Being a official server PVP are I have to say thank you for starting to crack down on the cheaters with the under mapping and the floating structures but when it comes down to building I'm platform Saddles I feel like you have it backwards you shouldn't be banning people for building on platform Saddles the way they want if you don't want it to build that way you should fix the mechanics of it not banned players for utilizing their resources building a structure around around platform saddle should not be a bannable offenses they're not Unstoppable they're just more difficult to stop using the right strategy you can kill these things easily now when it comes down to a quetzel if a build a box around it the game mechanic should make it so it can't fly not been the player for building it building skirts on platform saddles is a strategy not cheating that is just my personal View I've been out on this game since day one for the Xbox and now I have switched over to PS4 due to differences in community I also disagree with the fact that I am no longer allowed to build Auto turrets on my platform saddles . One of the things I going to say it was very disappointing that i couldn't turn a Mosasaurus or Plesiosaurus Into submarine where I could transport my tribe mates . Don't get me wrong I do enjoy this game quite a bit just sometimes I feel a lot of stuff that goes on his backwards or need slight changes like I believe most people would love to be able to breed an imprint on Griffin's and if not able to breed at least some way of imprinting like stealing babies from the nest also another idea random mutations on creatures that are not readable would be nice like color mutations randomly on wyverns or Stat mutations more to look for. I also believe that the spinosaurus should be stronger than the T-Rex due to the fact the Spinosaurus in fact what's bigger and stronger than the T-Rex in real life according to scientists I understand this is your game and you guys will do what you want which is fine just remember your your players on the reason you're getting paid so I suggest you do listen to them and their ideas and suggestions I feel aberration and the center server should be updated and fixed from the bugs that they have I feel aberration needs more dinos I feel like there are a lot of things that could be implemented in your game that you have just dropped the ball on or not thought about all I ask is that you listen to your customers/players an attempt to revive this game I'm not let it go down in flames I like to also have that I believe that you should make skins for all the Dinos cuz if I want to put a hat on a Dilophosaurus I should be able to do it . Think about this idea saddle armors four creatures not only could they journeyman Mastercraft ascendant Etc but think about it in a way that you could also implement leather saddle saddle flack saddle modern Kevlar saddle and of course Tek saddles for all dinos I'm pretty sure everyone would love that kind of ideas and expand the game a lot especially if you put in the graphics the different designs at the saddle would look like I'm pretty sure everybody would love to see flack out T-Rex. I know when it comes down to the underwater tames and everything you should be able to have a generator Dome that gives you an air pocket to build in so that you can transport dinosaurs in and out through elevator systems Etc ideas and thoughts take him as you please and me rambling all I really ask is for you to make Ark great again lol