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lilpanda last won the day on August 22

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About lilpanda

  • Birthday December 18

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  1. I host a dedicated server. Is there anyway to scroll back through chat or see who was on at certain times? Users on the server voted for certain rules but it's kind of hard to uphold them with the current limited tools for hosts. For example, I had to turn off downloads because someone joined the server, downloaded dinos and wrecked everyone. It was a bad day for the server. Now, I get messages saying someone from a certain tribe offline raided them but I have no way to look back at who was on at certain times or who is in what tribe, unless they login while I'm watching the server. I can't stare at the server 24/7. Is there, or are there any settings coming to help hosts with these situations.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. lilpanda


      I am not familiar with the xbox keys unfortunately. I do not own an xbox

    3. humbleserver


      ok, thanks for your help anyway

    4. Ryco795


      I have a PvP server on Xbox if you are interested looking for people to join so there would be other tribes of interested msg ryco795 On xbox

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