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mogrot last won the day on October 3 2024

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  1. Working just as intended on official pve for me. If it is really powered check if it is not too close to any other structure, maybe that can be a thing. Other than that it has been stated above. Make sure you have the right inventory opened, because it has 2 slots for batteries and then an inventory of 50 slots. Did you place the linked storage in your base or on a zepelin or what is the spot?
  2. I don't even have a big base and it takes like 5 mins or longer to render in completely. i also seem to fly in a lot of bases on the rock drake wich is a challenge. On the other hand i feel this could also be exploited by players that have othe rintentions like stealing eggs and such.. i hope this will be fixed soon. I tis good we got some better ping now on the servers wich is most definatly a good thing, although 150 ping on a EU server as EU player seems a little high, but at least it is not 500-800 like it was. I suppose the reason why structures are rendering in so slow has to do with the changes you made to let the servers perform better. I seem to remember the structures on ASA would render in 20x faster than in ASE, wich now is 20x slower than ASE. I'm sure you are working on it but i wanted to leave you the feedback.
  3. So we get hyped about Zepelins and truy they are amazing. But I can't just put a simple bed on it because we already reached the cap on platformstructures? Did you guys think about that cap when you made this zepelins? Would be nice to actually use it at it's potential. Could you guys make the cap larger because it could be an oversight when adding those zepelins in. Would be nice to have a comment on this from the devs or something. Imagine all the newer people making their first zepelin and not being able to actually place a bed on it or something...
  4. is it deep enough in the water? it might indeed be that it just won't work as it runs on power ofc...
  5. I don't understand for the love of the game... Why can't you guys make a queue system that shows you how much you are in queue and then ACTUALLY gets you in? Aberration launch is a disaster, so many people can't even play despite the addition of extra servers... All the weekend/event warriors come in and the regular players are kept out to play... Just try to make it so that if you log in to a server you get a number in queue and let it countdown and then let the person join... This is not working at all and frustrates so much people. Today only i tried loggin gback in after a crash whilst being in the middle of nowhere. My body is probably drowned 15 times by now and my inventory stolen. If someone crashes or dc's they should get like a 1 minute window to get back in before actually being disconnected and needs to try and log back in. After 2h i gave up, i am trying now aswell. This is plain nonsense and you are gonna lose so many players on a short time because of this matter. I am near 4k hours on ASA, i played ASE 15k hours, i love the game but not the login boss, on the contrairy... this demotivates me to even play. I play on official and that's what i want to play. You could also make premium servers or whatever. i even want to pay something per month to be able to actually play...
  6. On the announcement in the Crunch about Summerbash you said Actual Black would be in the color pattern. But no dino on any map is showing me those colors anywhere. When are you gonna fix this ? I was hyped for this color to be here. Did someone add the wrong color in stead of Actual Black?
  7. Same game just upgraded visually... no we didn't use the same code... Same old bugs as on ASE... How are we gonna get this giganthoraptor now? what spawns will be killing+ another month on the same old fahsion Island... even center wasn't that great as a map, but at least it would give people the chance to claim a decent spot on the map. Now we get our new voted creature, wich is ok, but I feel let downby you guys. i know you are probably doing the best with what you got atm, but even the Love Ascended Event was a disapointment other than just colors and some skins. fishing for chibis only and some chocolates... Bosses stay bugged and kicking people of the server, while doing a boss should be a normal thing and not lag out a full server. Arenas are occupied and have a cooldown that is way too long. How can one farm some element if you can't see a dragon? Or get kicked out of overseer and even lose your characters? Structures will load so much faster. In stead they load slower as ASE and we have a build limit of half of what it was. Disapointed for so many times now I mean that.
  8. only event where cyan is a thing is getting smudged by all wannabe cyans (Teal, Turquoise,...) why Wildcard...WHY?
  9. I just think people want to have an easier life in the game (higher harvest rates) during the week because they work, go to school, ... Besides that they want something to look out for in the weekend i guess? Something that keeps them coming to the game.
  10. @Dollie to be fair i really hate to read this open transfers. This never should have happened. Not only you will make the missions a faceroll, also the whole experience of Genesis is gone... I have never seen such a letdown from a gamers perspective in my 10.3k hours of ark. I really think you should reconcider this enabling of transfers, at least for dinos. I would just let it be able to transfer X-dinos or Genesis-specific dinos, but never allow to get any dino in this map. All the people who did the effort to get 168 missions must have had fun, but also feel stupid now. Genesis will become a face roll map. There is so much more that people can experience, but you take it all out. Now we will not only have laggy servers, where missions are less possible to do, but we also have gigas, rock drakes,... Might aswell let tek suits enabled... flyers enabled etc. It doesn't really matter to be honest... A dark day for the ark community
  11. As said before: I rather have it coming out later without too much bugs and performant server, than just drag it in and fix while playable
  12. Will the dinos food also be frozen? because yeah no auto decay is ok, but they have to be fed ye?
  13. Why did you remove the X2 harvesting and X2 taming weekend... Everyone read it, now you just remove it?
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