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Posts posted by Onimusha759

  1. 2 hours ago, Silk said:

    They LITERALLY created Ark.  So to say it's popular despite them is seriously disingenuous.

    They may of came up with the idea(w8 didnt we hear they stole the idea somewhere and got into a legal problem wen they 1st started ark?  Im not 100% certain but im pretty sure thats true), but they screwed it up massively.  Take the exact same ideas and give it to capcom, bethesda, square enix, or ubisoft and the game would be functioning evn better then it is now with probably evn more goods.  Wc limit and destroy their own game evry day.  The only reason the game is alive at all is bc the idea is so amazing.  So yes ark is popular despite wc and survives despite a team that doesn't know how to handle it.  Those who know me may remember this, ima quote walter from fable3, "Smart enough to use magic, not smart enough to wear their pants rightway forward.  Explain that."

  2. Im more ticked about the effects of the last update...It shreds the usefulness for all the highend tames of extinction.  U tamed a titan, good job, to bad its absolutely worthless now tht it takes 5x dmg to from wild 1s.  The managarmr is extinctions dragon, but unlike abb this map is open to fliers, but instead of the extinction dragon being given tht lil wiggle room ovr the rockdrake they decide that this already stamina challenged dino needs to hv its stamina usage while it flies to b increased further.  I hvnt got to tame any of these yet and im so darn bummed to hear from YT tht the managarmr has stamina issues and thn wc decides to nerf it further ontop of tht.  Im so bummed about these creatures.  It of been btr just to hav a 5th wyvern type and just ignore titan taming in general.  Darn things r already temporary as it is, thn u take the main use for 2 of them away...

  3. On 9/19/2018 at 3:30 PM, Myosapien said:

    Thanks for clearing that up. And yes, saying the tek variant is more powerful is slightly misleading. You wouldn't believe how many I've seen essentially retiring their regular lines to start fresh with tek. I guess when it comes down to it, the tek variant is more of a trophy dino since there's no real added advantage. I must have got lucky with the stats on my tek rexes taming at 3k higher health and 30 higher melee without breeding compared to my best hatches after 6 months of breeding before imprint at 11k health and 374 melee and I only spent 2 weeks looking for them. 

    Edit: for clarification, 6 months of breeding the regular rexes I've yet to see an increase in the hatched health and melee whereas after spending a couple weeks taming tek rexes I get the higher stats. To me, any rex hatching at 9k health and 300 or more melee is boss fight potential so to get the tek variant with an immediate 14k health and 400+ melee was the reason I viewed a release of tek Quetz and Giga being too OP. However those 2 tames are more rare to tame with 100% effectiveness let alone breed with full imprint compared to rex anyway so I guess the rarity would balance out any potential for being too OP. 

    I dnt tame any dino i intend to breed unless it has 30+ points in hp or dmg.  Thats 250% or more dmg b4 its tamed.  Perfect taming adds 74 to a 150 so the average stat gain b close to 10 levels per stat so 300% after tame without factoring the bonuses yet.  The add bonus adds 7 to make it 307% and thn the rex gets a multiply bonus that dus x1.14 to the 307% which comes to 349.9% on tame.  That'll b slightly lower since TE percentage effects the multiply bonus.  If bred the baby will get the full 349.9 as long as it gets that parents stat.  Thn u factor the 25% bonus a 100% imprint wud give and ur looking at 437.4% dmg without any mutations.  That sed im not 100% certain about the rex multiply bonus, its either x1.14 ot x1.07.  Still on center getting a rex with wat i described is pretty easy.  4 day searching at max if ur hving bad luck lol.

  4. 20 hours ago, TankH said:

    Tek parasaur has to be the WORST addition. We've been waiting on the Tek Giga for ages. Now PvP'ers won't even have time to work on lines for it because we have to handle fighting over extinction map. I swear devs don't care for PvP. All the mods, etc, always for pve.

    The entire game is pvp focused and every nerf that hits us hrd is pvp focused bcus the lil girls on pvp cry a lot.  It wudnt b a problem if ppl on pvp werent all schoolyard bullies picking on each other or acting lik a spoiled brat watching the other kid build a castle with his blocks and thn running over and kicking it down.  Pvp in general is just bad blood and ill feelings, any1 who actually openly enjoys destroying others hrd work is saying, hey im a D head irl lol.  That said i agree the parasaur was the worst choice ever.  Theres no point in a tek version with btr lvls bcus it dsnt rly gain anything from it.  Extra hp, y it cnt fight, extra dmg, it still cnt fight, wild speed dnt help, oxygen, it cnt swim worth a darn, stamina, it dsnt need anymore.


    20 hours ago, rororoxor said:

    prob not cuz theres already a bionic skin

    U do realize every tek dino they released has a bionic skin already?  Rex is a trophy reward, stego, raptor and parasaur are buyable lil skins from the store.  WC is only releasing already existing tek/bionic dinos.  That said trike, giga, mosa, quetz should all b on the list too since they all hv bionic skins.

  5. 10 hours ago, TinyHippo said:

    I can still hope.

    Seriously though, there's no way WC won't have Extinction out by christmas. No way at all that they're going to miss out on those sales. WW3 could break out and they'd still have Extinction out in time.

    The biggest delay we can get is less than 2 months.

    Im only speculating but im fairly sure the players who actually gv a crap still already own a pass so extinction is free for us when its released, wc already has their money.  And if i was money focused lik wc seems to be, id wait til after the holidays so i wudnt hv to worry about gving any special holiday deals for my new money maker.  Id want to charge full price.  Since they already hv their money its not rly a priority to push the content lol.

  6. 2 hours ago, Nch1418 said:

    I don't mean to be overly critical, but when these crunches are supposed to be giving us current news with the game, recapping livestreams and announcing modding contests is not my idea, or many other people's idea for that matter, of news. Extinction is still 2 months away and there's still barely any news on that. The last Digest Q&A didn't really answer any real questions that couldn't be answered by literally anyone. And what is the deal with this Atlas? Is it some new game or a DLC for Ark or a total conversion? There have been no details regarding that and no one has any real details on it. Why isn't anyone answering any serious questions? Why can't we get real answers to real questions? Not all the incessant questions about S+ and all that stuff, but details on the final DLC we've been waiting for literally months and other things that actually matter.


    47 minutes ago, Atlantis said:

    I agree!

    But for me it's ONLY two months away and we haven't seen any ingame stuff (except for a very short demo (was probably rendered not actually ingame)).

    Lets not kid ourselves, the ai for the rex was impossible for wc to pull of, def not real footage.  And if anyone actually believes extinction is coming in 2018 they need slapped lol.  We know by now every single big update, especially map/dlc gets a month plus setback.  Rag and aberration prove that.  Extinction will likely b in January, mayb February lol

    • Like 1
  7. 20 hours ago, Torja said:

    Content isn't always new dinos. Contrary to what the devs apparently think, we would rather know about what bugfixes are being worked on ahead of time or what they have in the pipeline for the next update. instead we get the same stupid mod contest and no idea what is going on.

    Just once i'd like to see something like the riot progress bar or behind the scenes runescape posts here. "this month we're working on x, x and possibly trying to get x out." "We've been working hard on a new tier of x for ark and heres how far we've gotten. next stage is x"

    we're passionate about the game. we want to know what ya'll are up to.

    I agree this would be a great idea.

  8. 8 minutes ago, ChinaLuke said:

    But you forgot, the key thing in ARK on the server.

    I could even buy a giant tribe on any map to make it my property, even through the real world's money.

    But that misses the point.

    I care more about what I can get on the map. I got some friends, a strange community.

    I think anyone who has worked in ARK for three years knows the contradictions between Chinese and other RACES, but I and my Australian friends have created a unique community. 33

    That community is a miracle, and even the worst Chinese can live in peace with Pve33. This is real wealth, a good start. That's what the community server is you can get and we're all dependent on each other because of the server.

    I wasnt really saying anything against the chinese, tho they can be real cheating A Holes.  I was referencing the scandal with TEA and WC obviously giving favortism to them.

    A game should be just as rewarding on SP as it is online, thats what games started as and we all play for the individual.  All this said it seems you completely missed the point of my last post.

  9. On May 18, 2018 at 1:44 AM, Torja said:

    You guys really need a roadmap or an "on the horizon" section. i know i'll get flak for saying this, but look to the runescape community management for content release. set realistic goals and let us know DILO is going on. this content drought kills games. learn from other's mistakes.

    Runescape doesnt have bugs coming out the ears either.  We have years worth of content available rn.  More then just about any other game, the bugs are the problem.  I dont get how people keep screaming they need new content, is it just greed, or low attention spans?  Theres 5 maps that take months per map to conquer separately, theres build your own map, and when you done it all theres do it again in primitive mode.  And thats all just from an SP standpoint, then theres doing all of it again online...Theres no real need for new content atm.  The problems driving people away are, corruption like with Tea/WC/Snail, the evil super bugs that were ignored like the ascension bug wiping your entire progress(which was ignored for a year and is just now being addressed), transfer issues killing/deleting tames between servers or just warping to boss fights(And then the pathetic joke of the support you get when these bugs happen and completely haults/destroys your progress).  I as 1 person could give better support to an entire server using my ps4 and console commands then what the GMs do for 1 person and thats just pathetic.  The proof is in Egors topic ENTIRE BOSS TEAM (REXES AND YUTTI) LOST IN TELEPORT

  10. On May 15, 2018 at 8:39 AM, GP said:

    Play as a Dino, i.e. Primal Survival ceased development a long time ago, that was known ages ago that it had stopped.

    So many people every week complain that there is no breeding event, then when there is a breeding event people complain that it is only 1.5x instead of 2x and then people complain it wasn't long enough when usually Evo Events only last Fri to Mon anyway. This is a good example of people never being happy with whatever they are given.

    I get what your saying GP, even at 1.5x 3 days should be enough to raise anything right?  So ya, hes just grumpy for no reason lol.  I do have to agree that they should complete the base task before moving on to other things tho.  Heck the base task is still unfinished and will be considered that way til the major bugs of island are fixed.

  11. 5 minutes ago, GP said:

    Read the PC Patch Notes. I'm not going to spoon feed you.

    Wasnt expecting you to, you could of posted the link like you usually do

    Really, a facepalm, all i wanted was a link dude.  Dump out your cheerios if someone peed in em and get a new bowl.  Anyone else ask a question like that and youd link it and no ill feelings, but me you have to show your hind end huh.  Typical moderator.

    • Facepalm 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, GP said:

    There's been weekly bug fixes every since TLC 2 dropped. There was only one week skipped, but besides that there have been weekly bug fixes.

    Like what?  I haven't got any downloads except tlc2.  I haven't noticed any changes nor seen any reports of it.  The changelog doesnt say anything new and i haven't seen any notes on these fixes.  Even if there has been fixes they arnt big 1s, the 1s ign or GI would criticise heavily.  The 1s like i mentioned that affect extremely important parts of the game.  The 1s other companies would jump on as soon as they were found...

    • Facepalm 1
  13. Still waiting for the bug fixes you guys promised.  Theres no word on the crunches about what your fixing.  @Jatheish @Jen lets not forget the games main story is broken.  The skylord artifact doesnt spawn on the island outside of official servers and the whole bug that wipes all your data when you ascend is still a thing.  Transferring is also a core element of the game and since it can flat out delete your uploaded dino on download its kind of a big deal/important broken thing.  Heres hoping you keep your promise.

  14. 1 hour ago, GP said:

    Yes but the OP was posted December 2016. Rocks were dropped to 1 last year. This OP is extremely old.

    Ok see i joined a lil over a year ago.  So your telling me the rates used to be half for harvesting and taming...Dang i thought people on official had no lives now, just dang lol.

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