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  1. What is the point of the event at this frigging point. Yet again xbox players are getting screwed over and you developers don't give a crap. So what are yall gonna do to compensate us. And yes I want compensation since ps4 and pc players are getting the promised event on time and they're getting too enjoy it right now. But yet again we on xbox have to wait. Do yalls job!!!
  2. Well they need to give us an answer. It seems to be a popular question here. But yet like always nobody wants to give an answer. Yall are useless
  3. Answer my question. So since we are getting screwed out of 4 days are yall extending the event 4 days for xbox players
  4. Ya it also said that it was supposed to start on the 22nd. So since we lose 4 days do we get 4 days. Or are yall gonna screw xbox players like usual.
  5. So where is the event for xbox players. This is ridiculous. I want to know wth is going on. I'm done giving yall money for a game you can't get right. I hope all your future dlc's are free because that'll be the only way I'll be getting them.
  6. This is complete BS. I wouldnt be upset if this wasn't happening all the time. Why is it xbox is constantly behind on receiving updates and patches. Ive been a day 1 player on xbox and I've been loyal thru all the headache and im over it. I paid just as much as everyone else and now your telling me I'm losing time on content. I didnt get to negotiate the price on all the DLC's that I've purchased. But you get to take time for a limited time event. Thank you again for taking from the xbox community.
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