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Everything posted by Fes

  1. The king Titan gets described as "a central nerve of the element that he came from" so yeah both is pretty accurate I would also say that it has something to do with the liquid element and other circumstances ( Rockwell experimenting with mixing human blood with element first, him later kinda becoming the new overseer etc. )
  2. Even if it's at a medium energy level, why shouldn't it give off energy ? We are still talking about element here, a ressource powerful enough to power jetpacks, meks and forcefields. And all of that in it's refined state, where it seems to have less energy. I can only pull up the quote " In the right form, its ability to generate electricity and produce radiation were unrivaled. " again. The right form being the refined state ( i have to admit, it says nowhere that the other forms aren't usuable as well, but we use the refined element to power literally everything that is tek). Some elements give off energy in form of radiation all by themselves, so why shouldnt the element ( maybe in a different form though) ? i agree here though, it rockwells corruption definitely is different, it's more purposeful
  3. Maybe you remberered a passage about Rockwell feeling like the element talked to him ? The element that is described to be humming with energy and pulsing sometimes ( Rockwell described the pieces of element he had as almost feeling like they had a heartbeat) is the refined version of it. We know that it has different properties in its different forms: "The uses for it were beyond counting. Hardier than tungsten. More versatile than copper. In the right form, its ability to generate electricity and produce radiation were unrivaled. It's no surprise then that things moved quickly - impact, discovery, invention and production. All in rapid succession." I mean the element in this form is something that seems to be something overflowing with energy so i'm not that sure if i would say it's communicating because of that. In spite of that i would still agree with you that it's in contact in one way or another. That being said i think this only applies to the more raw, original version of it, aka the element growing on extinction (not sure about the molten element on aberration, can't say for sure if it actually does something or if rockwell was imagining things). Thanks to Helenas Notes as a homo deus we know that it's kinda alive and it has rudimentary emotions, which kinda carry over to things infected with the element: "What's clear is that it's merciless. Unfeeling. It's driven by base instincts and primal emotion - propagation, hunger, and hatred - and it spreads those to its shadows. Hatred most of all." To conclude, i would say you're right about it communicating in some way, but i wouldn't describe it as some sort of "element internet" as it's much more organic, it's a bit more like nerve tracks if that makes sense ?
  4. Ok, the part with Helena asking for status reports is plausible. Does anyone else then know where this could be mentioned ? Would probably be in the extinction ones since they are the first set to explore the element in detail, but I read the notes of the one who waits the other day and I don't think it was mentioned there Edit: I'm meaning the thing with any two pieces of element communicating, not the corruption
  5. Just another thing i found while digging through some explorer notes again, could it be that helena actually thinks rockwell is dead and doesn't calculate aberration into the plan of the re-seed protocol ? I found a passage in the 27th note of the one who waits that kinda indicates something along the lines: "At least death is a natural end. They didn't suffer when they found the void. Not like him, he who thought down was up and descended a ladder into madness. I could see him in those depths, that twisted place where torment and euphoria are reversed. He brought that fate upon himself, but even so, I'm glad you put it to an end. Thank you." can't remember where amd when exactly, but rockwell still being alive and if helena knows was discussed somewhere in the thread, wasn't it ?
  6. What do you mean with "just fine" ? Iirc Helena can't interact that well with the technology on the arks either or anything in our reality for that matter, even the genesis were based on the same technology, she wouldn't be able to influence it more than she already did, would she ? Another thing i don't understand here is the contactless communication, you mean how the corrupted creatures are hive minded ?
  7. But helena did enter the Genesis Simulation already ? The last of the Genesis Chronicles notes (#15) even mentions it: " Once Helena’s friends beamed her into the Genesis simulation, she made me. But then she left. I guess homo deus beings can’t stay in our reality -- or the simulation -- for very long. She gave me basic access to the simulation, but not a lot of guidance beyond that." Seems like it isn't a problem with different sorts of tek, but with the nature of being a homo deus ?
  8. What about Diana ? She is also alive with Mei Yin on Extinction since she was the first survivor brought back to life by TOWW. Her last note talks about heading off to Arrat Prime with Mei-Yin, so it does make sense, but the reason im saying that it is Diana instead of the Mei Yin, would be that Diana simply has more affinity for all of the tek stuff, thus making it more likely that it would be Diana, if we were to choose one of the two EDIT: Also if we take your reasons into account, they also would apply here, Diana is a soldier, she would probably hate Rockwell even more than the Mei Yin for killing most of the people in the TEK village, since Diana knew them since their verry arrival on Aberration. Last but not least .... Rockwell literally was the cause of Dianas Death, so im quite sure she has a good motive too.
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