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  1. I completely agree this map has so much potential the whole concept of this map has so much potential. They could have made it to where not only that there is dinosaurs being corrupted but also make it to where the player is corrupted and they have to constantly worry about the corruption getting too much also wearing about their dinosaur's gaining too much corruption, make the Wasteland have like some type of Spore that gives you corruption and overtime you have to start curing Yourself by finding stuff if not the corruption seems to proceed in your system and you have to use stasis pods and other means with the chemical bench to help you prolong it and make the final cure the bosses the alpha boss will give you like the full and final cure. Meet the game not so heavily dependent on the mech suits because let's be honest the mech suits suck, their blasters are completely inaccurate every single time the overheat function makes it completely not so mobile as it supposed to feel, not only that but the modules are so terrible there's no point in spending the resources to even get it and then you have to waste so many resources just to make the mega mac that only does two type of attacks maybe even three on occasion. I don't even want to mention the fact that the mech suits have no interface when you go into first person mode you don't get make a signal of how much your Shields are in stuff like that, no AI I mean I was hoping for at least a voice saying "warning Health at 32%" and then some like beeping sounds but not even hella subnautica can do it there should be no excuse why you couldn't take time to implement that, not only that but they can't even protect themselves because they're set on passive mode automatically and you can't change . All these creatures that you added in extinction they have so much potential but they're wasted because you all thought and we're focused around water when the map barely has any water literally these creatures run completely terrible you try to use the Magnagarmr to get around and it's just terrible because you can't do it it's meant for ocean you take it to the ark map and then it's running and working perfectly fine the only one that seems to work good is the velanasour and the snow owl but even then it feels like their potential is shortened. The snowy owls could have had this cool attack wear that if they're flying in the sky they can shoot down icicles out of their wings or something like the vilanasour but icicles because let's be honest the snowy owl is a great preacher but it's limited because it can literally do little to no damage it's thermal vision is kind of useless on this map there's no creatures that hide themselves besides the rock Drake's. One of the biggest fails that I see in this DLC is at the enforcers and the drones have no module upgrades but the Mac does when the Mac has so crappy upgrades when you really think of the potential that you could add to the enforcer I mean you don't have to give the enforcer a giant Shield make it to where it combines its arms and then it becomes like a riot shield that connects its arms together and then it does like a quake attack and just stands there and turned mode just anytime it gets attacked at just Quakes down on the ground and kills anything make that an upgrade module make an upgrade module where it has like a Tek blade at the end of its tail and it does like a whiplash attack, the drones can be used to transport small items to players. not only is the corruption idea a great way to get players to keep constantly playing to make sure that their Dino stay alive and to make sure that their players stay alive trying to keep them from to corruption it's also great way to introduce more story the story seems to be so fixed about the max but it's not fixed around what's going on with the corruption we know that there's a corruption going on but we don't know what's completely happening in the first place the story seems to separate from the whole reason of why they even created dinosaurs like towards the end you just start to realize that they don't even mention anything about dinosaurs anymore on extinction they just mentioned more and more about these meks and the story and everything just seems to fall apart right there. If you're going to bring technology into a game like Ark you really have to balance it out but also keep it in a way to where it's interesting and doesn't make it seem like it's another game this feels like it's Halo when it doesn't even feel like it's Ark anymore it doesn't seem to go back into its true Roots where it's all about dinos but not only that but it also doesn't feel like we're getting our money's worth out of these creatures and the Mek suits and all this advancement into the game we're not game the full potential here there's so many great ideas parking around you guys got to find a way to connect it all together because right now these are all separate things the corrupted is a separate thing literally feels like has nothing to do with Extinction at this point in the corruption doesn't seem to affect the players or in the corruption doesn't seem to affect the players or any of the dinosaurs in the corruption doesn't seem to affect the players or any of the dinos tamed by the player then what is the point of adding this Cool corruption aspect just to slap shade of purple on these dinos and say that they are threat while they are a very big threat and can do lots of damage it still doesn't feel like the game is offering us anything new feels like a lot of reuse of old materials, some new dinos with less potential then what it could be also New Mexico Foods in all these advancements that lack potential to be what it can be and it just feels like the map completely was unfinished and that's including all the bugs and all the crap that goes on. And I know that you guys need to release content but you guys have mods that you can release maps that you can release I mean there can be so much content in between you guys can release in between even if it's small mods just like primitive Plus just something that can keep us occupied maybe the new maps you don't have to drop the DLC earlier than what it should be because we want to get our money's worth we want to play a fully developed great game and Ark has been that so far but now it's lost that because there's so much unused potential with the game and it causes a big problem in a big gap in the game if you guys want people to come back more and to keep playing your game maybe devise a way to where the player actually has to keep returning to make sure that their player and their Dino survives and that's what the corruption has the potential to be the corruption can be that wait for you can keep getting these players to keep playing the game. Developer I really recommend that you take a step back from your game take a real good look play it for a long while as long as you have two to beat it see how much time you actually wanted to put time into it see how much time you really actually enjoy playing play with a couple of friends Bounce Around ideas but don't release us stuff like this where it has so much potential but then just dies because no one sees the potential and just wants to release it for a new content, so I asked you not only as a player but as a huge fan of wildcard and a true member of Ark since the game first came out take back and look what your game has become and really think of where you want these updates to go through to really progress the game but a while also keeping the game like how you want it to be where you're getting more new consumers and new people coming in.
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