bounce its energy between its plates for a few seconds and suddenly send beams of light scattering in all directions. These beams will damage any targets they hit and light them ablaze. This attack uses up quite a bit of energy and goes on a minute cooldown after use, but there’s a highly effective way to boost both its duration and its potency. Herd Power: The effects of having more than one Wuerhosaurus You see, an individual Wuerhosaurus acts like a solar panel, and like solar panels, Wuerhosaurus are far more effective in groups. Wuerhosaurus will reduce the energy loss of other nearby Wuerhos by 5% up to a maximum of five times for a total of 25% less energy loss when using their abilities. In addition to this, allied Wuerhosaurus that are hit with a Solar Flare beam will begin to use Solar Flare themselves, resulting in a cascading lightshow that can quickly burn up even the strongest opponents. This snowball effect combined with the reduced energy loss makes a group of Wuerhosaurus highly effective combat mounts that enemies would be wise to take seriously. This “Cascade Flare” will be halted once the Wuerho that started it stops using Solar Flare, which is usually when it’s commanded to or when it runs out of energy.
  3. Womp womp, they shouldn't have been on the map from the start. If you want a Pyromane go to Scorched or the Center
  4. The answer to both of these questions is no. There's no information as to what Ark we were being sent to, only what we can see in the cinematic, which is that its pretty similar to the Island (Likely a reused model). There is also no information as to whether the next Ark is random, determined by the Overseers, or set. It's likely a set pattern based on whichever Ark you first appear on (For example, survivors who start on the Island will go to Scorched, then the mystery island, then wherever would be next) with a different path depending on where you start.
  5. Honestly, I'd do more Xiphas. They're really powerful in groups, and the Meg is likely slowing you down a little.
  6. Purtroppo al momento non lo sappiamo. I miei soldi sono puntati personalmente su Archelon e Deinosuchus.
  7. Acro sta ancora aspettando il porting da parte di Garuga e Concavenator non è ancora finito per ASA. Probabilmente verranno aggiunti alla mappa quando verranno rilasciati ufficialmente
  8. So I've been playing with Additions Ascended creatures, as if they're gonna be in the game eventually I might as well get used to them, and I'm having trouble locating them on The Center. I see plenty of Ceratos and Xipha for obvious reasons, as well as Archelon and Deinosuchus, but the others are rarer than diamond. Seen 1 Helicoprion who got eaten right away (Lol Xipha) Seen 1 Brachi on the island I live on, but nowhere else Seen 1 Acro on the secondary lava island and I've yet to see any Deinotherium or Anomalocaris. If you know good places to find these creatures, or know if the two I haven't seen even spawn at all, please let me know. I really did love all these creatures in the tests I did on them and would love to get some for real in my playthrough.
  9. Wouldn't the Shasta protect you from the Xiphactinus, thus making them useful for your purposes?
  10. Ember have bursts that get stronger the more you use them. A continuous breath that ramps up in damage over time would be pretty cool though.
  11. What kind of creatures specifically? Some have rather particular needs when taming compared to the vast majority that are simply KO or Passive tames.
  12. Not sure Ozraptor would be a good fit. Halszkaraptor or a spinosaurid like Suchomimus would likely be more suiting to the semi-aquatic role you're looking for.
  13. Yeah, it really needs a 10-20K base weight or something like that. If they're gonna be useable as bases, this is the first place to start.
  14. Would help much anyways unless the babies do as much damage as adults, they'll be far too weak for this to really be a feature of any note.
  15. A tank meta that would put Stegos to shame, not really something I'd advocate for, especially once Dinopithecus come back.
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