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  1. Just deciphered the latest batch, this is with the transmitter emitting or recieving a red beam. All pillars still say AP Uplink Established or whatever, that hasn't changed, the new text starting from left to right reads: Specimen Simulation mode: Cooperative Specimen Maintenence Protocol: Updated Host System Directive: Updated Resolution Schema: Updated (Schema is an actual word and means Plan) Change Authorization 724ea9458D40FBBF verified Ecological Conditions: Predictive The rotating text around the beam is very tricky, when it pans into view and is easy to make out as it isn't shimmering, it has only three lines of text and it reads Subsystem Guardian Specimen When it pans infront of the beam or the timer, making it illedgible, it's been deciphered based on common symbols, that it also reads Change Authorization 724ea9458D40FBBF verified As it matches the length, and starting symbols of that very message, however the resolution, even at max resolution with the data beam and timer makes it impossible to tell, there is no good angle to view the rotating 4 text lines.
  2. Looks like it updated again. I think I'll let someone else handle it since it's midnight and I'm tired.
  3. The only thing I can think of to say about this that might have an ounce of hope as a counter arguement is that one graduate kid on Aberration that "spawned" in thought it was a dream and jumped off a cliff to wake up because he had the same dream or a similar one "a few nights ago". If he's not a clone, then someone flarped up that artificial memory seeding algorithm.
  4. We're on an Island ark for the overseer boss fight, you look out the main overseer window slightly to the left, there's another Island ark. That makes at least two of them. Nevermind the uncountable amount of island ark's you fly thru on your way to scorched earth in the ending cinematic.
  5. Question, where did Ark Genesis come from? Is that the community moniker for the next DLC without being confirmed, or did a dev leak the title somewhere
  6. I knew something was wrong but it kept giving me YScheck, I wasn't getting an S to start
  7. Also since we're here and this is a Theory megathread... I think I know why there's no water. I had an epiphany while watching that video from Anthomnia. Where he saw that scar/canyon and there was visible water in it? What if... that's the Mariana Trench, the deepest point in the ocean in the modern day, now the last source of free water? Anyways, slightly off topic, bringing it back. What if the reason there's no water is because of the Element? I think, element needs water. Bear with me here, in Aberration we see water go over a waterfall and turn into pools of element. It's healthy and pure at the top, it's not at the bottom. We know from Rockwell's obsession that this is pure element in it's purest form, if Element possesses some form of sentience like what Extinction hints at, and it's pure form is the result of water mixing with element solids (say, the exposed root-like structures that show in Aberration and Extinction) it might be consuming the water for replication or growth. It would also explain why the most element infested region of Extinction, is a glacier. That stuff is trying to replicate/grow and it needs the water to do it. As a planet the same amount of water has always existed and always will, Earth is a closed system. If all the ARK's and all their water come back, the system is again closed, and element eradication has begun. We know if we chemically divide a compound into it's base elements we'll get back what it's made out of. If the Element eradication process occurs and this theory is true, the more element that gets removed, the more water will return to the planet.
  8. I got a simple one. The island Ark that landed is the original ark we started on assuming we played it in order right? How many of us have cloning chambers and teleporters at our home base? Problem solved (those are still standing as the ark's come to rest on the surface)
  9. I think all in all we can safely say, AP, Arat Prime, is still standing, and functional no less otherwise there wouldn't be a response. This means the following: Arat Prime must have an Active (and stable) Power grid. Any computational systems within would not be able to respond while sputtering and rebooting every 8-10 seconds like Sanctuary's damaged power grid. Arat Prime must have some kind of Overseer, Whether organic, Homo Deus, Homo Sapien (Diana and Mei were heading there) or A.I Based like the Ark Overseers. Arat Prime's data uplink is of high security. While yes anything with a connection needs to be stable, Arat Prime goes the extra mile and encrypts it's datastream. This means there may be something to worry about, whether a rival human/homo Deus faction (possibly corrupted) a forgotten drone military force (mentioned by Santiago on Extinction as bolstering the corrupted's forces), or the ARK system being aware of Aberration's... less than optimal condition, Overseen by a renegade that does not comply with the original parameters. Arat Prime had to process Privilege escalation for a user and granted it (shows us it's computational systems are still working, whatever they may be.) The Unprovens: We don't know if this transmitter/reciever we're observing is entirely stable. The sparks might be normal tek function like with a tek generator, replicator etc, or it might be a malfunction that's causing a slow demise of the system here due to age and neglect of said system. This transmission very well could be a one shot deal. This could still be that hole in the extinction cutscene. While the cutscene doesn't scan our fingerprint per se, (atleast not traditionally) it does eat our Implant and keep it for authentication, afterwards we have a Homo Deus record in it's place. "Elevation Request" could be the system granting us Homo Deus status. What we're seeing now might be what's happening "under the hood" so to speak while Helena takes us on a tour of the planet and the ARK's land. YSCheck remains dubious spelling on my part, that stuff is really hard to make out with the shimmering effects and having to pause/unpause the video to decipher various parts of said text as the entire banner isn't always perfectly visible. Take that with a grain of salt.
  10. Just to recap every message we've seen so far is as follows "This Is Not Ark 2 Init AP Uplink AP secure connection Decrypting Incoming Datastream Verify UID Fingerprint 24ea9458ED40XXX Command Elevation Request Granted Command Recieved YSCheck Processing..."
  11. Latest video update has "AP Secure Connection" on the main banner, currently decoding background banners Background Banner left side "Decrypting Incoming Datastream" Background Banner 2nd from the left "Verify UID Fingerbrint 24ea9458ED40XXX" (ID number may not be exact) UID User ID? Background Banner 2nd from right "Command Elevation Request Granted" Background Banner far right (hardest to make out due to interference) "Command Recieved yscheck" (yscheck may not be entirely accurate but entering the code 5 times gave the same result each time so I might just be blind) Background Behind "Processing ..." (the dots are part of the translation) Also worth noting, the beam is considerably more stable and has arcing electricity between the emitter and the first ring, the arcs throw sparks on impact. Could be damage, could be functioning as intended since TEK stuff tends to be more... showy, to begin with. It is also worth noting the pillar behind the camera's default starting position, it's text is pinched, however changing view layouts this is probably not intentional as it's where the video meshes together, when switching to flat you can see that's where the video wraps around a central point.
  12. Update to the above post about the holographic banners that move, To further complicate the issue, the text is upside down, it's easiest to see at 5 seconds in on the right side pillar where you can invert the camera in the video BUT, the text is obstructed. However, I can say the last 9 characters of the LONGEST string of text are S D A S W A W A S (this is the encrypted character, not the decoded character) While this itself doesn't translate to anything in the Ark Decoder, IF, there are existing Ark Codes that have the 3rd column ending in those characters, then this is a repeat of that code. Eliminating the first S from the equation gives K2 as the translation of daswawas, which could be the "This is not ARK2" message rolled into one column given it's length, or there are two columns overlapping looking like a longer singular column.
  13. Well there's an easy way to find out, @Survivetheark appears in the Hall of History, a quick comparison of that banner to this one will tell you if it's the same text, the shading of encrypted characters and length of the banner should be similar if it is, even if you can't directly translate this new cutscene's banner due to resolution.
  14. Hey question, has anyone been able to decipher the more faint holographic text that keeps moving around on the pillar's holographic banners? I don't think it's the same string of text as "Init AP Uplink" since there's only two rows of text, not 3. My monitor is too fuzzy and small to decipher it otherwise I'd do it myself.
  15. In all honesty this thing resembles that hole in the ground during the Extinction ending cinematic where the beam comes out with the transmission to bring all the Ark's back to Earth. What if we're looking at the transmitter at the bottom of that hole? It'd have to establish an uplink to Arat Prime, what we've guessed to be the main control unit OR manufacturing center for the Arks, and then Arat Prime gives the all clear like Mission Control, with our current Extinction location being an outlying outpost or observation/research site. (Thereby not having technical authority to issue the recall or "reseed protocol") What I'm wondering is with the stages that this thing is going thru at the rate it is going thru, it sat at "Idle" for two days before deploying the beam. It made me think at the time that the device was warming up, prepping for use. And it leads me to continue to think as the countdown advances the device will continue to change. Kind of like how an engine starts up, you make sure everything is good (oil levels, gas, battery charge etc) then you turn over the starter (RPM's but cylinders aren't firing yet) then the engine catches and fires up and maintains a high RPM for a few minutes to "Warm up" before dropping back down to a lighter rpm and ready for operation to cruise down a highway or tow a trailer load. Sidetrack aside, I think the video might get more and more interesting. We've seen the device activate, what next? Does it "rev up" in intensity, does it start to stall and sputter and cough up error codes? Does it go on red alert and start to cascade out of control and cause a Half Life style resonance cascade or a meltdown, does Corruption start to take control of the device and try to send a reversal signal to push the arks back into space? We'll have to watch and find out.
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