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Everything posted by Ravenoffaith

  1. Trying to give out rewards for events on a server. Could someone give me the console command for spawning a beelzebufo blueprint? quality doesnt necessarily matter. Tried dozens of different command strings and just cannot figure it out.
  2. So Im not entirely sure would increasing stack size further could do this?
  3. I know on ASE there's something you can put in the Game.ini to make it so all spawns are more even, so you see more higher level spawns. Is there a way to spawn higher level creatures more frequently in ASA?
  4. You can filter for low HP, but not Low Hunger despite the hunger bar being displayed. Could we possibly get this in the future that way it's easier to hop on and browse who needs fed?
  5. I apologize for my silence on this, got kind of busy irl. So Scipio was 100% correct. Turns out when the server installed it did so with no game.ini . I used the one that he attached here. After installing this and moving certain settings from gameusersettings.ini to game.ini I got most of my issues fixed. The only problem that remains is I cannot actually level flyers. But land movement, player movement and all of my breeding settings got fixed with his game.ini file, so huge thanks @Scipio164
  6. Very neat, didn't know that's how it worked. I appreciate you
  7. Lol, they did something weird with spawners
  8. I got berated on the discord for asking there, so I'll try asking here. I have a small pve server with several friends. I was trying to figure out how to add leveling of movement speed for players and critters. I have placed both of the following in the gameusersettings.ini and it isnt working for me. Does anyone have further suggestions? bAllowFlyerSpeedLeveling=True bAllowSpeedLeveling=True
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