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About Xenithar

  • Birthday 06/13/1980

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  1. I posted an old version of this script a few years ago (2019?) to share with other admins my method of discovering engrams so I can block newer ones on older servers. For example, I could block the entire tek tier and everything from newer maps and have an original Island map for greater challenge. This script will find all built-in engrams as well as any for any mods you specify and generate a text-file for every core map and mod with the hiding code in-place. You simply copy the lines containing the engrams/items you want blocked on your server to your servers game.ini file and you're done. This is a simple batch file so while it will not work on a Linux server, you CAN run it on your Windows game client to get the code and all, then copy/paste to your server as needed. @ECHO OFF REM Ark Engrams Discovery Batch File REM By: The Great Sephiroth REM (c) 2020-2023 REM Feel free to distribute or modify this file to suit your needs! REM Common, popular mod IDs REM Eco Trees - 670764308 REM Platforms Plus - 719928795 REM Snappy Saddles - 725398419 REM Structures Plus - 731604991 REM Eco RP Decor - 741203089 REM Eco Garden Decor - 880871931 REM Classic Flyers - 895711211 REM Fused Troughs - 1342152255 REM Additional Lighting - 1380777369 REM Set this to the mod ID you want engrams for SET MODID=731604991 REM Set this to your Ark content folder SET GAME=E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Content REM See if a mod ID was specified on the command-line IF "%1"=="" ( IF "%MODID%"=="" ( ECHO No mod ID has been configured and one was not specified on the command-line! EXIT /B 1 ) ECHO No mod ID specified, using the configured mod ID... ) ELSE ( ECHO Using mod ID from the command-line... SET MODID=%1 ) REM Set the full mod path or use core engrams IF "%1"=="-1" ( ECHO Outputting all core game engrams... REM Output the core game engrams SET MODDIR=%GAME%\PrimalEarth\CoreBlueprints\Engrams SET MODID=CoreArk CALL :FUNC_GETENGRAMS REM Output the primitive plus engrams SET MODDIR=%GAME%\Mods\111111111 SET MODID=CorePrimPlus CALL :FUNC_GETENGRAMS REM Output Scorched Earth engrams SET MODDIR=%GAME%\ScorchedEarth SET MODID=CoreScorched CALL :FUNC_GETENGRAMS REM Output Aberration engrams SET MODDIR=%GAME%\Aberration SET MODID=CoreAberration CALL :FUNC_GETENGRAMS REM Output Extinction engrams SET MODDIR=%GAME%\Extinction SET MODID=CoreExtinct CALL :FUNC_GETENGRAMS REM Output Genesis engrams SET MODDIR=%GAME%\Genesis SET MODID=CoreGenesis CALL :FUNC_GETENGRAMS REM Output Genesis 2 engrams SET MODDIR=%GAME%\Genesis2 SET MODID=CoreGenesis2 CALL :FUNC_GETENGRAMS REM Output Lost Island engrams SET MODDIR=%GAME%\LostIsland SET MODID=CoreLostIsland CALL :FUNC_GETENGRAMS REM Output Fjordur engrams SET MODDIR=%GAME%\Fjordur SET MODID=CoreFjordur CALL :FUNC_GETENGRAMS ) ELSE ( ECHO Attempting to get engrams for mod ID %MODID%... REM Attempt to process the specified or configured mod SET MODDIR=%GAME%\Mods\%MODID% CALL :FUNC_GETENGRAMS ) REM Exit the batch file EXIT /B %ERRORLEVEL% REM Function to get all engrams from the configure mod directory :FUNC_GETENGRAMS REM Verify the full path exists IF NOT EXIST %MODDIR% ( ECHO The specified mod directory does not exist! You may not have the mod specified, ECHO or you may not have all of the expansions installed. ECHO The full path is listed below. ECHO. ECHO %MODDIR% EXIT /B 2 ) REM Delete existing output files if they exist IF EXIST %MODID%-temp.txt DEL %MODID%-temp.txt IF EXIST %MODID%.txt DEL %MODID%.txt REM Loop through recursively and store the engram entries FOR /R %MODDIR% %%F IN (EngramEntry*) DO ( ECHO OverrideNamedEngramEntries0=^(EngramClassName="%%~nF_C",EngramHidden=true^) >> %MODID%-temp.txt ) REM Sort the output alphabetically SORT %MODID%-temp.txt > %MODID%.txt REM Remove the temporary file and return DEL %MODID%-temp.txt EXIT /B 0 The file is attached to this post. Enjoy! Engrams.bat
  2. I know the reworks add detail and what-not, but after playing the game since EA, I think I'll actually miss the old models. Any chance of them surviving somehow? Maybe as a mod or "low detail" option? I already miss the original sounds (dilos were so cute back then!) and would hate to lose the models also, though only for nostalgic reasons. The new ones do look great.
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