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Posts posted by Onimusha759

  1. Let me explain this better for you @Joebl0w13.  I got on wednesday night.  I used an account ive used before with previous events with no issue before with those events.  The turkey trial logo was not there.  The cooking pot had no holiday stuff in it.  The event was off.  That or there was some sort of bug, regardless the content was unavailable.  I wasnt able to come on then, so i posted about it today.  Im just curious if anyone else experienced it.  Now forgive me if im wrong, but doesnt wc usually say in their crunches that updates drop at a certain time in pacific time?  Pacific time is 3hrs behind eastern.  I noticed this because whenever they say 1pm its around 4pm that it drops here.  So if they do things by pacific time, than at 10 or 11pm my time its only 7 or 8pm in their time.  So the event should of still been on at that time, and it wasnt for me.

  2. 5 hours ago, GP said:

    I think you'll find you are on the 10th December. Hardly any of the planet is still on the 9th.

    Apparently theres no edit option anymore for your posts.  Sorry for the double post.  Considering when i wrote my 1st post and the fact the timezone line(I forget the official name for it) that ends and starts the zone cycle is just west of Alaska, nowhere was it the 9th at that time XD.

    Sorry for the confusion, i should of said here i was instead of am.

  3. 45 minutes ago, GreenRoc said:

    Have you tried mating tames? I got three box of chocolates from about a dozen matings.

    I need valentine candies too, not just chocolates.  Thats new and only way mentioned was fishing coelacanth.  Plus theres 6 new chibis tht im assuming only fishing will give.

    I just wiped the map and iv found a coelacanth with hearts above its head.  Idk if it only appears with da rod out or not but this has to b da holiday fish.

  4. 2 minutes ago, GreenRoc said:

    Does game launch option -vday work? I have it on mine for years.
    I havent checked for this event specifically if it is working, not yet anyways.

    Im playing sp and the items r appearing in the pot, but my fishing, which is the only thing they advertised that  can get you holiday stuff, hasnt given me anything holidaywise.

  5. This event is royally pissing me off.  Between having no F'n idea where raptor azz is gonna be and his music misleading you, it F'n rains or gets foggy every damn night, the presents despawn to damn fast, and the presents cant hardly be seen for the F'n environment because they dont have a beacon like any other thing thats like this.  So im missing presents because of bs after waiting Flike half a damn hour or more to get repeats when all i want to do is get this over with so i can play dragons dogma.  A beacon would help so darn much.

  6. 13 hours ago, WafflePancake said:

    You can upload a character yes, but you cannot download the character on another map. So, if you were trying to transfer to another map you can put your character in the obelisk on say, the Island, then go to Scorched Earth and hit the 'download survvor' button, you won't be able to, because downloads are disabled.

    And Uploading and Ascending are two different things. You UPLOAD to, as stated, transfer to another map. 

    ASCENDING happens when you beat Overseer, Rockwell, or King Titan. However the Ascension is purely in the cut-scene. After beating Overseer on the Island, the game doesn't automatically transfer your character to Scorched Earth. You beat Overseer, the cut-scene and credits roll, then you log back in and you are at the respawn screen where it's asking you to choose what bed you'd like to spawn at. Once you're ready, you then go to an obelisk/drop and UPLOAD your character, then log out,head to scorched and click the 'download survivor' button.

    The reason console players have to do those steps to Ascend properly is because the console version is codes wrong and it deletes characters for...reasons...but for some reason following those steps prevents deletion.

    Thats what confused me because it auto uploads you after the boss fight.  It made no sense that blocking downloads, especially when you can still upload yourself, blocks the upload on ascension.  To read it it sounds  like bs, but it actually works lol, and thx again.

  7. On 11/6/2019 at 10:29 AM, WafflePancake said:

    You need to check the 'No Survivor DOWNLOAD' button. (I'll post a pic of that below)


    Your character cannot upload if it isn't possible to download it again. So by checking that box you are essentially making it IMPOSSIBLE to leave the map, until you uncheck that box again.

    You seem to be the ONLY person who has so much trouble understanding this. When I first came to this site and found those instructions, I followed the steps and was able to beat Overseer and not lose my character, FIRST TRY. Since then, whenever I see someone complain about the Ascension glitch, I post those steps for them and I have yet to have someone tell me it didn't work.

    Go into Ark, one of the three maps, Island, Aberration, or Extinction, create a new throwaway character, then follow the steps (you don't need to do the constant saving and quitting, I'll admit that's a superfluous step, but I do it just to make sure it saves the changes). Once you have the new character created and are ready, do the Ascension cheat (or spawn in the necessary items and go into god mode to fight the boss). Then you can test it out.

    As I stated before, it's not as hard as you're making it out to be.


    No, i understand your steps.  I get that, im skeptical of wasting my time.  See even with  those checked u can upload your character and dinos at obs ect.  So im skeptical of how it would work when uploads are still enabled and work with those settings checked.  That said i have tested this and for ascension type boss battles this does work exactly as u say, makes no sense, but its 100% effective.  Im sorry for giving u a hard time, you never know whos bs'ing you.  It was nnothing personal, just skepticism.  Thanks for this, i recommend you create a thread for this.

  8. On 11/2/2019 at 4:48 PM, WafflePancake said:

    They may not have fixed that, but there is legit workaround for it. I've done this several times and never lost a character.



    There is no upload option, just download and from what i read online checking these boxes doesnt disable uploads.

  9. 13 hours ago, WafflePancake said:

    Ok, first off, it's not MY steps, I didn't create those steps, someone else did and posted them on this site. The name of the user who created it is in that picture I posted. If you need more info about it, contact him.

    Secondly. THE. CHARACTER. DOES. NOT. UPLOAD. Turning off uploads on the settings screen does not allow for a character to be taken off the map.

    You go in, you beat the boss, whether it's Overseer, Rockwell, or King Titan. After beating them the cinematic and/or credits play. You return to the home screen and then log back in. Upon log in, you are still on the same map. On the screen where it's asking you to choose which bed to spawn at. Spawn at your bed, then go down to where your dinos are waiting and collect your dinos and the items you should have put in the dinos inventory.

     I swear this is not as difficult as your making it out to be. I have done this method, as I stated, for Overseer, Rockwell, and King Titan SEVERAL TIMES and it has never failed.

    I mentioned the possibility of the uplload not happening 2 posts ago.  You did not agree with it or elaborate on that point at all.


    On 11/2/2019 at 4:58 PM, Onimusha759 said:

    That seems like over kill considering the upload is what causes the deletion and the only bosses that upload are rockwell and overseer.  Theres 0 risk with BM, Mega, Mant, and Dragon.  Also what would happen to you if you turn off uploads/downloads and the game tries to force upload you during ascension?  To me it seems like it would drop you outside the cave with your tames where it couldnt upload you or completely break the ascension in another way.  Of course ascension might hard override your server settings and force an upload regardless.  That would break the steps in this process.

    Did you address whether the upload would happen or not?  No.  You just said you pick a bed which makes no darn sense if you dont know how the game will actually react in that situation.  This is something most od uf haven't seen.  You did not elaborate in how the process worked.  Of course im going to ask questions, considering the risk and the odd counter its completely logical to.  You said pick a bed.  When do we pick beds?  When we have a downloaded character or when we die.  I ascended, am i dead?  I dont think so.  So that means logically id think of the standard download/creation window.  You saying pick a bed pointed at the upload happening.    Notice i asked a question asking what would happen.  I threw a statement afterwards it might force upload anyways.  You elaborated on none of that and im forced to use what i do know about ascension to fill in the blank.  You dont want someone to ask questions then properly explain.  That said i do thank you for the info.  I do see how it would work and helping circulate a work around is obviously good of you.  Ill be sure to try this.

  10. 18 minutes ago, AcyanidePancake said:

    i missed the stream since i was at work. really wanted to see it so is there any place i can go to watch a recording???

    I know YT has some of it and on the forums main page they have links to the posts in the news feed.

  11. On 11/3/2019 at 9:00 PM, WafflePancake said:

    I only use it for Overseer, Rockwell and King Titan. And for all of them, after beating the boss, you get the respawn screen asking you to choose which bed you want to spawn at. For Overseer, your dinos are teleported to outside the entrance of the Tek cave. For Rockwell, your dinos are teleported to the far end of the portal in the portal area. For Extinction, your dinos are waiting near the king Titan platform.

    I have done this method several times on both singleplayer and on a server and it has worked.

    And upon ascension your character is removed from the map.  You cannot spawn at a bed when you dont even have a character and are being asked to create/download 1.  You have to download your ascended player, which by that point would be deleted by the upload.  Also if you have downloads turned off you wouldnt be able to access your old, now ascended, character or anything that onced belonged to that character, including beds.  Maybe im missing something in your steps but from what im reading its contradictory.

  12. This event blows.  The videos linked on the forums main page to the reveal videos wont even load.  Videos buffering without even having anything to buffer yet.  0 out of 0 seconds.  If its got nothing to load why is it buffering indefinitely?

  13. 2 minutes ago, WafflePancake said:

    They may not have fixed that, but there is legit workaround for it. I've done this several times and never lost a character.



    That seems like over kill considering the upload is what causes the deletion and the only bosses that upload are rockwell and overseer.  Theres 0 risk with BM, Mega, Mant, and Dragon.  Also what would happen to you if you turn off uploads/downloads and the game tries to force upload you during ascension?  To me it seems like it would drop you outside the cave with your tames where it couldnt upload you or completely break the ascension in another way.  Of course ascension might hard override your server settings and force an upload regardless.  That would break the steps in this process.

  14. 6 hours ago, Calico45 said:

    I am glad it worked fine for you, but I still lost my character and everything I could find at the time claimed it was a known bug with no official fix.

    May I ask what update you think it was fixed in?

    I have no idea.  Theres been a few patches that have been way to big for the mediocre changes they made.  I think wc is stealth patching some things.  Last year i found that on the center spinos were capping at 140.  I tested it to find that the game was deleting any spino naturally spawning over 140.  Yesterday i found a 150.  As for the ascension bug, its gone back and forth.  There was a moment over a year ago that it was fixed(I believe back then it was even in the notes and then later edited out).  Another patch, possibly aberration's release, rebroke it.  Its possible fear evolved or the 'small' HLNA patch broke it again.  Ill have to test it again and see.  Thx for the warning.

  15. 37 minutes ago, Calico45 said:

    Not on PS4, I am afraid. I lost mine ascending on the Island map October 7th. I had not known about the bug before then, but then found out it was a pretty well known one with the closest thing to a workaround being a series of steps to save in-between in preparation for the crash that happens.

    Im on ps4 and tested both rockwell and tek cave about 2 months ago.  Iv lost my data 2 times to this bug, so i know how painful it is.  Im very anal about this bug and everything worked fine for me; 1st time in over a year.

  16. 40 minutes ago, Calico45 said:

    I did not expect these elements when I bought the game, but when I joined the bandwagon Ark was pretty solidified in its formula in my opinion. I would not mind your suggestions and I agree it would give single player, small coop, and PVE especially more depth. Imagine the better social interactions available to modders and players once they had to be coded into NPCs, like trade/shop menus/interactions. However, I would honestly want to focus on something more attune, though more helpful, to the thralls in Conan Exiles. Maybe not their exact taming aspect, but as grindy as Ark can be I would love some helpers. I know you can do that with creatures to some degree, but be able to tells NPCs to craft, gather, and best of all feed the newborns while I am off doing something else would be great. Since they are not adopting some of the more convenient aspects of the S+ mod, I would love to see the possibility of it become official in something like this. Even just seeing other survivor NPCs struggling in the wild would be somewhat interesting and dynamic without any greater interactions, with an AI similar to other creatures. I do not expect it by any means, though.

    If you played c&c or AoE then you know the npcs start from scratch like you.  That means it goes without saying they build, tame, breed, ect.  I was also thinking of having npcs on ur side doing the same.

  17. On 11/1/2019 at 9:33 PM, Calico45 said:

    I like the idea of city management in Ark, but I personally need it to be on a small-ish scale. It breaks up the survival theme a bit, which can be good and can be bad. I would be open in getting more elements in this same vein into basic Ark, I would especially love a small family aspect, but I don't expect it and would assume it would be considered contrary to current/past goals of development.

    As fun as Ark is, it does feel weird in single player/small coop sometimes while reading the lore in the explorer notes and just being alone with the creatures. I know it could be a way to encourage multiplayer, but surely I am not the only one that likes the idea of seeing other "people" without the multiplayer problems. Kind of like the thralls from Conan Exiles.

    Great job on the mod, though. I bet it was a lot of work.

    I originally thought ark would have currency, human npcs and cities when i 1st bought it.  The SE trailer where u walk into a city and a guy tries to sell u a jerboa is deceiving.  Frankly id love some command and conquer coding in the game.  Have npcs build strongholds and defenses.  Have npcs want to ally and trade with you like in age of empires.  Have npcs try to raid you.  It would add a lot of depth to SP as well as bring a use to raid dinos and (Anti)raid items.  "congratz, u busted your balls to get to lvl99.  Heres a rocket turret."  "ya, no.  I dont need that.  What a waste."

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