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I left Carnivore Island and did some drop hunting, and I think I ran across the worst red drop ever. It had Angler Gel, two pieces of mutton, a flak 102AC chest piece, and something else junky. However, I also found an Ascendant Theri saddle and a Mastercraft Thyla saddle in other drops, so that worked out. Buggsy and I then headed back to base for some general upkeep. I put away the stuff that he was carrying, made some kibble, made some turret ammo, etc. Afterward, we headed over to our Rex base and hatched some eggs. No new mutations popped, so we increased our store of cooked prime meat. Tikachu loves that stuff. The lava cave by Herbivore Island was next on the list. We geared up back at the main base, podded Birbs, and began our adventure. It went well overall, aside from being paranoid about that one jump on the way in and way out. On a side note, Mega Rabies seems like it’s way easier to catch but not as deadly as it was in ASE. My artifact stands are on top of my base, surrounding the industrial forge. I added the latest one and then pondered an issue. I can’t get the artifact from the Southern Islets cave. It’s not that I can’t get to it from a difficulty perspective; it’s that my game crashes whenever I get near the artifact. This is the only cave so far that I don’t have to turn Global Illumination up to High in order to see the correct colors instead of grayscale graphics. The ones where I have to do that don’t cause crashes for me. Strange coincidence perhaps? Anyway, since I was on top of the base already, I cheated in an Artifact of the Hunter and set it on a pedestal as well. That’s when I decided to take a break. Happy Ark’ing, All!
I think if you're playing SP you can change things to allow cave flyers, but I was talking about "Birbs" my Baryonyx. I tried bringing a flock of Dimorphs into the big snow cave once, and they didn't do so well in narrow passageways with the bears. Though, I didn't breed them to super levels.
Buggsy and I flew to Carnivore Island and finished the interior of the outpost. Thankfully, it wasn't 153F again. But talk about Spartanly furnished, it holds a bunkbed, generator, cryofridge, and storage cabinet. When the timer was up, I headed outside and tossed a cryopod. The morning sunlight gleamed off its metal shell as it tumbled through the air before bouncing off the rocky soil. Upon impact, its inner light flared for a moment before the device teleported back into my inventory, leaving Birbs standing before me with his usual toothy grin. "Sup?" Birbs asked, or at least that's what I took his low growl to mean. "Time for a cave, buddy!" I replied. Just to be on the safe side, I moved Buggsy's inventory to the storage cabinet, podded him up, and placed the pod in the fridge. Then we headed for the cave. We had to fight two low level Alpha raptors on the way which was no problem. I checked Mini Hulk's chibi experience, and let's just say that it's going to be a long time before he reaches his next level. The cave run went well overall, aside from me contracting bat cooties like a dozen times. Oh, and there was that one missed jump on the way out, but we're pretending that didn't happen. I didn't have much time to play today, so I logged out when we were back at the outpost, artifact safely tucked away in my inventory. Happy Ark'ing, All!
The deep water caverns were like that for me in Genesis 2, just never ending sharks and other bad things.
After what has now come to be known as the Redwood debacle, I decided to head over to my Rex base. We landed, and I stopped by Ethyl to grab any fertilized eggs that she was holding before heading to the hatch pad. I got my first mutation! Too bad it was weight on a female rex. I also got an oxygen mutation on a male, and for one brief instant, I imagined an Aqua Rex line taking on the sea caves. That’s definitely not going to happen. Ethyl is also now semi-retired as I got Barney out of cryo storage and leveled his weight to 600. Back at my main base and trying to think of things to do, I came up with an idea to make metal outposts near select cave entrances. This way, I’d have a safe spot to un-pod dinos for those caves. I took the metal building pieces that I had in storage, made the rest, and loaded everything onto Buggsy. The first outpost was constructed at the cave near Herbivore Island. I had to move its location three or four times due to building being blocked at some point, but it was finally done. Next, we headed for Carnivore Island. Buggsy landed on the safe isle, and I hopped off. My heat indicator instantly went ballistic. I was building and drinking medical brews like crazy. When the outpost was done, I was still overheating inside. I double checked to make sure the little house icon was showing, and it was. That’s when I figured I’d check the temperature. “Holy *Beep!*” it was 153 degrees Fahrenheit, so we got out of there. The last outpost was constructed by the cave near the volcano without any crazy weather shifts. Buggsy and I went drop hunting a couple of times, and we got some good things for the grinder, but nothing else too exciting. I’m still wearing a regular flak chest piece that I pretty much have to repair every time Glenda sneezes, so I’m looking forward to replacing it. BB Hauler took my anky, Haze, on an epic metal run. It’s weird, though. With him on wander and BB Hauler carrying him, circling around a metal node, he will sometimes harvest it and other times not. It’s like he has the MS spinny cursor flashing above his head at times. I noticed we were a little low on rare flowers, so I took Zeena, my slate gray moschops, out of cryo and leveled her up. Her extra harvesting points all went into rare flowers as well. For a change of pace, I decided we’d head out on foot, or flipper, instead of flying her to the swamp. So we crossed the river and were traveling along the beach. Surprise! Pego self-tame number twenty-ish for this play through. We decided to save some time and swim through the ocean instead of following the beach. *Jaws music* Zeena had to stop to chomp four sharks to death along the way, so the beach probably would have been faster. We eventually made it to the swamp and harvested the plants that I remember giving rare flowers, but no luck. So after a brief YouTube interlude, we began harvesting the right plants. My nameless pego was eaten by a titanoboa during this time. All in all, we came back with over two hundred rare flowers, so the bees will be happy for a while. After that, Buggsy flew me over to the volcano cave outpost where I installed a bunkbed, generator, and cryofridge. I popped Birbs out of his pod five minutes later, and we ran the cave without any issues. Next, we went back to the Rex base and hatched the latest batch of eggs. Huzzah, we got our first HP mutation! I decided to call it a night after that, so Happy Ark’ing, All!
I decide to scout the redwoods from the ground to avoid further crashes, so Buggsy and I head back to base. Once there, I pod a couple of dinos, grab a generator/cryofridge set, and head back to the platform on BB Attack. Five minutes after the cryofridge begins humming away, I un-pod Birbs and Sabene and set them to neutral. BB Attack is then podded and stored away securely in my inventory. And after another look around for predators, I mount Birbs before heading out with Sabene on follow. Ten minutes later, and we haven’t run into many predators yet. So I’m thinking, “You know, the redwoods can be a rather idyllic place at times.” Then *Wham!* A microraptor knocks me out of the saddle. “Forget it. Just forget what I was thinking. This place is Hell!” We come across two low level Thylas during our hunt and dispatch them, along with an Alpha Carno that levels Mini-Hulk. “Woo Hoo! I’m gaining experience again!“ Unfortunately, it’s getting late at this point, so we begin heading back to the Sap platform. Things are going well . . . until we see a carno. It sees us, too, and battle is soon joined. A couple of raptors join in to spice things up, and then *Wham!* I’m micro-raptored out of the saddle. I hear something else join the fight, but I can’t see what it is because I have a microraptor glued to my face like one of those creepy things from the Alien movie. Once I’m able to stand, I see that a dark furred Thyla is the newcomer, but I’m too busy chasing Birbs, trying to get back in the saddle, to notice what level it is. Birbs finally pauses when the carno crumples before him, and I’m able to hop back in the saddle. The raptors and lousy microraptor are out of the fight as well. I maneuver my mount, so I can get a better look at the Thyla’s level, and it’s a 150! It’s also super bloody, so I whistle all passive, and Sabene stops attacking. I take out my spyglass, from the Super Spyglass Plus mod, and see that the Thyla is also super low health. If I let it heal, before trying to knock it out, will Sabene be bled out? Yah, it’s a tough decision but I gotta support Sabene, so I whistle all neutral. The Thyla goes down in seconds. And once again, I think, “This place is Hell!” (In hindsight, I probably could have tried to run away and lose it, but I’ll just have to remember that for next time. Happy Ark’ing, All!)
Thanks for the suggestion. I do have Global Illumination set at Medium unless I'm in the easier sea cave. I change it to High when I'm in there so everything doesn't go grayscale on me.
Well, no mutations for the Rexes yet. However, I did realize that my Oviraptor at the Rex Base, Ethyl, could use more points in weight. We stopped by after several hours of doing other stuff and found her buried under a pile of Rex eggs. Oops! Emergency Services were called, and in less than two minutes, three Gigantopithecuses (Gigantopitheci?) parachuted in and began the rescue. Ethyl’s fine, but she is considering a lateral job change. And after thinking about it, I might pod her for a bit and level up the other Oviraptor that’s currently in the fridge, focusing on weight. My bees are still recovering from the abrupt decline of their honey stores, so I decided to cheer them up. I gave Butthead and Eff’Wad, two of my ever-growing number of self-tamed pegos, kazoos and other noise makers and sent them on a mission codenamed “Smiley Bees”. I watched as they began heading for the hives with an aura of upbeat kazoo music surrounding them. Eff’Wad honked a bike horn several times, testing it out, and Butthead accompanied him with hand cymbals. They rounded a corner of the base, and the sound of their music faded a bit. After a brief pause, the happy kazoo music ramped up exponentially, punctuated here and there by horn beeps and the crash of cymbals. This went on for all of ten seconds before I heard a loud buzzing noise. I looked around, thinking Buggsy, my Rhynio, was about to land nearby, but he was nowhere in sight. That’s when the kazoo music suddenly changed from happy go lucky tones to the discordant notes of someone accidentally stepping on a Titanoboa nest. The repeated honking of the bike horn and erratic crash of cymbals began getting louder, along with the buzzing. Then, my two pegos burst into view trailed by a swarm of angry bees, who are definitely not music enthusiasts. Butthead flung his cymbals away before diving into the ocean, and Eff’Wad wasn’t far behind. When I . . . um . . . left to do other things, the bees were still loitering above the water while two improvised kazoo-snorkels pierced its surface. I decided to let things cool down around the base, so Buggsy and I headed for my sap platform in the red woods. I had seen a video where someone, I think Syntac, had made a Thyla taming pen on a treehouse platform. I ground out materials, manufactured building pieces, and Buggsy helped ferry them up to be installed. We eventually had something that loosely resembled what I saw in the video, and then it was time to test it out. A low level Thyla attacked us when we landed to save the game, and Buggsy quickly dispatched it. I’m not sure if anyone else runs into this, but my game crashes fairly often when I’m flying near or in the red woods, so I also save quite often. Case in point ten minutes later, I spotted a Rhynio just inside the tree line and decided to get some height for a better view. My game crashed as we were heading upward. I figured I’d spawn at my last save, which was on the ground, so I loaded back in. Nope! We were up in the air still, and I plummeted toward the forest floor. I don’t think flapping my arms as fast as I could helped, but it made me feel a little better during the descent at least. Luckily, I survived the drop and was able to heal up with some medical brews. It kind of killed my adventuring mood for the day, though, so I decided to wrap things up. Happy Ark’ing, All!
I spent most of my Sunday making extraordinary kibble and getting the base of my Rex line set up and ready to go. My poor bees. They were so proud of all their honey, and then I came through like a swarm of kibble-making honey-locust. I think there’s only one or two honey left in each hive now, so kibble production is on hold for a bit. Over at the Rex base, I decided we could use a healer, so we put a Help Wanted sign outside. It attracted a handful of Dodos that kept pecking at the sign and a couple of Dilos that tried to eat the Dodos. I had to sic Sabene, my Sabertooth, on them before a new sign was needed. I put a lot of work into that one! Anyway, the only serious looking applicant was a creepy Pegomastax. He was dressed in a dark trench coat and had a large syringe slung over one shoulder. After he knocked at the gate, I said, “The heck with that,” and turned the turret back on. So as Yoda would say, “Time for a Daeodon, it is.” Once we were equipped, Buggsy and I headed up north to the Yuty pen where we began our hunt. As we drifted across the snowy landscape, the fluttering of giant insect wings sent some of the more skittish creatures fleeing for their lives. I’m pretty sure I heard a Kairuku yell, “The sky is falling!” before diving into a snowbank. A little later, we overflew a group of low level Daeodons that were attacking a mammoth, silently rooted for the mammoth, and continued on. We passed a pair of pigs here, a single one there, but they were all low level. Eventually, we happened upon another pig versus mammoth brouhaha, and one of the curly tailed miscreants was level 130. It actually looked to be running away from battle when giant insect legs suddenly latched onto it and pulled it into the sky. The Daeodon was a little bitey on the way back to the taming pen, but Buggsy dropped her in there without a hitch, and she tamed up quickly thanks to the exceptional kibble. I named her Tikachu before podding her. Back at the Rex base, Doc Tika helped heal up the female rexes that were born with the male’s stats, and we soon had a large enough group to start breeding for mutations. Nothing so far, but I have high hopes. Happy Arking, All!
Let’s see, what else have I done recently that I haven’t chronicled? Oh, I did finally find a high level female Basilo who is now known as “Betty the Basilo”. There was a 100+ AC saddle waiting for her, too, so she’s pretty beastly. I haven’t found a mate for her yet, though, but I have taken her through both sea caves after leveling her up. I was surprised to see bats in the easy one. Spork the shark, of course, had a retirement party since Betty arrived. I knew I shouldn’t have let my three Pegos rope me into a shot contest, but I figured we’d send Spork off in grand fashion. Talk about a hangover, but it was kinda worth it to see three Pegos bazooka vomit at the same time. I also added the QoL+ mod, seeing as I was really missing the inventory transfer option. The Nanny is also a big help. I wonder if she’d work with Rhynio imprinting? A Rex breeding base was constructed after I found a high level male and female. Right now, all the good stats are on the male, so I’m trying to get females with those stats, but the babies haven’t been cooperating. Today, I didn’t have much time, so I focused on some general upkeep first. And then, I remembered seeing a low level, male unicorn on Herbivore Island and thought what the heck. I grabbed some Rock Carrots and set off for the island on BB Attack. I then came back to base and grabbed a cryopod because I figured I’d need one, before setting out again. Then, I came back again because I forgot to get my ghillie suit, and once again we were off. So after all that, we finally arrived at the island and there was no unicorn to be found. Yargh! I consoled myself by thinking he was probably a jerkwad anyway. Happy Ark’ing all.
@yarnevk: My taming trip went well, and I hope your chaos has calmed down. Speaking of my taming trip, I logged back in and shivered until I got Glenda back on my shoulders. Once she was settled, we scanned the area for nearby threats and didn’t see any, so we hopped on Buggsy and began our hunt. A level 40 female Yuty was found within the first two minutes and flown back to the pen. She tamed up with raw prime meat donations from a couple of mammoths and was podded, leaving me with only one cryopod left. Time for the level 145 male, I thought. Searching for the elusive 145 Yuty wasn’t going well. It obviously wasn’t where I remembered it to be, and it didn’t help that Glenda kept pointing in different directions. Her memory must be as bad as mine. While we were hovering, deciding on what to do next, a Yuty roared off in the distance. Glenda let out a happy squeak, and I immediately steered Buggsy in that direction. It . . . wasn’t the level 145, but it was a level 5 female Yuty. I mean, that’s practically a gimme for a kibble group, so I had to tame it, which we did. Once she was podded, we continued our hunt. Our search area expanded, and we eventually found the 145 going on a rampage by some boulders. Buggsy swooped down, deftly grabbed him, and headed for the trap. The only problem was that the Yuty would chomp my Rhynio to death before we got there, so we had to drop him partway and go heal. The second time was the charm, though. The Yuty plopped into the trap and roared in fury, while an under half-health Buggsy landed a safe distance away to heal up. More than a few shocking tranquilizer darts missed their mark while I was trying to knock him out. I’m totally blaming that on the wind and not on the adult libations that I was enjoying at the time. He toppled to the ground eventually, though, and I hopped off Buggsy to begin the taming process. Since we were a cryopod short, I decided to leave the level 5 female here to be picked up later, and went to throw her pod out. Of course, I received the no cryofridge in range message. Buh! Glenda let out an angry chirp and head-butted me softly. “Oh, like you remembered we forgot to set one up?” I asked my otter. She made a chuckling noise and shrugged her shoulders. I sighed. It was all I could do. The 145 tamed up without issue at least, and then began the long, long trip home with Buggsy hauling a Yuty the whole way. I made saddles when we were finally back and set up the kibble group. Ovira was happy because she had egg-collecting duties again, and we soon had our first round of extraordinary kibble. Huzzah!
Buggsy, my bluish gray Rhynio, is pretty awesome even if he is lower level. I grabbed the extra stone and metal building pieces that I had stored away and loaded him up. He hardly noticed as he was deep into a game of chess with Butthead, my pegomastax. They’re both way better at it than I am. And since I was heading to the snowy biome, I decided to bring an otter along. My original otter, Misty, was introduced to Champion (Really cheesed that name…) a while back, and they eventually had a pup named Glenda. She grew up and has almost 1k melee now which definitely helps with the cold. I found her playing tetherball out back with the Trike babies that hang out around the base, and I’m guessing she had lost a few games because she was looking kind of grumpy. She heard my whistle, waved goodbye to her friends, and hurried over to clamber up on my shoulders. Taming supplies were gathered from various storage boxes and fridges after that, and then we headed out front. Turns out, the chess game had ended in a draw by the time we got back to Buggsy, so I hopped in the saddle, and we began buzzing our way north. I set up a taming pen on a little island close to shore that lay in the shadow of a mountain, and this is where Buggsy came in really handy. All in all, we tamed three lower level, female Yutys without any close calls. It’s so nice to be able to pick them up and drop them in a pen, definitely less stressful this way. I also saw a level 145 male Yuty that would complete our kibble group nicely. Unfortunately, it was getting late, so I decided to call it a day. Hopefully, I can find it again today. Hope everyone is having fun.
Thanks to YouTuber ButchX3, I decided to tame a Rhynio. I figured I’d start with a pair of Brontos and found a level 130 female fairly quickly. Unfortunately, the search for a high level male took five days of wiping out every low level Bronto I saw, until I finally came across a 140. Of course, I hit that with an extra tranq dart right as it went out, so taming effectiveness dropped to 96%, which I decided I could live with. Test Subject 1 was born shortly thereafter and cryopodded after healing. I already had one pheromone and got another while I was trying to get a high level, female Rhynio to spawn. I flew over the swamp so often that Jerry the Sarco started waving to me each time I passed. He’s the neighborly type. After two days of looking, I ran across a level 135 female and almost fell off my argy, BB Attack. (She was one of a set of triplets that were born with bright yellow plumage, so BB is for Big Bird. There’s also a BB Hauler and one unnamed left in reserve. Yah, creative, I know. Heh.) We quickly flew (too far?) out of the swamp to set up a generator building to power the cryofridge. Five minutes later, I un-podded Test Subect 1 and put the pheromone in its inventory. Next, I was off to lure the Rhynio back. I basically had to massacre everything in a one kilometer radius before the bug would agro on me. We were heading back, swerving left and right to avoid the sap shots, and it lost interest in us about halfway to the outpost. Sigh! (Yep, the base was definitely too far.) Anyway, after murdering everything on the ground again, I got it to follow me. We finally made it to the outpost, and I dismounted. This is where mistake number one happened. In ASE, I saw people using the net gun to immobilize Rhynios for taming. Since nets aren’t available yet, brilliant me decided to put it to sleep instead. The Rhynio was like, “Nope!” after the second tranq landed and took off like a bug outta hell. Test Subject 1 and I looked at each other for a few seconds, dumbfounded expressions on our faces. It was fluttering around in the distance, so I decided to activate the pheromone and bring it back. This was mistake number two. The Rhynio fled as soon as BB and I got near. We weren’t able to keep up as it flew full speed in random directions, and I finally lost it. We scouted the surrounding area for a while, but the 135 Rhynio was nowhere to be seen. We got back to Test Subject 1 in time to see the pheromone deactivate. Blah! We packed and podded everything up and headed back to base. It was time to do something different. While I was doing something different, I found the bug that got away! A new generator outpost was established with all due haste. (Closer to the bug this time!) There was going to be no luring back to the outpost this attempt. Instead, I mounted Test Subject 1 when it was un-podded, and we charged forth. Or sort of charged, I guess. There were Dodos behind us honking their horns because we were going too slow. Eventually, the Rhynio engaged us in battle, and this part went well. It was after Test Subject 1 was carrying the parasite that mistake number three happened. Actually, it was more naiveté than a mistake. I didn’t know you had to bring the dino things while the parasite was growing. I saw the message with like two minutes left, raced back to base for the requested Battle Tartar, and my level 41 bug popped out as I was on my way back. Shrug! I podded Buggsy, headed back to base, and got sixty-percent of the imprinting done. So next time, if there is a next time, I think I’ll pod Test Subject 2 right after the Rhynio implants the parasite and head back to base.
The Not-so-Great Basilo Hunt I found my otter, Misty, on top of the kibble fridge. She was knitting a red scarf, presumably for the upcoming holiday event. The crimson definitely worked with her dark brown fur. “You want to try one more time for a Basilo?” I asked. She looked thoughtful for a moment, put her knitting stuff down in a neat pile, and leaped gracefully onto my shoulder. “I’m guessing that’s a yes?” I asked. She nodded, ate the chunk of fish I was offering, and we were off to the beach. My megalodon, Spork, had to wriggle his way out of the shallows again and wasn’t too happy when I asked if he had gained weight. To get me back, he did an unexpected barrel roll when we were in slightly deeper water. I resurfaced with a coughing fit and seaweed in my hair. Misty snorted with laughter and then began picking out the green bits. And brimming with the hope of finding a high level whale, we slowly submerged, leaving the sounds of the surface world behind. We were almost around the entire island, and the highest Basilo I had seen was level 90. To top everything off, the game crashed when we were nearing base. It was at this time that I realized I had not saved recently, because we were all back at the halfway point of our journey. Grumpy, I got on Spork and we began speeding home, saving every now and then. Once back at base, I parked Spork, went inside, and tried to put Misty back on the fridge. Only, there was no Misty to put back on the fridge. I had forgotten to grab her after we spawned back in. “Son of a &$!%@.” I ran up the stairs with an uneasy feeling in my gut. On the roof, Ewe watched me hurry over, cocking her head slightly in concern. I hopped on, and we launched into the sky, heading north. It took me a little while to figure out the tracking thing. I didn’t realize the PoI option, or whatever it’s called, was what you needed to click to get a directional beacon. Thankfully, we found Misty safe and sound. She was on an inflatable, orange and yellow Dodo, sipping a Piña colada, and knitting what appeared to be the same scarf she was working on before. That’s when I heard the Twilight Zone music… [I think it might be time for a dino wipe. Have fun all.]
The Great Basilo Hunt! It’s a little before midnight, and everything’s topped off and crafted that needs to be topped off and crafted. The Industrial Forge is doing its thing on the roof, smelting the latest batch of metal, and I need to think of something else to do. That’s when I remember the suggestion to look for Basilos around Herbivore Island, so I stop at the equipment box to grab my SCUBA gear. Once I’m all set, I head for the beach and feel Misty clamber up onto my shoulder as I go. The moon is high when I hop on Spork. He squirms a bit in the shallows, but we eventually slip beneath the surface and head for the island. I enjoy the Ark oceans at night, quiet and subdued . . . until you run into a shark, and then another shark, and then an Alpha shark. Mini-Hulk got some Chibi experience at least. It’s nearing morning when we arrive at the island, and our search begins. We do find several whales, but they’re low level. Spork decides to snack on one and . . . Wham! His weight is nearly maxed from all the oil. (I still feel bad killing Basilos.) Once the encumbrance situation is settled, we resume our search. The sun is just rising above, but the depths are still clouded in shadow, and that’s when I see it. A strange light illuminates a patch of the ocean floor, and there’s a bump in the middle of it. It gives me tech vibes. Would ASA have explorer notes on the bottom of the ocean? We swim closer to investigate, keeping an eye open for apex predators as we go. Nearing it, I still can’t make out if the bump is a chest or something else, so we decide to glide over it, like you would an explorer note. And . . . . BRRRRRRRZZZZZZZZRRRRRZZZZZTTTTTTTT! I’m immediately knocked off Spork who’s stunned. Misty and I both mentally shout in unison, “Jelly!” I get my crossbow out, but the Jelly is beneath Spork, and I don’t have a shot. Spork’s stun wears off, and he’s like, “Whisky Tango Foxtrot!” as the Jelly keeps attacking. Luckily, I recall there’s no chain-stun now, so I swim madly and remount Spork. A couple of chomps later, and the Cnidaria is goo in his inventory. After that excitement, we decide to put off Basilo hunting for another day and begin heading back to base. On the surface, Spork is still dealing with involuntary twitches from the previous shock, Misty looks like she has an 80’s perm, and I just bust out laughing over my “Explorer Notes at the bottom of the sea,” idea. Spork and Misty begin glaring at me. Needless to say, it is an awkward ride home. [Hope everyone’s having fun, and beware jellyfish that are sunken into the floor of the ocean.]