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ARK Volunteer PC Tester
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Everything posted by cad

  1. Breeding is different in ASA compared to ASE, but the mutation counter limit is the same. If one parent has a mutation counter of 20 or more, it won't give any mutations to the offspring. As long as at least one parent has a mutation counter of less than 20, the offspring can have mutations (with both parents below 20 it's double the probability compared if only one parent has a counter of less than 20). The difference is the actual mutation levels. In ASE mutation levels were just added to the wild levels of a stat. In ASA they're counted separately, which also has an affect of how the mutation levels are passed on to the offspring. Always the higher wild and the higher mutation level are passed together, regardless if they're on the same parent or one on the mother and the other on the father. For more info about mutation stacking in ASA see e.g.
  2. Hi, yes I know that tool and I'm looking forward to implement the save reader they use if possible. Currently rather busy with other projects, but it's on the todo list. Hi, it's possible to reverse calculate the multipliers with some info. We have a channel on our discord server for that, see there for the info we need (discord server: https://discord.com/invite/qCYYbQK , channel `server-settings`).
  3. That sounds like there are yellow stats, i.e. stats where the app cannot determine the combination of wild and domesticated levels. Click on the yellow stats until the actual sum is equal to the expected sum. If you just want to add the creature with probably incorrect levels, you can copy the extracted values to the Tester (button in the toolbar), then add it from there. Yes, you need to enable the ASA mode in the Settings - Multipliers - Checkbox at the top.
  4. Hi, the export files are saved to `SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\ARK Survival Ascended\ShooterGame\Saved\DinoExports`. Some stats and multipliers were adjusted in ASA, we're working to get Smart Breeding updated so all species will work again soon.
  5. Hi, sorry for the late reply, somehow didn't get a notification. In the settings you can enable that the generated name is copied to the clipboard, that way you just have to open the name edit option and paste the generated name. Directly changing the data in game is not possible for Smart Breeding. Hi, I'm not sure why the total level of the parents is shown like that. If you add up the levels, it should result in one level less than the total level of the creature, i.e. the female should display `(154)`, the male `(148)`. Then the values for the offspring make sense as well. Maybe something went wrong by importing the parents?
  6. It's an application running on windows, so it works best with the Steam and Epic game version where you can use the export function in ARK to easily add creatures to the app. Other versions of ARK, i.e. the versions on Windows store / XBox, Playstation, etc. don't offer the export function but work fine else, you can enter creatures by typing their stats manually.
  7. Hi, an import of a comma separated value (csv) file or tab separated (tsv) file would be not difficult. How do you have your data currently saved? A good way to import it easily would be one column for each stat value (including the decimal place), one column for the species, and one column for each other property, e.g. creature name, tribe, owner, color ids. I'm on vacation for a few weeks, I'll work on this after that.
  8. There was a bug just found that colors are not imported if you use the bulk import. This will be fixed soon. Did you use that?
  9. Hi, you're the first one reporting that. How did you import the creatures, with a savegame import or importing the exported data?
  10. Hi, that error should be resolved in 0.46.3 for most cases. When it still happens for you, probably there are multiple creatures in your library that share the same id, which should not happen. Could you send me your library file (the file extension is .asb) for further checking how that could happen? The easiest way would be via pm in discord (ASB discord server: https://discord.gg/qCYYbQK). How did you add the creatures to your library, import export files or importing a save file?
  11. Hi, the max wild level is not parsed. I'll look into it for the next release.
  12. The file location is where you saved it, it could be anywhere. The file extension of library files of Smart Breeding is `.asb`. If you want to search for a library file, you could use `*.asb`.
  13. After checking the algorithm, the stats that don't contribute to a stat increase are ignored when determining the "only top stats"-creatures (golden background). I'll add some options to fine tune the behaviour of the app here. The bug with the cooldown column will be fixed in the next release.
  14. Hi, that looks like a bug. That feature is implemented for some years now and I never saw that issue. Does this wrong highlighting as a top creature (golden background) also persists after you restarted the application?
  15. No, that doesn't matter. If you installed ASB, e.g. in the program files folder, the images are saved in the `%localAppData%\ARK Smart Breeding\img`, if you use the portable / zip version, the images are saved in the application folder. If you cannot see the images and then download the images via the menu, they should be placed correctly in either of these locations.
  16. @Ramron to get the colored species images go to the menu `?` - `Download species images`, it should have asked that as well when the app was started the first time. After it has downloaded them, you may need to restart the app once to see the images.
  17. These values depend on the settings BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier and BabyFoodConsumptionSpeedMultiplier, probably you need to adjust these values to the ones on the server.
  18. That's already implemented. Just enter the ftp adress as the file location in Settings - Import Savegame - ARK save-game files.
  19. You should be able to just drag&drop a screenshot on the tool to use it with the OCR function. You can also configure an application in the settings to take the screenshots from. The OCR is not perfect, so it might need some adjustments after the import.
  20. That happens sometimes after an update. If not many people have the latest version installed, some heuristic anti virus apps flag it because it's not often used and based on application patterns. Usually after some time it is accepted. Of course, make sure you downloaded it from a trusted source. You can upload a file to virustotal.com which will check it with multiple virus scanners and give you a result with how many of them found the file suspicious. Smart Breeding is open source, so everyone can check all of the code that's included.
  21. That sounds like you download the file, which means you have an own, independent copy on your computer. You need to install the google-drive app (or dropbox etc) and synchronize the file on a folder on your computer.
  22. There should be a red info box at the top about the mutation filter you set. Only creatures with at most 0 mutations are considered for the currently displayed plan. If you want to also include the creatures with the mutations, either increase the number, or set it to -1 to include all mutations. If the red box is not shown, it would be a bug.
  23. Save the library file in a shared folder (e.g. DropBox, GoogleDrive, or similar), share it with your tribe mates, and make sure all users have enabled Autosave and Autoload in the settings in Smart Breeding.
  24. Unfortunately the used framework makes skins hard to implement, so it will not happen soon, if at all. sorry.
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