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  1. Me and my 7yr old son really enjoyed this event. The chance to dig up bones to make special skins, coupled with the chance to grab blue prints rather than getting beaten to the dessert drops or regular drops was great. Each time he found one of those glowing piles on the ground he would get quite excited at what skin he would craft next or whether he would get a really good blueprint. Wil you be doing anything similar in the future?
  2. Went to collect sap on my Ptera, on the return flight I escaped a Poison Wyvern only to bank around a rock and fly straight into a Wild GiGa…..RIP! Had previously been chasing trolls with a Parasaur only to find that lag had tricked me when adjusting my alert settings, subsequently there was me and a couple of members of the Alpha tribe running around a cave looking for trolls while my Parasaur was showing wild Piranha,,,,,,NOOB! lol
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