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Posts posted by SubtendedCrib8

  1. On 4/23/2019 at 5:22 PM, Oieru said:

    As the title says, we need SEPARATE buffs/nerfs/balance tweaks for PVE and PVP. 2 completely different game modes with completely different strategies, objectives and player types need different tweaks to the game.

    This has become especially evident in the cases of the extreme and repeated nerfs of the Managarmr, a new and versatile creature that quickly became as useful as throwing small feces at a wild Giga... All because of the outcry of a portion of PVP players, while completely ignoring, disregarding the PVE community. While PVP was focused on griefing fellow players with Manas, PVE players needed that versatility to focus on boss taming/killing. You can see the frustration on both sides. PVP is still and will be forever complaining about Manas, while PVE clings to being able to still play with that creature. This is only one example.

    For two game modes you need two game settings. It is only logical, as a famous saying goes.

    So please, for the sake of the PVE and PVP communities, revert those extreme tweaks and focus on implementing them completely different in PVE and PVP game modes. This might be the most urgent game balance.


    PS: DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT make this a discussion over PVE/PVP supremacy. If you want to know, they both suck equally bad for different reasons!




    Certain creatures like Gigas and Manas are outright useless now for PvE because of the extreme nerfs done to them. Games like Destiny do this same thing where a small portion of PvP players cry about certain weapons or armor because someone is better than them, so the company makes it worthless to everyone, rather than just to PvP. Back to the creatures of ARK, the giga specifically is a cool creature in need of some TLC, but is quite literally nothing more than a waste of time and valuable resources on every map besides Extinction, and even then you need to have a good high level male and female, and selectively breed multiple generations, which depending on server stats can take hours to literal months, all because a handful of neckbeards were mad that someone beat them in a video game

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  2. The only problem I have with a November release date is once FO76 comes out, when I'm not in class that's going to be eating up most of my time until me and my friends have done all there is to do, which means I'm not gonna be able to experience Extinction for very long :((((

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