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Everything posted by St1ckyBandit

  1. I've always dreamt of a noncrushable game. So many years of my games crushing has made me cold and calloused to the world
  2. Maybe I'm off target here, but I find it funny they get the dev kit out as quickly as possible so people can begin creating mods and in turn open up another revenue stream for WC when those mods possibly get sponsored.
  3. Yeah with survival games this seems to be the best practice. Both the other open world survival games I play, Rust and Dayz, employ this system. WC is only 8 years late to the party but hey better late than never.
  4. Yup. I watched a bunch of HODs stream. They were in a raft and another guy phased his raft right through their walls. The hit reg also seems just as bad as ever. They had an argy trapped in their raft and you could clearly see them connecting with arrows but not getting hit markers. I'm actually astonished at how little WC has actually fixed from ASE.
  5. It's not the delays (however annoying they are) that are making me question a day one purchase, it's the fact that legacy issues like meshing and rafts phasing into one another still exist. Unacceptable to "rewrite" the code as they put it, but still have the same glaring almost game breaking issues. Makes me wonder what other stuff they didn't bother to fix.
  6. Lol yeah right. Nothing from WC has ever launched early in a month. It's always last minute.
  7. Man the trailer looked amazing but I'm really disappointed as a PS player that I now have to get strung along for another month...
  8. I always hated when people had the bone dragon skin. It made them really hard to see and track. Big time advantage in PvP. I'd be fine with player skins though, as long as they didnt offer a distinct advantage like the bone wyv skin. In rust, there's different skins for different armor types, so if ark went the same direction a player could still be able to identify what armor someone has provided they know that particular skin.
  9. I think its pretty safe to assume we're getting the trailer which will contain the first gameplay of ASA
  10. Well clearly they are saving the trailer for that partner preview. Not sure why all the secrecy is necessary but oh well at least we have something to look forward to now.
  11. I dont even consider cryos tek. They are an integral part of the game imo and should never be excluded. I was speaking more along the lines of the overbearing stuff like the tek bow, tek rifle, tek skiff, flying around in a tek suit etc
  12. Ain't no overgrown lizard outsmarting a resourceful cave man like myself. It would be mindblowing watching the creatures behavior change over time due to the AI learning from player tactics. The cat and mouse game would be really fun.
  13. This. I've come around to the idea of periodic wipes after playing a lot of Dayz and Rust. I realize Ark is a bit different but I still think official servers would be more fun with a wipe every few months. Snow balling on a fresh character is always a good time.
  14. Lack of easy element and tek is a big part of what made some maps great.
  15. Pretty sure there were never any official orp servers
  16. Anyone who's not an idiot or doesnt have disposable income can just wait til the game releases and check out someone streaming it or a reviewer like IGN etc to see what the actual gameplay entails or how the game runs. That has nothing to do with putting out a gameplay trailer a week before the thing launches. Another "silent marketing" proponent it seems
  17. HOORAY a drawing of a dino we can maybe play with next winter HOORAY ! Is that the response WC expects from us ? You guys probably shouldnt have let CudaCores tweet out that the trailer was done if you weren't gonna show it this week. It creates undue expectations. Oh well only a week left until the end of the month. They cant hold back forever. My body is ready to ascend.
  18. But there's no other Italian restaurants that are good at the moment, so I might as well take my chances because I've gotten more than my moneys worth over the years from this one.
  19. Shi wants to open up a new line of sushi restaurants, so he'll make sure ASA is great game that rakes in the dough.
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