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Everything posted by Samula

  1. Pretty pumped about this. Love my switch and love my ark. Cant wait to see how well it does! Hopefully it runs well, but I wont mind some stuttering here and there.
  2. When are Tester applications going to be re-opened.
  3. I can name myself Buzz lightyear now
  4. Samula


    He must be from the circus
  5. I love the Ansel Winners. Good Luck to the Stream!
  6. Oh I know the guy on the left, His name is Bob. Bob is friends with Joe and Jane to the right
  7. Samula

    Double Titan Raid

    Raiding with two tamed titans
  8. Samula

    Official Server Taming

    Taming high level dinos Official server 402
  9. Samula

    Pax Rex In Progress

    How long did that take to tame?
  10. Samula

    The Bare Necessities!

    Boys and Girls! Dont play with fire, - Smokey
  11. Samula

    The Titanic

    So excited. Going to call it doomsday
  12. I think its trying to say something!
  13. Samula

    Tek Tier Armour

    I will paint it green and purple and name myself Lex Luthor. So Exciting!
  14. Im not sure if someone has answered your question, But regarding the tether. It is there to uphold the most strain xbox can have while hosting and playing.

    There might be ways around this in the future with PC hosting etc. But that is up to what the WildCard team can put together, But from someone else's question into this matter it was said they are looking into it


    1. Scar818


      Yeah, I'm hoping that they can get PC hosting for Xbox one. I might end up getting the PC version too anyway.

  15. Well this is now my favorite dinosaur. Can I build a city on its back?
  16. Yeah its been about 6 years but some friends I had's father was a developer, Before their family became missionaries to Canada.
  17. Pandora pizza and poop friday night? Sounds good to me. I also see your rocking the Free Realms avatar
  18. Wow looks amazing! I saw something similar once, Do you play Official Server 9?
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