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Posts posted by SunsetErosion
10 hours ago, Joebl0w13 said:
A triple-layered Ultra HD Blu-ray optical disk has a 100GB capacity.
The game, with most DLCs is well over 400GB. Maths don't add up.
Add to that, the next version of the XSX (October release) won't have an optical drive. Everyone is dumping them.
Games on disk are pretty much over unless you are hanging on to old consoles, that can't play modern games anyways.
Not that its a little impractical, its not impossible to play games that are stored on multiple disks. With Ark its a little bit hard probably, because so many content comes together in-game. But in general it could still be very possible to do this for many, many games. If I had an easy option to have hard copies of games, anytime I bought one today, I would like to own them for sure. They will be stored in my closet, next to the original GTA, Unreal, C&C disks etc etc...
9 hours ago, JessPS4 said:
I agree it is currently not worth it and that ASE was in a much better stable condition you are basically paying now for one map the island and a closed very buggy scorch. Island is the only open map, if I could go back I would have waited until better maps came out something that I atleast do not have to run bosses for ele and maewings because handfeeding babies for hours is not fun. In general they need to increase rates of everything on official the game waste so much time.
I agree TOTALLY.
Its not anything even close to what it should be. It should be a remaster, but now we have a monotonously colored mouse, starving choo-choo trains in payed for, P2W DLCs an unplayable game on many PCs, for me, it looks worse than Evolved. Certainly less FPS. We have next level inappropiate Glitchy deja Vu's, an unstable but determant defermant timetable of releases, dead forums, and an upcomming ultra unrealistic, out of proportions submarine that everyone is going to call "Pablo Escubar"They might as well just add everything that comes to anyones mind. Even though I never really left the beach, I think they shouldnt forget what this game was meant to be and what made it draw MY attention. Cant talk for everyone, but appearantly the moment I lost interest, this game seems to be losing a lot of hearthbeat...
Let them add Keith Richards, what do I still care really. Ill buy him his TLC guitar. Let them add little gnomes carrying plasma shotguns, introduce Tek invisibility armors. Lets have it all and let us have the fun dying of glitches too funny to complain about. It doesnt matter anymore, this game doesnt seem to have a longterm lifespan anyhow... Lets go crazy...
Nope, its not worth the money at this point. You can practically play the same game, with full content, for half the price...
Maybe at some point it will be, when they finish messing around, figuring out how GameEngines work...-
8 hours ago, Joshfrmguam said:
So I was so excited to play ark ascended as I bought it early, but I had let the excitement build up for a month or so and when I decided to play ark ascended I wasn’t paying attention to change my character name and now I’m human plsss help me change this
Online, on official servers, you cannot change your name after you have chosen one. Using your siccors will let you have options to change your toons appearance.
You can apply paint to your toon also. Maybe you can write your desired name on your toons head. People will start to recognize your toons real name soon enough...In Single Player or servers with kind moderators, it is possible to change your toons name with the cheat "RenamePlayer" eg: "RenamePlayer Human Bob"
Im pretty sure its like that. Not sure if you need to place parentheses or whatever. But I do know its possible, used it myself a few times. -
6 hours ago, thejokerstoy said:
So I was threatened to be reported for wanting to invite 2 other players to our tribe in small tribes? Apparently that's teaming up? Of course if they wouldn't have waited until we were offline to raid us with the help they receive from the alpha tribe my other members wouldn't have quit on me and I wouldnt have been resorted to this..... however since they threatened me I now for the last 8 hours havent been able to log in, none of the scorched servers are popping up but the island ones do. These people that have threatened to report is have a mesh base you have to use a chair to get into so I'm not sure if their report is even valid considering I'm not cheating and we havent raided not one person since we have been on the server....I'm just confused did i get banned from scorched servers?
I just looked into it. You have been banned for 1000 Ark years AND you have to pay a fine. You have to gather 10k thatch and send it to Wildcard.
Be aware of taxes...
-> Best is to see if you can play SE at all (SP) If you keep having trouble getting on SE servers, contact support or find out
what could be wrong on your side...
Standard things like verifying game files/update/check map selection etc etc...-
On 5/6/2024 at 2:34 AM, Pipinghot said:
Keith Richards.
Do you have to craft it a guitar later, or will it spawn with a guitar?
1 hour ago, Cowgirl said:
That may be one of the PVP PVE differences, I am not sure if they removed the ability but it used to be a PVP thing but not a PVE thing.
Are you sure? Ofcourse its not suited for PvE. You could get into somones base and... turn of his/hers generators -.-
No really... It could do serious harm in PvE ofcourse. But I remember the Baryonix beeing able to stun non-tribemembers, even on PvE.
Back then, before it was patched, I played Hardcore mode. Some guys there told me about it and wanted to "show" me. But for logical reasons I never really saw it happen-
Well, everything always has got to get bigger, stronger and scarier, as I have suggested before, they need to add the Lighting Brontoskirazal...
Its like a flying cargotrain shooting powerfull lazers out of its... everything and if you touch it, you die...But jokes aside, the game could use more underwater content, maybe something to counter the upcomming underwater beast.
Look for older posts here, Steam or Reddit about ideas...
Or check out this topic, from some time ago that went on and on... practically tossing in every possible idea out there...-
1 hour ago, MADxHAWK said:
In ASA Singleplayer the Autosave Function is not working. Also there are no backups.
My Savegame got corrupted and i couldnt do a roleback cause there wasnt any autosaves and even the Default Anit Corruption Backup was corrupted. i lost 10 real days of progress and had to start over.
Can you please Fix the Autosave and add an option to autobackup the savegame every hour.
I see people Complaining the autosave dont work since month and nothing happens.Losing progress, or even the idea of losing progress is devestating for motivation. But does your autosave really not work? Corruption can always happen. It seems to me your autosave is fine. Things just got corrupted.
I have a shortcut to the Ark Save folder on my destop. Every time I start up Ark, I just go in there Make a Copy of the Save folder and start the game. Its a 10 second standard action I make, and it open up my ability to go back to previous save-game versions. Also to be able to go back to save-games which would have not yet have newer mods etc...
Things like this are actually in the Ark, A broken Game - Manual. But its obvious you didnt read it...
On 5/1/2024 at 6:52 PM, bolton4075 said:
The wikipedia and multiple sources state that Chalicotheriums damage stone structures. Is this just the Mandela Effect at play? I haven't seen nor have I ever been able to damage stone myself with any of its attacks. I think it personally should be able to damage stone structures, Maybe with reduced damage like Giga when attacking auto turrets. What do you guys think, or am I completely wrong and it indeed can destroy stone structures.
Maybe you read it wrong. It doesnt damage stone, it damages WITH stone. It has the ability to throw rocks...
Depending on what an object/structure counts as, if a Chali (Hooligan) can damage it...
I never used it playing PvP, so I have no idea what it should be able to damage. I can only logically imagen it can destroy plants, beds, bins, boxes, rafts...Add: My opinion is that A lot more animals should be able to damage stone structures anyway. The Hooligans Rock-Throw should be able to get stone slightly damaged. Ankylo should be able to damage stone for real, minor damage to metal. Same with Doed...
Arhtro's spit should corrode metal, same with Wyverns Fire-breath. Enforcer and Rock elemental should be able to do damage up to slightly damaging metal, or even tek... -
Must have been the smallest and slowest in the pack, always too late grabbing a bite, before the food trough is emptied. Getting the short end of the stick every time...
I can actually hear its tummy acking. So sad... -
I am trying to find out ways to adjust or change some mechanics.
I want to make my game more challenging and realistic. I either want to make use of Mods, change the game ini's or look for ways to mod some things in myself...
So if there arent any ways to change these things. I would like to know if there are some good tutorials to mod these changes in myself.Im looking for options to change:
- Torpor infliction of animals, or rather the amount of torpor/poison a creature can handle.
- Change what you can and cannot craft/repair on the go. Like (cloth) armor or even bow. You are going to need at least some additional tools or a table/stool to make these. You cant climb naked into a tree and come down with a bow...
- Changing the size of my character model and dinos, You can change it with the ChangeSize command, but its not permanent and glitchy. Also if you change your own size, its like you bend your knees and then say: Look how small I am
- Remove saddle engrams for birds and other dinos. I tried it in the game-setup-menu, but they keep comming back, and for some reason they even just unlocked themselves 0.0
- The base movement speed of dinos. I want to play around with this. Make Birds faster, Dung beetles slower, Ankylos faster and Pegomastax slower...Am I on the right forum? Or are there good suggestions about other forums?
I always go with:
1 HP, all I need
50% points in WEIGHT, to carry all the junk my kills give me...
50% points in Stamina, to keep on going...-
On 4/23/2024 at 11:26 PM, jurassicjoey said:
why is it i cant accuse the tek note on the island in asa even if i go up to them thney stay close with ???? on them. how do u clame htem so u can get all the notes
I know there are a lot of glitches with notes... Maybe you desynced before, while getting the note or something...
Check if you already have it unlocked.
Maybe try on another server/game to get it, to see if the toon you are trying to get it on has it glitched (unfortunate) -
6 hours ago, CyberAngel67 said:
Does anyone know if there is a setting, that limits how many items you can carry in your inventory on Single Player?
For weeks I have been able to carry a load of items(probably 80 to 100), and recently I tried to make the Single Player a tad harder and change the difficult settings,
Since then I can only carry 30 items in my inventory. Anyone have any ideas what could have happened. I have very similar settings on a private server, and have more than 30 slots for items in the player inventory.
Yes, like the DerGrinch says. It might be so that survivor skins have been piling up or something...
Disable getting those skins? Is that still possible in ASA?
But... Do you get the Black Weight Icon? Only at 30ish? I think that shouldnt be there before you have filled slots in the houndreds, so your previous "cap" is weird also...Cant find anything conclusive neither on this... Might be a Ark system thats auto fixing itself depending on your available RAM or something, but I doubt it...
Another work-around could be installing stack-mods, or using a shoulder pet...
Maybe with a lot of messing around, its possible to get your Toon info and file from older settings into your current savegame?
14 minutes ago, Joebl0w13 said:
I'm not sure you can. Unless they change something back.
If Telescope is Spyglass, yes you should be able to look at structures at distance and see the decay timers. As I am an ASE player I cant 100% guarantee it, but I am pretty sure. Maybe they disabled it, or he has to press H? to let it show...
Yes, enemy and PvE dont really go together, but I think I understand him
12 hours ago, Nebelhexe said:
Hallo Zusammen
Ich spiele seit geraumer Zeit auf einem EU Server und habe mir schon einiges gezähmt und gebaut. Der Server war immer auf meiner Favoriten LIste. Nun hatte Ark gestern ein Update und ich finde den Server nicht mehr. Ich habe ALLE EU Server aufgeschrieben und abgegrast. Ich finde ihn nicht mehr. Beim alten Ark gab es ne Liste mit meinen Ueberlebenden. Das gibt es bei ASA nicht soweit ich sehe. Gibt es eine andere Möglichkeit gespielte Server zu finden? Leider war ich so nachlässig und habe mir den Server nicht aufgeschrieben. Wàre froh um eure Hilfe.Maybe your server is offline, was offline during your server search... A lot of servers, maybe do it again, and write down the server numbers. Look on Battlemetrics how many and which EU servers exist. (I see 100!?) Maybe it is also possible to see on BattleMetrics, which servers you have played on. You cannot see which players join a server, but maybe you can see it the other way around. (If you use a Steam account) I cannot see that because my account is glitched and there are a thousand DudeCrasher's, so I cannot say if looking for your Steam account will work.
I like Trains.
1 hour ago, Magpie75 said:
ok its the 1st of april so where is it ? APRIL FOOL
Its probably not just "opening the doors" And its probably also a steam/epic thingy. Plus they also probably use California time to release. Which means the rest of the world (EU) is actually already getting ready to sleep when they release it...
In general the big question with Wildcard is always:
4 minutes ago, TankinTBone said:
to be fair tho the island to me is probably my least liked map besides the pearls cave base spots which i refuse to build in because fridges and dunke farming and stuff, but lets hope the changes they made to scorched are good and they actually well back to my first sentence .... it will be interesting to see how the new dinos and stuff work in with the map as well .... because of the oasasaur being what it is i wonder if its gonna be hard to do anything because the alpha could just use it as one big moving fob but i guess thats kind of what the titanosaur is and the fasolosuchus looks sick .
I just dont get it. A train in Ark? What does that mean? Will it be a GTA like train? How can they make you pay for a creatures abilities? Why even? Why does it need to be so large? A childs fantasy? Is its size actually practical? In what way could you NOT imbalance PvP, NOT expell a great PvE experience, and NOT create a sneaky money grabbing company, relying their income on P2W, instead of actual ( Dlcs arent even free anyhow) game experience quality.
I imagen Dune content will make its way into Ark also 0.o I mean It has Sandworms, Ark SE has sandworms. For the full digital costume party you are going to need Dune content in Ark, right???
Ark: "Why on the Scorched Earth"
Its just going to be a cheap hype game from now on with little dept, little enriching immersion, little player base. The lower the player base gets, the more you will have to pay for anything coming out later on, probably...To save money and time, just stop all together, its done, its over. All wildcard employees, just go home. Quit this nonsence...
6 minutes ago, parazight said:
Polished versions of games ended with the death of game console cartridges.
Dog can't poop if he won't eat.
I have no idea what that means, but I like trains and dinos so I will buy Scorched Earth The Game. I mean its only €45,-
Also if a human doesnt eat, it saves money on food AND toilet paper...-
The lost Guardians of Scorched Earth, at least getting a mentioning, or maybe even an appearance...
Maybe an Aberrant like creature, that ate the 3th guardian and could show the way or take you to Aberration... -
1 hour ago, aiMTecGHOST said:
So,I logged onto my server last night and found this monstrosity of a character. It won't let me upload a picture but basically,you can see my characters hair but it's partially obscured by a bald head? Like,it looks like 2 heads mushed together. Anyone know how to fix this?
Sounds like you are using a hair mod, or other appearance or apparel mods. Wait till the mods are updated and adjusted to the new skeleton. Dont use mod-hair, apparel, or disable the mod in general.
36 minutes ago, kuovaP said:
Same here. Weather, fast spoiling times etc... this all made living on Scorhed Earth a lot harder than Island used to be at that time. But the only bug I recall happening was Terror Bird spawning inside the building and killing us while we were afk.
The initial spoiling times were too much. You hardly had the time to cook prime meat.
I also remember flying through the air all over the map for unknown reasons, mostly during combat I think. And there were useless pile ups of spawns in the mountains...
Lots of other bugs. The map was pretty bugged, but Ark in general was really bugged back then. I doubt the same amount of bugs will be there...
I mean, spawns are the same, spoil settings will be copy-pasted, and body collision or whatever caused the crazy flights, are long gone...
The Fog
in General Discussion
The thing with fog is, there is no real technique to "see" through it. It is only possible to reduce limitations and enhance at minimal levels. Fog lights, thermal cameras etc, but the latter destroying a beautyfull natural image.
And dont worry at all about this beeing anything like cheating... on PVP...