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Naked (1/5)



  1. They already admitted by their on statements that ASA will be practice for developing Ark2. No thanks. So many years. Bye.
  2. 100% perfect? What a straw man. How about you no longer get stuck in TP pads? How long have they been out? How about no black screen and crash to dash? How about throwing mana out of pod and it takes off across the map? How long has that been a thing? How about I load in without ghosting because I was in a sleeping pod? You think Ark2 is going to be better because of a better server? You can’t fix mismanagement of resources and silly cop outs for things that CAN be fixed but you just get excuses. How about lost characters and terrible customer service? Dinos replaced? Not. Lvl 201. Pfff. Good luck with Ark 2. I won’t be there.
  3. Being able to stay logged onto a server for more than 10 seconds would be a nice addition to the game
  4. Ya. Well, I paid for a game...I expect it to work. Too much to ask? Apparently.
  5. Why such a low server population on such a big weekend event?
  6. It’s kind of like the guy on stage that fails in front of thousands of spectators. At first it’s funny, then you get embarrassed for the person, then it’s just plain cringey. At least don’t go for “ the big finish. Lol. Stop embarrassing yourself.
  7. Two days in, black screen to dash, black screen to dash, black screen to dash. Just turn it off, Jack the rates up and leave us be. Keep yo dumb hat and emote and stop it already. Lol. I mean for real?
  8. Another unplayable addition to the game. Crash to dash literally every 5 minutes. 100 prime jerky per emote and 50 prime jerky per Chibi? Ridiculous but ok....Made 22 preserving bins, 9k spark powder, gathered and cooked 650 prime meat, put 2200 oil in bins with powder and cooked prime. All the while crashing to dash every 5 minutes. Think persistence pays off? Logged in today and none of it ever happened. Preserving bins not even there. Pfff. What a joke.
  9. Another unplayable addition to the game. Crash to dash literally every 5 minutes. 100 prime jerky per emote and 50 prime jerky per Chibi? Ridiculous but ok....Made 22 preserving bins, 9k spark powder, gathered and cooked 650 prime meat, put 2200 oil in bins with powder and cooked prime. All the while crashing to dash every 5 minutes. Think persistence pays off? Logged in today and none of it ever happened. Preserving bins not even there. Pfff. What a joke.
  10. Another unplayable addition to the game. Crash to dash literally every 5 minutes. 100 prime jerky per emote and 50 prime jerky per Chibi? Ridiculous but ok....Made 22 preserving bins, 9k spark powder, gathered and cooked 650 prime meat, put 2200 oil in bins with powder and cooked prime. All the while crashing to dash every 5 minutes. Think persistence pays off? Logged in today and none of it ever happened. Preserving bins not even there. Pfff. What a joke. Keep farming? Naaah. Don’t think so.
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