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Everything posted by St1ckyBandit

  1. I see you've picked up all the periods.
  2. You can turn them off in the ps5 console settings right now. The ASA game settings are irrelevant.
  3. Picking on people weaker than you or taking an easy fight/raid isnt just a valid strategy in Ark, its a universal fact of life. Lions hunt the weak, old, sick members of the herd. In a Battle Royale, you aggressively 3rd party because the other 2 teams are weakened from fighting each other or distracted at least. Criminals snatch an old ladies purse, not the briefcase of a gigantic muscle bound guy. Ark players raid an offline tribe or a susceptible/flawed base because its more likely to result in success There are situations where it becomes cheesey, like a tek tribe wiping poor Bobs thatch palace, but even those that just like to watch the world burn are an accepted part of PVP, because thatch Bob has to opt into PvP servers in the first place . If you dont like the heat get out of the kitchen. People that expect any PvP game is going to be fought on completely neutral fair ground are making a fatal mistake.
  4. I agree with your overall sentiment but I've seen way too many Bobs act like they should be immune to getting attacked or wiped just because they're starting out. Being low on the food chain means youre still in the food chain.
  5. Are we talking a pearl cave? The only defense really is just an absolute metric ton of turrets, namely heavies, but even that is just to buy time to get online to have an active defense. Possibly swim a spino or thyla down there for the water buff or bleed effect. Firing rockets might be viable as well. One idea I had was to breed tusos or mosa and have the baby enter the cave while its small. This way, once its grown you can leave it on aggressive and the enemy cant kite it out of the cave due to the small opening.
  6. By merged do you mean transfers will open? Because "merging" servers makes no sense. You cant merge 2 servers together without a wipe because a PS5 tribe and a Steam tribe can and will have overlapping bases built in the same place. Even still, an extra 30 days is a massive advantage no matter how you slice it. 30 extra days to find better breeders, prepare for and execute boss fights, learn the map, refine and improve your base, become familiar with the many new QOL features and mechanics, hunt for better gear BPs etc etc Steam players are getting increased rates right now anyway because of the extra life delay. Either way I have no dog in this fight, so sure pump the rates x1000. Rates are not the end all be all catch up mechanic you think they are.
  7. "Halp muh ini files and hacks wont wurk"
  8. No amount of rates is going to allow people to catch up when PC tribes have been dug in for a month at all the best base spots with full tek engrams and already have advanced breeding lines established. It's an empty gesture to try to appease their angry console customers. It boggles my mind why people would even want PvP crossplay on a game where ini files and PC specific cheats exist.
  9. PC ark pvp is trash. Your last sentence says it all. Underwater boxes have been my go to stash spots on playstation for years. Never had one get raided.
  10. You might have to change your style for ASA or try to join a tribe. Always been a small hidden base guy as well, but because of the lack of cryos, this is the first time I'll be going "loud" with an attempt to claim a pearl cave to load it up with turrets.
  11. In B4 Joe says the game was never meant for solo play... With that out of the way, I've been watching a lot of gameplay, namely HODs stream, and am actually coming around to the idea of no cryos. It really does substantially change player vs player fighting for the better. I have to admit that I'll have a tribe of 4 when ps servers go online some time in 2025 though, so I do understand where OP is coming from as a solo player.
  12. Look at the state the game launched in. Look at all these delays. I highly doubt Sony is a fault here. It's classic WC delay of a delay of a delay.
  13. My friend's aunt's dog that I play minecraft with says the same. Thursday release confirmed.
  14. PVP is anyone can get it on sight. It is a little ridiculous for a guy in a tek suit to be crushing a thatch bob on the beach, but overall PvP is dog eat dog. New players need to learn lessons on how to stay small and hidden until they have enough to claim a spot to build their own legit base. I've been wiped 1000 times so I have no sympathy for people crying in chat about getting their base leveled or their tames killed. Its part of the PvP experience.
  15. Psychos making death threats and what not is way overboard. Its a video game ffs. But just about anything short of that is fair game imo. WC does this to themselves over and over again with delays and shady last second announcements or zero announcements at all for prolonged periods of time. They made their bed.
  16. Can we get some info on console. Like what the hell is going on? All we know is its delayed until Nov. Well Nov when? Are we gonna do the "its on track" dance again until the end of Nov and then get a random tweet saying its delayed until Dec? Why is it delayed? What happened with the cert? Have you guys resubmitted it for cert? Ffs when you string us along all Oct and then pull the rug out at the last minute for the SECOND delay, we would like some clarification on why that happened and what to expect other than an extremely vague delayed until November.
  17. I've always dreamt of a noncrushable game. So many years of my games crushing has made me cold and calloused to the world
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