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ishootpaint last won the day on November 29 2018

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  1. Hell, I'd have enough for the babies and have plenty to drink for myself lol.
  2. Wish I could store my wyv milk in the forums with all the endless salt.
  3. I know what you said. Your losing ground the more you call people names. Clones cannot have memories, those memories are either made up or artificially recreated and implanted from the lives of real people(i dont buy the timetravel theory). Memories arn't stored in DNA but in areas of your brain that can be accessed when needed. How would they have access to brains from the 1800s and ancient china?(without the aforementioned time travel theory) And it would take all of a half hour to draw a shape of a new made up ark as a placeholder(edit: or just simply use rag or the center if its just a non cannon ark as you suggest), by far the easiest part of making that cutscene. Those cutscenes ARE lore, and if they show other island arks then thats the reality of it. Your grasping at straws saying things that are there are not what they are because YOU think they are just placeholders. Any proof that they are placeholders? Because looking out at space from the oveseers room and seeing another island seems more concrete than what you are saying. Like i said, your telling us your right even tho those that have ascended or atlast watched the cutscene would know your assumption is incorrect. Im not sure why your calling people names and getting upset because people disagree with you. Doesn't make you soud credible or intelligent, but rather the opposite. If you want to have a logical discussion then by all means lay out your theory, but don't throw salt when people find holes in it. If you disagree then just politely disagree, ill take no pain from it. For all we know a new DLC is about to drop and prove us all wrong.
  4. Lol. It is always cheaper to build two of the same exact things than two different things. Its pretty much manufacturing 101. And yes, there are multiple island arks as you see others upon ascension. And you kinda disproved your own point when you said they were probably just placeholders so WC wouldn't have to spend more to make a different one.... Since its cheaper to make two things the same and all. Your basically telling people your right and not to believe our own lying eyes. And no, "Humans" are extinct. Our players are homo deus clones. Why would we have to grow and evolve when we could just be genetically altered from the start to be better. If the overseers can make wyvs etc. Im sure a badass homo species would be simple.
  5. Almost lost a 97% imprint giga on extinction. Had just thrown out some wyvs that im raising and then mounted up to go look for red/purple drops. Found a purple right as i left the city on my wyv and called it out to alliance members to clear it with me. Normally it takes a while to find a good drop when others are also looking for them. So in my haste I threw out my giga to get it ready and completely forgot my timer was still active from the wyvs. I had no weapons, just a fully charged set of tek armor. Sure enough a theri aggroed my sick giga so i had no option but to fist fight it XD. After dodging, jetpacking and getting in shots where i could I finally landed the kill blow with a tek power punch. I got mauled pretty bad in the process but saved my giga and cleared the purple drop with alliance members and scored a nice 115 armor daodon saddle bp
  6. The OP Anarki is my tribemate. So i spent the first 5 seconds figuring out why i couldn't move. He had filled my inventory with junk so i was encumbered. After filling his sleeping body with the same junk I decided to be productive and tamed 2 lvl 140 spinos and a 150 rex. Also raised 3 bears and hatched a lvl 252 ptera that got a mutation in stamina.
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