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Posts posted by Onimusha759

  1. 36 minutes ago, Iamkemical said:

    This thread is super old.

    You pick up one rock because they wanted to keep it. I don't know the word I want to use here. To keep it real?  Punch a tree if you want to find out what the gathering rates are at.

    The evo events say 2x but they are really 3x the original rates. 

    Jat literally says 2 rocks in the op

  2. On August 10, 2017 at 5:01 PM, Lockdown said:

    i thought these rates are still permanent ?  im picking up 1x stone now  


    28 minutes ago, WildKing1223 said:

    Has it happened yet


    On August 10, 2017 at 5:45 PM, Zuesneith said:

    The rates are the same. They just have it where when picking up the stone by hand you get 1x instead of 2x. Jen had posted about it a while back. 


    Ya im only getting 1 stone also.  Also he says evo events will be 3x but my evo event message still says 2x.

  3. 2 hours ago, Vinikid99 said:

    When is tlc 2 coming for consol?

    Next week.


    1 hour ago, Kyd said:

    Currently not a bug, it's intentional, they haven't decided if they want the Argy to be able to repair as it might be to OP. (saw this in a tweet) Personally think repair would be nice.

    If the repair ability is OP then the smithy ability is to.  Smithys repair metal items, they go hand in hand, so the devs need a wake up slap for this, idiots.

  4. 16 hours ago, Lewiatan said:

    I wouldn't treat that as a proper story tbh. Randomly found notes of dead explores throw narration pace away through the window. 

    It was high time for WC to start working on bug fixes seriously. Pumping the game up with more and more redundant features would reach a point where it would be impossible to fix anything. The core fundation of the game is a buggy, unoptimised mess. That's the fact and WC did nothing to adress this problem once and for all. We do not need more things that will be broken, because they did not pay attention to the quality of the game for 2,5 years. If you built something on buggy code, the result may be extremely unpredictable. The game is in a huge need of QoL updates. 

    With right commitment to bug fixes game can thrive like Division or Rainbow Six Siege. That is a marathon, not a sprint tho. However, WC has attention span like a child, because of bad project manager I assume, so I'm quite sceptical they will stay with current commitment for long. 

    Thanks, i wrote literally the same thing in this post 19 hours ago. :) 

  5. On March 28, 2018 at 4:03 PM, Havokpaintedwolf said:

    and now i regret wanting the easter colored dinosaurs ran into a gorgeous easter stego yellow body but with glowing radioactive green plates just gorgeous and perfect for aberration i saw our future together and it was glorious then i checked the level.....level 4 god i hate my terrible luck

    You breed it with the good dino, get the goods stats with the awesome color.  It might take a few tries but its doable

  6. 19 minutes ago, RexManRex said:

    Watch this video, a recent presentation of the T rex by an expert.

    The rex was more intelligent than you realise, it came 30 million years after the spinosaurus... It was a more evolved and superior predator. It had better vision than an eagle, and an incredible sense of smell to go with it.

    There have been skeletons found of herbivores where a T rex tooth has been broken off and embedded into their bone but new bone had formed around it.

    This is evidence of the rex going after live animals rather than being primarily a. scavenger.

    I haven't watched the video yet but i never said it wouldnt hunt, just that scavenging was its go to.  I have no doubt rexes have killed prey, it would just scavenge 1st.  So if i find a hyena tooth in a gazelle the hyena is magically a hunter 1st now?  No.  All carnivores can hunt, it might not be its go to tho.  As for a guy saying it was smarter because its more modern or some other odd ball reason, i call a quack.  Proven science, brain size offers a range of possible intelligence, this is campared to the creatures size.  Large creatures need a large brain to run all its nerves in its huge body.  The fact that its brain cavity is rather small for its size means the majority of its brain is used for running its body, leaving lil room for intelligence.  Your claiming high degree of sight when we have no eyeballs to study to know its sight abilities.  Now tho we could argue this argument is for future tlc patches, im rather surprised joe hasnt deleted posts or closed this thread yet, so we have to end this.  At base a spino wins by dps, rex has better health so could probably tank it out when properly bred.  I enjoy the new spino and cant wait to try it.

  7. 45 minutes ago, RexManRex said:

    Man no offense but you really are against the general consensus of what would happen if a tyrannosaurus rex and Spino actually encountered eachother in real life. 

    The t-rex has been shown to have about 3000lb more muscle force, it was far more intelligent, it had forward facing eyes which is a big advantage in itself.

    It had far better vision, and actually the complete opposite of what you say is true, it was a predator first and opportunistic scavenger second. T-rex would compete with eachother for prey, and take on dangerous prey, the spino ate fish... It was a specialised animal for hunting fish, the rex was specialised for biting through the bone of giant herbivores with crushing power.

    And where are you getting this information?  I can believe the forward facing eye and better vision(We all know JP was wrong there), i even believe the muscle mass.  But the intelligence and predator is bull dude.  The rexs skull had a small cavity compared to its size, it had a small brain for something its size.  It suffered from lack of brain size because the skull was so thick, probably to protect its brain from rival rex.  Lets compare the 2 baddest bites of the modern world.   #1 is a rat living in the jungle that cracks open a coconut type seed that a hyena couldnt get into.  #2 is the hyena which is a scavenger 1st and formost(So the baddest bite of a modern carnivore belongs to a scavenger).  The rex has a bone breaking bite just like the hyena.  Why, because due to it being a scavenger it wouldnt get the hole meal and therefore it needs past the bone to get more nutrition or even eat the bone(Just like a hyena).  Animals are predictable, by seeing others with the same ability you can tell what it does.  The traits are traits of a scavenger or nutt eater, not a hunter.

  8. 5 hours ago, RexManRex said:

    Rex has good hp and that's it, the damage is pathetically low considering the rex had the highest bite force of any land creature on the history of the planet.

    Without dlc the rex has the 3rd strongest bite on land, beaten by the mega(This is bull crap) and the giga(which makes sense for arks version of the giga).  Ill mention it again the rex in game is not a rex, its tyrannosaurus dominum, not tyrannosaurus rex.  Its referred to as rex because as helena put it in the rexes dossier the locals were to stupid to tell the difference and to ignorant to listen to her LOL.  Its interesting how they allowed that lore to actually effect the in game name tho.  So a moderator doesnt have a hernia, i by no means was calling anyone stupid or ignorant.

  9. 2 hours ago, Lockjaw said:

    You don't have to kamikaze. Just be careful and deliberate in where and when you send him in to attack. As Magneto put it, "In chess the pawns go first"

    Look it up. Rex has 1100 base health and 62 base damage, and the Mega has 1050 base health and 75 base damage. And their scaling is the same.

    The throat most likely. But even if he chomps down on the Spino's arm it would still be a critical wound. Spino isn't some ninja master that would be flawlessly blocking attacks and snapping necks. And it would be hard for him to charge in for a tank rush with his small legs and big sail.

    Like I said, in the water he would probably have the advantage, but on land he would be at a severe disadvantage. He probably wouldn't be foolish enough to even attempt a fight to the death if he could avoid it. More likely he would hiss and try to scare the Rex away, but retreat back to the river if the Rex doesn't back down.

    As croc vs shark showed, it doesnt take a ninja master to effectively avoid a limited range of attack.  Ill say it again the spino is larger and therefore would most likely not fear the rex.  In all reality the 2 would most likely avoid 1 another, only over food or territory would they even consider all out warfare.  The rex has 1 utility, a massive pressure jaw that sits on the end of a long frame.  If you know geometry then you understand the farther something is from its focal point the less stable it is regardless the counter balance.  Lets not forget the rex was a lowly scavenger 1st and foremost and a hunter part time.  You underestimate the actual skill of wild animals and natural defensive instinct.  The spino knows how to use its arms and also was a full fledge hunter against things that could potentially fight back.  Do i think the spino is tactical enough to snap a neck, no probably not, but it would probably use its arms to grab and avoid a simple predictable assault and then wrestle its victim to the ground like most wild animals.  The rex cant use that because he cant get back up.  The spinos heavy and tall enough to pull it off.  For either beast its dire tho, 1 mistake for either would spell doom and its fully possible both die.

  10. 38 minutes ago, Lockjaw said:

    This is simply not true. There are many creatures that match or beat Rex in fighting ability, and Giga is by far one of the worse offenders. It's not uncommon for bred Gigas to have around 34,000 health and do over 2,000 damage per bite, and that's not even including rider bonus or other buffs. On official servers a Rex would hit level cap before he even stands a chance against an imprinted or wild Giga. The main reason that Rexes get bred and used so much is because he's allowed in boss arenas while Giga and a lot of the other stronger options are not. And honestly he's not even king of the boss arenas. He just has bloodlines already established from when people were using him to pin the bosses.

    Up until now Rex did beat Spino, but Spino was one of the very few opponents who are even worth talking about that Rex did outright beat, and he doesn't even have that anymore. Even puny Megalosaurus beats him.

    Haha yeah I saw that fight. Frankly I thought that fight was silly and unrealistic too, but even if it were realistic it would have little to no bearing on a Rex vs Spino match-up. The simple fact is that the Rex can kill Spino in one good bite, but Spino would need to exert significantly more effort to kill the Rex. At best all Spino can even hope for is 50/50 odds, but I really don't think he would be a good opponent for Rex. Maybe if he got the Rex into the water he would be able to out-maneuver him and drown him, but on land he's just not built for that kind of fight. Even less so now that they know that Spino had smaller legs than what they originally believed.

    The giga is over shadowed tho by the rex because of the boss arena and rage mechanic.  The giga is only good for kamikaze pvp raiding.  Its purpose is to inflict insane dmg before he dies in a suicide dash.  I think your exaggerating on the mega, its hp isnt as good, its close but no, and its dmg is definitely lower.  The fight actually has a lot of bearing on these 2.  Rex is a snub nose powerhouse while spino is a long snout.  You want to discredit a fight from scientists that input true accurate info into an unbias computer which generated the fight?  Exactly where is the rex gonna put its maw on the spino to 1 hit it?  How is the rex gonna get its mouth on it when getting swatted by big claw arms and a larger mouth capable of clamping on the rex's?  The spino weighs more by over 4000pounds and therefore is perfectly capable of knocking the rex over which would be it.  The rex cant get back up.  A simple tank rush which its capable of would end it from the start.  Rex is liable to go high and have its mouth clamped by the spinos or swatted aside from it hands.

  11. On March 23, 2018 at 9:18 AM, Lockjaw said:

    The fight in JP3 was incredibly unrealistic. Spino would have been dead in the first bite, and with or without longer arms it just wouldn't have been that easy to break the Rex's thick neck. Spino is primarily built to catch bite-sized fish, not take down other towering predators on land like he did in the movie. (A little off topic, but I think it's canon now that the Rex from JP3 was a sub-adult.  It's been known for a long time that that Rex was unusually small at only 37 feet long. You can even see this if you look at Rexy's size compared to the Spino skeleton that she smashed through in JW. That being said, Spinos in real life were still the longest predators on land.)

    And realism aside, it's just an obvious imbalance if Spino beats Rex in a fight or even matches him. This essentially leaves you with a Rex that can't swim and do Spino things or a 'Rex' that can.

    Now that you mention it i have noticed that the rex was rather small looking in that movie.  Regardless tho, the poor spino has been unloved for so long that it dont bother me to see him kicking butt.  The rex overshadows everything, even the giga, now we have some actual compition and i think it spices it up.  And real life skeletons show the spino was most likely several tons heavier then a rex, longer also means if it stood up it would be taller.  You ever watch salt croc vs great white?  The shark has more power in the bite but the croc has range.  The croc dominated the fight til it needed oxygen, a problem that wouldnt happen for the spino vs rex.  Also pointing out the shark has a weight advantage which the spino would have here.  Throwing a couple tons of extra weight and height leverage into it would snap just about anything, including a neck.  The croc in the fight dominated due to its range allowing it to attack and effectively counter yhe stubby shark mouth.  the same could easily replicate with a larger spino with range and arm leverage vs a rex, with the rex never getting a hit in.  I say larger because the spino is larger and heavier, look it up.  Finally the tyrannosaur in ark isnt the bulky rex, the dossier even says so, so its likely the real rex could thrash the ark rex, then the real rex vs the spino is highly in the spinos favor due to real life science experiments and facts that ive stated along with actually comparison of modern animals abilities and behavior.

  12. 1 hour ago, Grerook said:

    I know that you said that you weren’t gonna do more tlc passes in a time but please update the monkey.

    and what you did with all the tlc has been great but maybe you make the spino a little to overpowered, it wins against a trex now.

    aside of that good job, best game ever

    Have you watched JP3?  Have you seen the size difference or the utility difference between their abilities.  Spinos are supposed to whoop rex hind ends.  That was an unrealistic problem that is now corrected.

  13. On March 20, 2018 at 6:03 PM, GP said:

    Plucking a number of 600 out of thin air is pointless. They said there would be fixes in the TLC #2 and there were fixes. You can say the same thing here or Reddit, but it doesn't change the fact you are complaining about no fixes when there were fixes and throwing around a random number of 600 like a lunatic.

    Its when we hear bug fixes we instantly think about the 1s that really matter.  Frankly since aberrations release the few bug patches we had had fixes for problems ive never even seen.  Id like seeing fixes to things that are more important or more common, things that actually need fixed now.  And im pretty sure if i called someone a lunatic id get warned and my post deleted.  In the past ive said something far nicer to someone and my post was deleted and i was warned, for 0 points thankfully.  I believe the rules cleary state insults and inflaming statements are not allowed on these forums.  Kinda like how we arnt allowed to have inappropriate language but theres a moderator (JoeB) whos name basically means...Well we all know what it means lol.  Note that im not saying your argument is wrong, 600 is a random number, could be close tho lol.

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