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  1. Looks a pretty map, but i'm not into custom maps, i just bother to go on Center or Ragna for specific items (giga skin, tekgrams). I just went on Valguero to assist mates for Alpha boss. Anyway About EVO, it is nice to wait. Putting a x2 event would break the hype. More we'll wait, more we'll appreciate an EVO event
  2. You have a button to open a menu like with "Whistle all", "Emotes" etc right? Go on this menu, you should find the option for HLNA in.
  3. Keep press "T" and choose the option to let her come to you. Btw, i didn't even play the game for now, and i know this stuff : next time, use research bar.
  4. Yeah, a pitty those skins aren't linked to your account like others boss, i'm storing those skins preciously also, i love the otter one (Otter anyway the best creature in Ark, Otter FTW!)
  5. It looks like def our loved Rocky, it wasn't enough the first time for him ?
  6. It is okey bro, as i said, i understand why you can be upset. Hope it is solved for you, enjoy this new DLC!
  7. sorry for the double post, but i can be salty as i Don't have responsabilities here x)
  8. Dude, this is the official statement from devs, i'm just a player, i Don't have to be a dev or a mod to help you if there is a solution. This is called "Community". So, instead of being toxic as raptor, try this solution, an official solution. You can be angry, but the fact is there is a solution at your problem, and you didn't bother to use research, this is a fact also. Now, do whatever you want, you're free to wait ages to get an answer from devs, or just use your brain and follow the solution. I gave you the solution, end of the story for me. Enjoy bro
  9. check this : Use research next time instead of moaning.
  10. i guess you can access like other map, by transferring by an ob or transmitter. BTW, you Don't have fiber GP?
  11. It will be gold to know for us x) Possible to have some infos about it?
  12. Wait, i'm in, but there ain't PvE Legacy servers?? Or they will come later?
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